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hi my name is Claire and today I’ll beteaching you how to make a cookiebrownie as a cookie monster once saidtoday we all live in the moment unlessit’s unpleasant in which case me we’llget a cookie cookie brownies are greatbecause they combine the great taste ofa brownie and cookie that everyone inthe family will enjoy my family has beenmaking comfy brownies for as long as Ican remember they combine the greattaste of a hot chocolate chip cookiewith the warmth of a brownie they arethe perfect dessert for anyone so thefirst step is to gather all thematerials that you will be needing andall the ingredients that you’ll beneeding so you will need for this recipeyou will need a Betty Crocker cookiebrownie mix for the brownie batter youwill need a large bowl a mixer a spatulatwo tablespoons of water this is onetablespoon so I’m going to be using thespice for water 1/3 cup of vegetable oiland one egg if you did not catch all ofthat here is the materials andingredients for the brownie batter forthe cookie dough you will need a smallbowl three tablespoons of softenedbutter and then 2 tablespoons of waterif you did not catch all of that hereare some materials and ingredients forthe cookie dough[Music]for the cookie brownies you’ll beneeding an a5 pan so this is what I’mgonna use and then some butter to spraythe pan if you did not catch all thathere as the materials you will beneeding for the cookie brownies Ialready sprayed the pan of butter so I’mjust gonna move on and so the reasonthat this step comes first is because itis much easier easier for me to see allmy ingredients firstthat are placed in front of me ratherthan having to like grab them out duringthe process and so with all theseingredients we wouldn’t be able to makethe cookie browniessecond step is to preheat the oven to350 degrees Fahrenheit so I did thatalreadyso that’s already going so I like tohave this done second because all theoven is preheating we can prepare thecookie brownie mix and the reason forgreasing the pan is so then it doesn’tstick to the sides which is a veryimportant step because it’s very hard ifyou don’t put spray butter down becausethen it will stick to the sides and it’sreally really hard to get out soso first we’re going to start with thebrownie batter so first you won’t takeout your mix and I already put the mixin here so it comes right in this boxyou just put the brownie batter in hereand I already did my two tablespoons ofwater and my 1/3 cup of that spoil sonow I’m gonna do one egg and then youcan just go the eggshell right and youalso wanna wash your hands because youdon’t okay so now that we’re done withthe brownie batter its need to mix it sowe’re gonna take this spatula it’s kindof like a silicone material this isreally nice for the brownie batter sowe’re just gonna mix it now and thenwe’ll use the mixer after that so I liketo mix it with my hands first becausethen I can really makes it really wellbefore it goes into the mixer so I justlike to do this and then all the productgets everywhere you do the browniebatter first because then it willbecause this is the base so you’ll beneeding that for the base so this isgood enough so it looks like thisthere’s definitely still chunks in itand stuff but the mixer will get that sowe’re going to put this into a mixer nowhere’s my mixer going to plug it inand I’m going to work my way up to likesix on the mixer so I’m just going toput this in like thisand then I’m just going to start it andwork my way up and so yeah and whileyou’re doing this it’s nice like takeyour spatula and remove the product andwork so then it gets to the mixingneither of us wanted toa little bit more[Music]this looks pretty good so I’m gonnastart taking this out as you can seeit’s I can show you so it’s definitelylike a very like more runny consistencywhich is very good so yeah I’m justgonna take these out of the thing sothey don’t get everywhere and put thosein the sinkyou’re gonna want to unplug your mixeras well so yeah now the brownie batterlooks like thatand so I’m just gonna mix this a littlebit more make sure everything’s off thesides that’s where you can get a lot ofproduct and you can miss a lot if youdon’t get it off the side so it’s veryimportant to do that okay so now the mixlooks like that and now we’re gonna pourthis into the pan which I already didbecause it kind of takes awhile so onceyou pour into the pan you’re gonna wantto spread it around to make sureeverything is equal on all the sides andthen we’re gonna set this aside forright now and work on our cookie doughso forth the cookie dough you’re goingto need a small bowl and so for thecookie don’t eat the cookie dough mixfrom the Betty Crocker cookie browniemix so yeah I like to apply my dryingredients first because it just makesit easier once you go once you apply thewetting gurus yeah and then I also justlike to shake it to make sure I have itall on all parts and now we’re going todo the two tablespoons of water I liketo bring my bowl over here so I don’tlike put in any less water than that’stwo and then we also need our softenedbutter which is three tablespoons ofthis and I warm this up by doing 20seconds in the microwave at power levelseven so yeah we’re going to do thisI also like to just use my spatulathere’s any more in thereso yeah and then we’re gonna use ourspatula and mix this now the cookiedough is definitely more of a hands-onactivity because once like you get it toa pretty good mix you’re gonna want touse your hands to mix it because it’sjust easier to use your hands so youwant to make sure that you wash yourhands which I already did after that Iput the egg in making the cookie doughcomes forth because it is the core stepand if this goes on top of the browniebatter it’s not very together so nowwe’re gonna use our hands so what Irecommend for this is to not do itexactly on the counter I recommend likegetting a cutting board which is why I’mgonna do so I just have this cuttingboard which I like to use I don’t wantto put it right on my counter and thenyou guys can see what I’m doing so yeahI’m just going to now take this with myhands but it does get a little bit messyso be careful but yeah I’m gonna putthis spatula right in sync and then justtake it with my hands which is just alot easier to mix it does get reallymessy so make sure that you are likebeing careful with it because itdefinitely gets messy so yeah this iswhat it looks like they kind of justhave to form it yourself damn trying tomy best to not make it too messy becauseit can get really really messy so justkind of warm it togetherum I know at first that that your butterwill all be in one spot so you gonnamake sure that your butter gets evenlyput up throughout the cookie dough andthen there’s more dry stuff on thecutting board so I’m just going to tryand apply that to the cookie dough nowthis is actually really fun this is oneof my favorite parts because it’s moreof a hands-on activity so yeah and soonce you kind of have like a big balland you think that it’s all mixedtogether you want to make sure there’sno ingredients like make sure that itjust looks like cookie doughmake sure there’s no butter that you cansee so yeah I see like no butter so nowI’m going to form nine table spoon ballsof cookie dough so I kind of just liketo do this with my hands but if you wantit to be exact you can use thetablespoon but I just kind of like toinform it with my hands so I think aboutthis much or like about a tablespoondidn’t you start rolling it into eightball so we’re going to do nine of thesebecause we’re going to do three bythrees and the pivot make them how bigyou think you want them to be and thenyou can always add more to one if youlike need to which is what I normally doI kind of just eyeball it until I likeif I need more on this one ball I’ll dothat but otherwise I will just kind ofjust eyeball it because these are justreally fun to make by yourself withoutusing really any measurement so that’swhat I like to do so right now I’m atseven balls and I have a little bit leftwhich is good I might need to take alittle bit of product from the otherones so then I can have like an equalamount of cookie dough in each ballthat’s what I’m just doing right now andour oven is also done preheating so nowwe can just put it in the oven wheneverit is ready so yeah now I have ninecookie dough balls and I will show youwhat they look like after I wash myhands so these are what the nine ballslook like and the chocolate chip cookiesliterally winked at me as I took a bitethere’s they literally look so good Ijust want to eat all of them right nowit’s not good because they need to bebaked first but yeah so after thisyou’re gonna want to put these on top ofthe brownie batter that you alreadypoured in okay so this is what cookiebrownie should look like and as you cansee some of them are more little thanothers which is okay they don’t all haveto be the same size and we’re going topop this into the oven for 34 to 39minutes in 36 minutes I have found isthe best time to cookies so that’s whatwe’re gonna do okay so I put a toothpickin the brownies at 36 minutes and when Itook the toothpick out they were cleanso that means that they are done so Itook them out and let them cool forabout an hour and then took them out ofthe pan and now they look like this sothis these are really nice and they havethat you can still kind of see thecookies right here and they’re prettythick which is good because a good bodyis a pretty thick one so brownies callyou in by their amazing smellcookie brownies are great for anyone inthe delicious taste of a brownie andcookie combined together makes for theperfect dessert the first step is toprepare and gather your items the secondstep is to preheat the oven and spraythe pan the third step is to mix thebrownie mix with other ingredients untilwell blended and then spray it into apan spread into a pan the fourth step isto stir the cookie mix with ingredientsand then form the cookie dough intoballs and place on top of the browniemix the fifth step is to bake cool andthen enjoyas Ernestine Ulmer once said life isuncertain eat dessert first