I absolutely love macadamia nuts on keto. I also am a huge fan of macadamia nut cookies. Instead of trying to produce a cookie with macadamia nuts in it, I decided to try to make a cookie out of macadamia nuts. This recipe for a keto macadamia nut cookies is like nothing you’ve ever tasted before, but it is fantastic. These cookies are so high in fat, that I consider them to be a fat bomb!
This Recipe: https://www.blacksheepketo.com/post/keto-macadamia-nut-cookie-recipe
Servings: 6
Macros Per Serving (1 cookie):
Calories: 221
Fat: 22g
Protein: 3g
Net Carbs: 2g
Total Carbs: 12g
Fiber: 2g
Sugar Alcohols: 8g
Recipes can be found at: https://www.blacksheepketo.com
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Video Transcription
what’s going on everybody tom here withblack sheet pedo and welcome to anotherrecipe video just for you subscribersout there and if you’re not a subscriberyet please consider doing so now todaywe’re going to making a keto macadamianut cookie and I’m not talking like amacadamia nut chunk or like a whitechocolate macadamia nut I’m talking acookie made out of macadamia nuts I hadthis idea because I love those whitechocolate macadamia nut cookies and Ilove peanut butter cookies and I figuredhey if I can make a cookie out of peanutbutter why can’t I puree macadamia nutsand do the same thing so with a littlebit of experimenting we were able to doexactly thatso that sounds good you guys hang ontight and let’s get right into therecipe[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]all right everybody welcome to thisrecipe for our delicious keto macadamianut cookies now laid out in front of meright here or all of the ingredients onyour meat going into this so let’s stepthrough them real quick now right herewe have one cup or about six ounces ofwhole macadamia nuts I’ve tried thiswith roasted I’ve tried this with rawthey all seem to work in here I have aquarter cup of Lacan tous granularmonkford sweetener you guys can usewhatever granular sweet you want I justlike LeConte oh the best in here I’vegot 1 egg 1 teaspoon of baking powderand a half a teaspoon of vanilla extractand if your macadamia nuts weren’tsalted you may want to put a pinch ofsalt in there but we’ll take care ofthat a little bit later on so thisrecipe is incredibly easy but the firststep would be to grind our macadamianuts into kind of a paste so we’re gonnause a food processor for this go aheadjust dump in your macadamia nuts andwe’re gonna run this thing on high untilthe macadamia nuts form a nice pastealright I’m not contaminants have formedthis nice paste as you can see in thefood processor right here so now we’reactually just going to pour the rest ofour ingredients in thereI tried mixing the sweetener and thebaking powder separately but to behonest I didn’t notice much of adifference so I’m actually going to dumpeverything in there so we’ve got our 1egg vanilla the baking powder and themonkford sweetener and then once againwe’re just gonna pulse this until adough forms they can see this is comingtogether nicely and it’s pretty muchdone but if you didn’t use saltedmacadamia nuts this would be the time toadd in just a pinch of salt I’m gonnaget that mixed in and then transfer itto a bowl and I’ll catch up with youguys for how we’re gonna bake thisalright guys I am back here and we’vegot a cookie sheet lined with parchmentpaper our cookie dough that we maderight here and then I have a fewmacadamia nuts that I’m actually gonnause as a garnish I haven’t tried thatpart before but I think it’ll be coolfor the photographs so what you’re goingto do is going to divide this dough into6 equal balls on your parchment papernow these things absolutely do not haveto be perfect because they are gonnaspread out quite a bit as they bake butI’m actually once again in the top mindwith just one single macadamia net justto make it look a little bit prettierfor the photos and then these things aregonna go into a 325 degree fahrenheitoven for between 16 and 18 minutesthey’ll just start to turn golden brownwe’re cooking at a lower temperature fora longer time because I find that whenyou use nuts or nut flours to makecookies you really burn the bottom and Ihate the taste and texture that thatcauses so where you drop the temperaturea little bit bake it a little bit longerand the results are much better no oncethese things are done you’re gonna goand pull em out of your oven and letthem cool for about 20 minutes beforeyou touch them otherwise they are gonnafall apart it’s just part of bakingQuito but that guys I’m going to put thefinished product on the screen right nowand then I will catch up with you guysfor the taste test all right everybodynow that you’ve seen the recipe and thefinished product it is time for thetaste test so I have one of my cookiesright here and this thing is justabsolutely gorgeous and they holdtogether surprisingly well for having nobinding agent in there whatsoever butanyway let’s go and give us a taste guysthese things are absolutely deliciousbut I can promise you it is like nothingyou’ve ever tasted in fact I gave yousome least of my friends both keto andnot and everybody’s first opinion waswow that’s delicious what is it and Imade them guess for two to three minutesjust for my own sake of amusement beforeI told them what it was and then theyhad this aha moment but it’s likenothing you’ve ever tasted especially ina cookie but they are absolutelydelicious the texture is perfect they’relight and fluffy you get a little bit ofcrispness on the skin once you’ve letthem cool down a little bit and I thinkit’s just the perfect keto cookieconsidering the macadamia nuts have sucha high fat content now as always therecipe and macros are gonna be linkeddown in the description box and there’sjust one other thing I want to mentionbefore I go if you guys have certainmacadamia nuts and I’ve tried about 6different brands for this but the onesthat you buy in bulk from storessometimes when you break them up in thefood processor they actually don’tproduce as much oil and I’m not reallysure what that is the fats and they’remaybe lower maybe just specific typethat I got but there was one that I gotwhere it didn’t get me that really pastykind of texture from the macadamia nutsif that happens you just want to add alittle bit of cream or water to thin itout a little bit otherwise they’re notgonna spread when you bake and they’rejust gonna stay in a ball shape um andit still tasted fine but if you wantthem to look pretty like this and youhappen to get macadamia nuts that don’twantbreakdown into a pace and they stayreally crumbly go and just add maybe atablespoon or two of water or heavycream to offset that that way you getthis wonderful looking cookie but thatguys I’m going to close to the video ifyou like this video leave it a like ifyou have any questions or comments forme leave them down in the commentsection and if you have not subscribedyet do me a huge favor you guys hit thatsubscribe button show some love and Iwill see you in the next one