In this video you will learn how to make cookie butter treats. This is definitely one of my family’s favorite snack. There is no baking or cooking involved which just makes it even better.
What you’ll need:
Chopped nuts of your choice
Cookie butter (better with creamy)
Milk chocolate chips
Silicone ice tray
First you will put one layer of chopped nuts in the silicone ice tray, then you will put cookie butter on top of those chopped nuts, and top it off with more chopped nuts. When you put the top layer of chopped nuts on the cookie butter make sure to press them down so that all of the nuts are touching the cookie butter. Then you will place the silicone ice tray in the freezer for about 30 minutes. After taking it out of the freezer, melt your milk chocolate chips and dip each square in the chocolate. Sit them on a plate with plastic wrap on it and place in the fridge for 5-10 minutes. When you take them out enjoy!!
Hope your family enjoys them!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey yo my name is Benita thank you forcoming to my channel or thumbing back tomy channel today we are going to and asyou can see I already put some of thealmonds in here because that’s the firststep you want to get some chocolatealmonds or whatever net that you wantalmonds cashews peanuts which everyoneand place a little bit at the bottom ofthe silicon string you don’t want tohave it too stacked up to where youcan’t see all the little pieces of thechopped up nuts you wanna be able tostill see you know I just like one layerthat Mason we’re going to put the cookiebutter on top and then we’re going toput more almonds on top of that we wantto make sure that all of it so like Iwas saying before I already have myalmonds in here but I just want you tosee what I mean when I say you know likeone layer you can see on several of themyou can still see the red at the bottombecause you don’t want to have it toothick at the bottom you want to try tomake sure that all of the can stick tothe cookie butter and so what we’regoing to do now it’s just put a littlebit of the picky butter right on top ofitI’m just gonna get my little spoon guessthis fish probably back inside of ateaspoon and get some cookie butter outyou can get a dip little bit and you’rejust going to just swipe some of it intoeach a little cute so get it on in theredo that for each one a little bit putthat on in there and you just do thateach time and then we’ll go on to thenext step okay and now that we have ourcookie butter over all of our almondswhat we’re going to do now is we’regoing to just take our almonds sit somemore on top of the cookie butter andthen what we’re going to do is just kindof Pat it down so that the cookie buttercan be sticking to all of the almonds itdoesn’t have to look perfect or anythingjust try to make sure that you pack itdown enough to where the cookie butteris touching everything I said that isour middle and it’s going to make surethat everything sticks together so we’rejust going to basically try to get thislook for all of them and after we haveput all the almonds on top of the cookiebutter and pressed it down it shouldlook like this so now what we’re goingto do is we’re going to take this andput it in the freezer for about twentyto thirty minutes just to get the cookiebutter hard and solid okay so now it’sbeen about thirty minutes so I’ve gottenmy squares out of the freezer not a fewbutter squares and they look the same asjust now that they’re hardand I went ahead and melt it my milkchocolate chips and I have a plate toset them on the cool but I also havesome plastic wrap over some saran wrapbecause whenever you set it down thecool you don’t want it to whenever yougo to pick it up you don’t want it tohave where the bottom is still stuckonto the plate or whatever you want toput it on so you can use saran wrapaluminum foil or something that makes iteasy to get up that’s good ideaand so what we’re going to do is we’regoing to just pop one of these on outthis and you see now as always puttogether cookie butter is nice and hardand we’re just going to put it in ourchocolate and if all of your almonds arenot stuck to your cookie butter that’sno big deal because it’s always that oneso set it to the side and know justcontinue and I kind of like the samething like this we’re going to do thatfor all once we have the mouth closedthey sure look like this and what I havedone sometimes is like if I have like alot of almonds left over I just sprinkleit on topI’m on top but if you don’t want to youdon’t have so I just do it sometimes notall the time and now what we’re going todo is we’re just want to sit it infrigerator for about 10 minutes 5 to 10minutes just to make sure that it’s niceand hard so that whenever you go to pickit up you just come right up and you canjust eat it so let’s go ahead and sit inthere and then we’re done and once youtake it out refrigerator you can just goin and pick it up and eat it and thenyou’re good to go it’s just somethingthat you can make with your tears on arainy day or on the weekend fun activitybecause the only thing you have to do ishave your silicon tray your ingredientsin the refrigerator and then you’re goodto go and I hope that your family enjoythis just as much as mine do and don’tforget to Like and subscribe and also ifyou have any suggestions for me go aheadand just leave me a comment have a niceday