1 chocolate cake box
2 eggs
1/3 cup vegetable oil
Mix all together.
Bake for about 12 minutes.
Enjoy. Let us know how you like them and what else would you like us to make next!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everyone we are back I am with thelittle guys and today like you canalready see I have some dough alreadyhereall you’re going to need for thisparticular recipe is a cake box that’sall you need you can use different typesof cake mix yes but for today we areusing this one you could use other cakemixes but you will always have to adddifferent stuff but today I’m using thedevil’s food Betty Crocker does don’thave to be Betty Crocker it could be anybrand devil’s food that’s the one thatI’m using today and I added some peanutbutter use peanuts if you want you coulduse white chocolate if you want youcould do it use dark chocolate orwrinkles oh yeah they could usechocolate sprinkles if they won or evenrainbow sprinkles yeah so like alwaysI’m using my so this dough is a littlehard that’s the reason why you alreadysee half of them here so this is howyour dough is going to look like you seeit’s not like that the other trickythough this one is a little differentand is a little harder to do it that’s[Music]beyond our way did you use darkchocolate does it come with darkchocolate boys already chocolate doesn’tcome with dark chocolate you could adddark chocolate to it but this one isjust what is just just chocolate cakethat’s all soyou’re going to so you’re going to getthe box mix you could either do this byhand with a whisk over the spatula oryou could do it in your stand mixer allyou need is a box of cake mix you need1/3 of a cup of oil vegetable oil and 2eggsthat’s it and whatever you’re going toadd into the cookies alrighty so let’sput these bad boys in the oven and wewill show you how they look when theycome out okay so this is just a littletip that I want to show you guys so Ijust took the cookies out of the ovenyou see they look very soft it lookslike it’s not done but remember thebaking sheet is hot so you don’t movethem from the baking sheet for like twominutesin those two minutes you’d be surprisedhow hard the cookie will get becausehe’s still baking without being in theoven all rightykeep that in mind okay so they are outof the oven so I baked them for 12minutes and well I checked at the12-minute mark and I left them for onemore minute in the oven at the 13 minutemark I took them out left them in mybaking sheet for two minutes that willbe 15 minutes and this is the end resultokay they are nice and soft in themiddle but nice and crunchy on the sidesso you get do you get a little bit ofeverything you get crunch yeah nice andstuff so now just a little tip only ifyou want to do this you could skip thisif you want to if not you could do it aswell so start by the noise in thebackground the kids decided they want tokeep a plane so youwe’ll grab peanut butter in a similarbag or in a piping bag this is what thisis it but you can use a ziploc bag putpeanut butter in the ziplock bag or inthe piping bag and you’re going to putit in the microwave for like ten secondsinto is dripping and all you have to dois just dress with some people on top of[Music]this really simple all right the reasonwhy I do this is because I try not tobuy them from the store for my kids andsometimes they do like the cookies fromthe store how they look so I try to makeit look as presentable as I can and youcan continue doing this with all yourcookies so I hope you guys like thevideo and you know what they have to donext isaac nick so they have tosubscribe for more videosokay guys until next time[Music]