Cookies Recipes

How to make cookies (enjoy during quarantine:)

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[Music]one of my fellow tuners it’s your boyTeddy toons so today I’m gonna be doinganother a big cooking video because myother cooking video went so well and youguys want to know how to make more epicmasterpieces so let’s begin what are wemaking today so you may be asking welltoday we’re making cookies chocolatechip cookies so let’s begin so here arethe ingredients on the screen and solet’s begin step one is you take yourplate and then you put the chocolatechips on the plate and put the chocolatechips in the microwave for half an hourwhen it’s done it should expand and whenis this when it’s done expanding thenyou put the chart then it should turninto this like gooey little thing intothis into this gooey like thing it’s notcookies yet but it will be soon so weput it in the toaster and when thetoaster when it pops up it will be likehard and more cookie color so oncethat’s done then you take the shredderand you shred it into little bits andlittle bits and pieces and then thenantenna will be done so then you justtake the tray and then you put them ontoyour tray and and and there you have itthat’s how you make cookies and if youwant some decoration put on some icingat all or I don’t know and then thereand there you have it that’s that’s howyou make cookies but wait don’t leave doyou hear that noise of course you dothat’s the noise of today’s sponsoreaters are you always thirsty all thetime and you never know what to drinkwell ethers is the perfect drink let metell you why they have a full selectionof vitamin b12 and they have pureproteinthey’re tasty too if you’re a newcustomer then you’ll get 20% off yournext year’s purchase just use my code inthe descriptionWWWE – slash Teddy toons that’s WWE -slash Teddy teens once again thanksteachers for sponsoring this episode andI’ll see you guys next timeahh

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