Cookies Recipes

How to make cookies at home 🍪

Enjoy Baking,homemade delicious cookies for everyone ♥️

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Video Transcription

let’s make a delicious cookies 150 gramof butter 1/2 cup white sugar 1/2 cupbrown sugar 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1egg 1 teaspoon of vanilla 2 cups offlour 2 spoon of corn flour a little bitof salt and 1/2 cup chocolate chips sothis is the 150 grams of butter togetherwith 1/2 cup of brown sugar and 1/2 cupof white sugar so gonna mix it togetheruntil it will be so soft[Music]so niggaz is ready guysI put it together your two cups of flour2 spoon of corn flour 1 teaspoon ofbaking soda a little bit of sauce[Laughter][Music][Applause]okay we’ll close it[Music][Applause]so as you can see guys in one recipe youcan make 10 B cookies so this guy’s isready to bake so now we put it in a panso that we can put it in the oven readyso let’s set the oven for 180 degreeCelsius down 10 minutes[Music]so don’t forget 180 degrees Celsius downand 10 minutes and your cookie is doneand if you want any you want to cook upyou can put up or five four three tofive minutes okay so this is now ourdelicious cookie it’s done it’s ready toeat but leave it for 10 to 15 minutes sothat it will taste so goodthis is perfectly one cup of coffee andour delicious homemade cookie this isperfectly one cup of coffee and ourdelicious homemade cookie don’t forgetto subscribe till next time thank you

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