How to Make a Set of End Grain Cookie Serving boards!!
In this video I will be making two presentation boards. They can also be used as serving boards for nibbles or dips. I used a beach cross section (also known as a wood cookie) to create two pebble like boards. One board is flat and the other has four round dishes in it to hold small bowls, ramekins, candles or anything else you can think of!
Most tools I use (Axminster Tools and Machinery)
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Music: Jazz In Paris – Media Right Productions
#endgraincookie #servingboard #presentationboard
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
so I’m back at it again with anothervideo if you’re enjoying these twice aweek videos and make sure you give thisvideo a like it really helped out thechannel so in this video I’m gonna bedoing another kind of simple build I’vegot this wood cookie that I’ve wanted touse with something for a whileand I’m pretty sure it’s beach it’s gotbeach like grain correct me if I’m wrongin the description but yeah I’m gonnaturn it into a chopping board actuallyno it’s not give me two on board it’sgonna be kind of like a serving tray ora presentation boardI wouldn’t recommend cut-up food on thiswell first of all I didn’t put the rightfinish on also the grain wouldn’t begood and if you were cutting up raw meaton it the juices you know would go downin the cracks and it wouldn’t be goodcross-contamination and I did a bit offood tape for a level yeah while we’reon the topic of chopping boards if youwere gonna make an end grain choppingboard traditionally and growing choppingboards are made out of maple and cherrycuz they have very tight grain you don’twant to use an open grain wood like ashfor an ingrained chopping board becausethose pores and the grain do soak up youknow if you’re cutting up raw meat on itit would suck up those juices and itwouldn’t be healthy cheese you know avery tight grain wood for choppingboards but this isn’t a chopping boardand you know what you just saw me therewas playing this board on a plane ofthickness set now I don’t recommendplaning cookies on the plane I think sobut because this one was so thick and itdidn’t have cracks in it at this momentI was comfortable with doing that if theboard was a lot thinner and had cracksin it wouldn’t be safe running itthrough a thick misser anyway so nowI’ve got the board sanded nicely I founda grey furring that was the widest goingall the way around the board and Itraced around that and then I cut out onthe bandsaw the reason I trim the endsearly on is so that it could fit throughmy planer so the board was slightlythinner than it was at the beginning nowyou’ll notice I have this Bosch orbitalsander which doesn’t have a dust port ithas the bag on the back so I do want toupgrade all my power tools because I gotthem very early on in mywoodworking venture and a lot of thepower tools I have aren’t the trade orprofessional range so a lot the time Ido the sanding I had it outside becauseI don’t want to breathe in the dust soonce that was trimmed I used my beltsander and sanded the edges it is sohandy having an edge sander to do stufflike this and the oscillating functionon it means it lymon AIT’s a lot of thesanding streak marks you would get ifthe belt was just going you know aroundstraight and not going up and down thenyou get much more obvious sanding youknow scratch marks but again I got quitea low grit on that belt sander so I needto do some hand sanding after and nowI’m using my router to add a round overon the edge now this is the router frommy router table so I needed to take itout of there and at this moment I didn’treally know what I was going for becauseI didn’t plan this project I just wantedto make something with the cookie so youcan see it’s actually quite a thickboard which you’ll see what happens toit later so now I’m positioning somecandlesnow these candles we’ve had for quite awhile but hadn’t used them in ages sothey were sitting in the shed and Ithought why not make a kind ofpresentation tray for it and then wemight use them again so they’re all thatdifferent heights kind of creates a nicelittle look and now I made this templateon the lathe I just turned a circle andthat allows me to use a bear and guidedkind of Cove cutting bit so then I canget a nice dish shape in the board sothis would be perfect for ramekins orsmall bowls to go into a little dish orin this case I’m putting the candles inthat kind of dish and I went around withmy trim router with that quarter inchbit to get the curve around the outsideand then I used my half inch router toremove most of the waste in the middlea flat bit now I can actually change thecollet on that big router to have aquarter inch colletbut I didn’t feel like changing it everysecond to go between bits so I just setup my trim router the trim router isn’tthe best thing to use because it has amuch smaller base so I had to be verycareful balancing it on that jig so ifyou were to do this I’d recommend usinga bigger router or changing the colletso that is the chopping board initiallyand yet it doesn’t look that good doesit not that attractive so as you can seethere with my great storytelling sayingthe board is too big and it doesn’t looknice so I thought let’s cut it in halfso be thinner I don’t get two boards sogreat idea Shawn I got my spline cuttingjig and I took off the rails so thenI’ve just got a 90 degree wall to clampthis board to so that’s a much safer wayof doing it then free handing it sousing this jig I can raise the blade upeach time and make a few cuts and I alsoturn the board around so then I’ve got acut all the way around but obviously theblade wasn’t high enough to get in themiddle so I needed to use a hand saw toremove kind of the bit that was stillthere in the middle this took quite abit of time but it was fine in the endthat urban saw has quite coarse teeth sodid cut quite quickly so doing basicallyeverything I did before running itthrough the drum sound again I didn’twant to run it through the thickness itbecause it was quite thin at this pointbut the drum sound it was fine I added around over on the other side so now youkind of get a really nice pebble look toit if you can imagine a pebble you’dpick up to skim across you know a lakethis would be perfect quite flat a nicerounded edges that’s kind of what I’mgoing for here a nice kind of pebblelook serving board and I’m using myspokeshaveto just finish off the middle sectionalso doing a bit of sanding around theedge the whole board was finished to 240grit now I’m using chestnut productssanding sealer which is perfect for ingrainlike this and you won’t believe thegloss I got at the end of this I’ll showyou during the boot shot after applyingthis sand sailer learning it dry I gaveit a bit of a sand and then I usedchestnut product would wax 22 which issuch universal wax is good for it’s goodfor finishing pieces on the lathe andit’s also curedoff the labour work so chopping boardsfurniture chairs tables whatever oneit’s just an all-around good wax so yeahI hope until this build hope you enjoythe bead shots and I’ll see you after totalk to you a bit more about the boards[Music][Music]all right so I hope you enjoyed thatvideo everyone it was quite a simplebuild but I’m really happy with how theycame out I think this candle holder itcould also be a condiments holder whereyou put ramekins or small bowls in it’sjust a nice kind of presentation servingboard and using interesting bits of woodlike wood cookies and wood that you canbuild up yourself is always fun so thatmade it even more enjoyable I hopeyou’re inspired to try this out yourselfif you liked the video make sure yougive it a like if you got any questionsor you just want to chat comment downbelow if you have a friend that might beinterested in this project feel free toshare this video if you haven’t alreadymake sure you subscribe if you want I’mnot gonna force you to do and yeah thankyou for watching and I’ll see you in acouple of days for the next video