Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello guys its own me back with a newvideo today we’re going to be makingchocolate chip cookies so first we’regonna need 1 cup of brown sugar thenwhite one half a cup of white sugar andbutterso half a cup of butterone eggmix it uplaughs and I stirred it good so then youhave flour and baking powder 1 cup ofwait it’s okay to church they keep onecup of baking powder 1 cup of flour andmore than okay then we’re going to mixit upokay so I mixed it all up and then we’regonna put some chocolatesmix it all good so then will you putthis in the fridge yeah okay so thenwe’re gonna turn on the oven to 350Fahrenheit we’re gonna leave it theretill the cookie dough has chilled in thefridge then we’re gonna bring it to thetray then we’re gonna put it before thatwe’re gonna put like oil on it andyou’ll see when it’s on okay so thecookie dough has chilled in the fridgefor 10 minutes so now we’re gonna putsome oil on the tray so the cookiedoesn’t stick on it when we put it inthe ovenokayso then we’re gonna put some cookiedough on here[Music]wait another[Music]okay we’re gonna make this bigger butokay okay so we’re all done putting thecookie dough on the tray then we’regonna put some chocolate chips on thecookies okaythrees enoughand there are some chocolate chipsalready on here like on the top so Imight not put chocolate chips on thereand and you know why it might be alittle small it will expand when you putit in the ovenI’m just gonna put you on here alreadyhuh okay so then we’re gonna put waitthis one sorrythen we’re going to put this in the ovenfor 15 minutes so so we’re all done thecookies and now I have a glass of milkand cookies let me taste usmilk and that’s how you make chocolatehomemade chocolate chip cookies that’show you make homemade chocolate chipcookies