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This is a recipe I wanted to try as soon as I realized Disney World had released it. However, when I checked the ingredients for their plant based chocolate chip cookie fries served at Beaches and Cream Soda Shop, I realized I was allergic to wheat and soy used in the original recipe.
This is why I decided to try their recipe, but make it top 8 allergen free, so those of us who also happen to have allergies to wheat, eggs, dairy, soy, peanuts, and tree nuts can safely eat these chocolate chip cookie fries.
When it comes to baking gluten free dessert, I have experimented with a few gluten free flours and in this video I explain you how you can substitute for the flours depending on the cookie texture you want to get. In my blog post, you can see the written ingredients for this recipe: http://ipinkit.blog/?p=3184
In addition to baking this delicious cookies, I also share how you can make a chocolate and a strawberry dipping sauce to serve with your cookie fries. I can’t wait for you to get creative at home and try this recipe during this quarantine. I know it will become one of your favorite recipes, cause it’s also super easy to make!
This is the recipe to make the strawberry syrup: https://youtu.be/QJPZnRYNUuo
Let me also share the original recipe: https://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2020/03/cooking-up-the-magic-plant-based-cookie-fries-recipe-from-beaches-cream-soda-shop/
Let me know if you have any questions.
#vegancookies #glutenfreecookies #disneycookiefries
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to life in Quettamy name is English welcome to thehappiest and safest place on theinternet today you already read thetitle you see the ears we are makingchocolate chip french fries earlier lastweekend Disney will release the recipethe vegan one so I knew I had to get myhands on this one let me show you theylook extremely realistic righthowever the recipe they share had soyand wheat I am allergic to votes so Imade this recipe without side it withoutweight[Music]with these new recipe says that we needtwo three four cups of all-purpose floursince I’m gluten free I’m going to beusing a blend of flowers first I’m goingto add two cups of oat flour and thenI’m gonna add a 3/4 of a cup of riceflour now I’m going to add half a cup in1 tablespoon of powdered sugar you canliterally see the 1 tablespoon righttheresimilarly I need half a cup in 1tablespoon of vegan butter I honestlycan’t use the UM butter because I’mallergic to the ingredients this hasthis is why I’m gonna sift it through itfor coconut oil once you mix it let itseep in let’s grab a separate Bowl let’sstart by adding 7 tablespoons of warmwater you are gonna need to add 5tablespoons of your egg replacer it ismy recipe uses just egg however I’m alsoallergic to the ingredients this hasthis is why I’m going to be usingapplesauce lastly you need to add 1tablespoon of molasses I don’t have itso I’m actually not allergic to this onebut I’m gonna substituted for 1tablespoon of maple syrup now that youhave your mix you’re gonna add it intoyour pattern this is not at this nextstep however it is a gluten freerequired step when it comes to bakingI’m going to add 1/4 teaspoon of santimgum this is just to thicken my clubotherwise I’m gonna end up with crumblesin this system we were all waiting forlet me add 1/2 a cup of chocolate chipsthese are actually top aide allergenfree when I check the original recipe Igot really excited about this step thishonestly can never have everything ourrecipe requiresyep for this one I did have this aparade in Japan and basically all youneed to do is place your butters here inrefrigerator for 30 minutesall right Thurman’s later in this is howit’s lookinglook this is actually hard look at thatthe recipe says that we need to cut fourinches so I’m gonna use this as my rulerand then it’s asking to cut 16 fries inthis side and 16 fries in this otherside let’s see how much I can do so Ineeded 32 but I actually got 26 so thisis not bad however the fun part is gonnabe getting this out of here I’m gonnause this tray and on top of this trayI’m gonna add this baking sheet so thatway I don’t have to use any oil whileyou’re trying to figure out how to getyour cookie dough out of the tray goahead and pre-heat your oven at 325degrees Fahrenheit the key to get thebest price is for you to leave a spacebetween them so once your oven is readyyou can go ahead and bake these for 20to 25 minutes while you wait for yourcookies to bake you can start makingsome dipping sauces let me show you howto make a chocolate dipping sauce it’slike super simple all I do is that imicrowave a few chocolate chips for 45seconds and then I add my favoriteplant-based milk in this case I actuallyhad some old chocolate milk I hadpreviously made some strawberry syrupbasically this is just strawberries willsugar however I’m gonna leave you in thecart and also in the comment sectionbelow how to make this strawberry syruplook at these beauties they didn’t getburned oh my goodness theseperfect they’re actually really hot sowhat I’m gonna do right now is just letthem cool down for 10 minutes and thenI’m gonna show you how to serve them allright I got my two dipping sauces and Ihave this container however I realizedthat he’s just too tall so that’s whyI’m gonna add these coffee filner canyou believe how realistic they lookhonestly I haven’t tried them yet so I’mvery excited so this is the captcha Imean strawberry syrup right and then Ihave the melted chocolate 12 and if oneof them and it’s time to try it so goodI have no ideathese never oh he’ll be your frenchfries hmm these are perfect the tip Imean the D is really good they’re sogood so that means for you how theytasteI added santim gums so that helpswhenever you’re cooking with gluten-freeflours is going to help you pick in yourdog and it’s actually soft it’s notcrunchy if you wanna make them crunchyjust cook without flour if you want themto be softer then go hitting that soonrice flour it’s gonna make it thateffect mmm no but let’s try with wouldyou strawberry syrupso good I’m a chocolate lover so ofcourse I’m gonna go with the chocolatebut both of them are good oh my gosh I’mexcited I feel like all of you are gonnatry this recipe if you have the sameallergies that I do this recipe is goingto be completely safe for you I usecoconut oil some of you I know that areallergic to coconut oil but you’reallergic to soy so maybe you can addthat vegan butter which is gonna havethe same effect that the coconut oil hasit not if you’re allergic to both keepon trying because I know that you’regoing to be able to make this recipehappen oh my gosh this is excitingahh you guys it’s the best I’m reallyhappy with how they turn outthese make thank you so much for sharingthe recipe with us especially duringthis quarantine you need to bring alittle bit of happiness into your houseso please I feel if you guys can Isubscribe to I think you’re mature youoh you need to do is click this redbutton down your screen make sure thatyou give it a big thumbs up you know soLinnaean comment sections I mean livingin comments in the comment section belowespecially if you have allergies if youwant me to look into a substitute forone of the ingredients that I use Iwould be more than happy to help youwith that and if you let me know thatthis recipe was the best then let meknow I’m going to link in the commentsection below the original recipe fromthis night and then I’m going to link itbelow the recipe that I modified so itcan be completely allergen free I meantop eight free so thank you guys forwatching and I will see you next weekwith a brand new videobye guys[Music]