I made a Toturial Video of how to make
A easy and yummy buttercookies
For sure you will enjoy This Cursed Video HAHAHAHA
love yah
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Video Transcription
[Music]stop stop stopforget is Batman educanon so and so fortoday’s video is my mother cookies asyou can see I have the ingredients therefrom deletion of that I’m sorryso first things first initial delaysarangi search my body cookies you somuch glad to Coryell can search that inyour sugar so first things first is youneed to put Margaery 1/2 margarin bingowait[Music]can also give gaze of my you rockmarketing at us about the answer shouldme my shampoo talent or some mixture getbrownie mix into her later alligatorso next thing about the dough based onmy greens get outta a mixer mix[Music][Music]next up guys is mallanna – old sugarhere’s the sugar again okay so afterstuff said sugar I need some egg notnickel box I go can I work being a chefStan that’s how you put back see and itmakes photography’s next guys soundercut me leave in Louisville is apeninsula floor on top let me have thelanguage yep next is the map column willeither not elected you can use fordetails[Music]but communism L supplier vanilla extraweightpermit the Dordogne butter cookies so inmixed nests at the Tanisha[Music][Music]thinking what a day right bloom for afurlong[Music][Music]so hopefully you know people okay and ifwe do intruder you know what’s thenicest part of this is dealing moreKalama no oven you just need frying panand there you go okayreturn on emotion burger without oil soyou don’t need open for sure[Music][Music]so guys ask gamified when a mechanic onbutter cookies know very muchI know that it’s very delicious and noton a top cap and class contact me a fewmoments lateroh okay you did good stomp out CEOs youwon’t believe what I didwhat do a Hong Ki head for sure firstbut funny guys that’s Italian have anytofu okay guys clowns in Kiruna so I’mabandoned caricature is[Music]CP[Music]nice[Music]Gate second but shut up ugly job wouldbe denying Khurana Grayson down upon youunderstand engine awesome our gateswe’re all pretty cool I need help nothat’s all for the video guys subscribenext time down shout outthank you very much[Music][Music]