Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi today I’m going to be teaching mySeacrest P for chocolate chip cookies tomake cookiesyou’re gonna need chocolate chipsunsalted butter 2 eggs brown sugar flourand then we’ll extract baking sodakosher salt some pans and three bowlsfirst you should pre-heat your oven to375 degrees after that light your stoveand put in two sticks of butter add oneand a half cups of packed brown sugaradd in your milk butter stir to combineand when you’re done stirring let it sitfor five minutescrack one of your eggs into your bowlcrack your other egg but for this oneyou need to separate the youadd your eggs to the other bowl and thenstir to combine next add in a tablespoonof vanilla extract then you’re gonna addin three cups of flour siftedjust added a 3/4 teaspoon of kosher saltand one teaspoon of baking soda yousorted yes Ohstir that until just combined and in onepackage 12 ounces of chocolate chipsscoop out some cookie dough and put themon your non-stick pan each one beingabout 2 inches apart put the pan intothe oven for about 7 to 10I don’t think those are quite done yeahI’m gonna give them some more timethose look done to me