today we made homemade cookies filled with peanut butter and chocolate spread, so simple and delish, perfect for a lockdown treat!
#howto #baking #cooking #lockdown #uklockdown
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I’m going to a cooking video today in 4k24 frames per second or you cooking somebiscuits a lot of people asking me to domore cooking videos to do more cookingvideos on well guess what we areI’m not doing that video flag AmazonSunday today listen so I hope we make inhazelnut spreadthe Taliban cheap Nutella and peanutbutter cookies 150 grams of the old youput self-raising NATO did they alsopraised the British to the camera lensbeing over there how much sugar we’reputting in hundred grams what’s themattershoes weight issueswhat’s waiting for that there’s new 10IKEA a little bit delivery straight tothe door kind of sleepin any other daynow March butter self raisin 100 gramsof sugar just like that on the nose oneon one didn’t 74 fan got a tray whichhas never been cleaned in his life youdon’t greasy unity are no cuz there’s somuch you just need to use them to coolit’ll be explained in a bit it’s rainingtoday white noise is it rained all dayyesterday so there’s a little bit of acooking video for your baking shall wesay it’s a great Bailey bake-off noyou’re rejecting you jamie oliver’s of aheavy foyer really cool story brotake it away no thank you why’d you tellyou son please[Music]now what we’re doing just push thebutter into the flour and you just keepdoing it until it becomes a date youkinda need your honey for I hate theseal so I just do this cool takes aboutfive minutes five minutesso now I’ll roll it into like a fatsausage a fat sausage yeah you shouldmake six cookies but last time mine andmade five because I made them a bitbigger so you can have them as smaller’sbut you out but the bigger the betterwhen you put in the filling in since youdon’t want it to spill out this is justno telephone no it’s from Australiawinner yeah it was – it was onlyinteractivity Peter of power more so twoof the big ones and it was for one ofNutella so so yeah don’t be a bronzeknob it taste I think it’d be nice rightNo so now sausage yeah nice and you justput it into discs yeah Delia Tonya whatI’m going to do now is I love watchingDelia working back in the day yeah sothis will be excited again but thisone’s a bit smaller so I was keep thisand you’ll see why the end you’re gonnamake a little won anythingno so I’ll show you you’ll see at theend so you’ve got five ish cookies thatneeds ita bit of a topical yes interesting atthe end in a minute when I do but fillin sometimes when you cover it there’s abit back up a gap so you just use thatstuff the gap stuff but yeah cups wecall them indication industry anymore hewrites do you wanna cook othercomplaints OOP look how our good tummieshe’s got a lot what you doing welldaddy’s cooking invokes uh-huh the forceis strong with this oneI’d say like thatjust like a not quite a full teaspoon wecall that a knob in the Cajun industrylike a novel butter we’re putting a knobof Nutella so did you put in peanutbutter as wellI’ll put Vietnam War I don’t want tobring you along with you especially cuzit’s high-protein it’s really nothing[Music]right now our virus in the old tangowith mr. stormtrooper you can come downto[Music]yeah another knob sorry to you yeah dudeso okay babysee done to it knobs to move aroundOh patchwork you hey what’s the mattercoolso patch them up in turbos and theyusually them in the balls anyhownow you’ve not grease the tray here dudeI’m I said jump I highly suggest usingbaking parchment paper or greasing itwith a bit of butter but because ourtray has never been washing this entiresir it’s just kind of like naturalgreasy feel to it so the bisque is justso right off when it could I do have mylevel three hygiene certificate if you’dlike to see you blend the patternespecially old-school frying pans youburn them here to make them nonstick[Music]I think this was actually an onsen panelanyway this is – any anything like thisin this house is one because y’all lookgreat and feet while a brand-new frozenmeats down wasthey all be on there no matter if itseems a little bit does it just lookvery weird space them out well let themspread that’s amorewe show the open doors shop make themfor how longcheck our market reminisce but they willthey will be squishy to search even ifyou cook some for 20 minutes becausethat’s whatWowwhich one’s the peanut butter ones thenthat one’s losing our below leave themon that’s five minutes now because ifyou take them off and put them on acooling rack all the filling more drinkthree right well I’ve been nibble inabout ten minutes time you said a planejoke up on this one the peanuts on ourknees a break is on our tremolo you youdon’t use the play did you know thatThomas and obtaining crap anyway oh mygoshso we’re hot oh my god they are amazingyeah racist pieces cookies basically forabout a thousandth of the priceand they stay that crumbly as well thenlike giving on the inside even when theycool down don’t know yeah obviously it’swill work miss Jackson