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Pancakes Recipes
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Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
imagine you’re craving some cookies anycookies but there’s just one littleproblem your ovens broken you think allhope is lost until you remember there’sone kind of cookie where there’s no needfor an oven a no baked cookie a cookiethat’s both delicious and easy to maketoday I’ll be telling you what materialswe’ll need how to prepare your workspaceand the steps you’ll take to makechocolate no bake pickets to begin whatstill need to know about everythingyou’ll need in order to make the cookiesfor the ingredients you’re going to needcocoa sugar milk two sixths of butterpeanut butter vanilla and oatmeal themeasuring cups are going to need 2/3 ofa cup for solids 3 1 cups for solids onecup for liquids and one teaspoon whichcan be for either liquids or suppliesfor the dishes you’re going to need 1large pot and about three spoons alsogoing to need a cookie scoop and theseare optional but a bowl and a knifeyou’re also of course going to need astove some parchment paper or wax paperit doesn’t matter which one you needit’s just interchangeable and amicrowave which is also optional I liketo use it first step later on but youdon’t have to do that for the next stepyou’re going to need to prepare yourselfand your workspace first you’re going towant to pull your hair back this is verygood because you don’t want to get hairin your food or anything next you’regoing to want to wash your hands this isespecially good for people who aremaking cookies for their family andfriends and I’m one of those people I’mmaking it for my family so I kind ofwashed my hands next we’re going to wantto clean your table and your stove sothat you can have a clean workspace andyou’re also going to want to make anarea whether it be on a table orwherever you want where you’re planningon puttingcookies once they’re ready so you justlay down some parchment and so as tomake the parchment not roll up I havetwo weights on either side then you canalso put on an apron if you want to andfinally you can add or you can put allof the ingredients and dishes on to yourworkspace so that you’re ready andyou’re prepared for making the cookiesand the next part is actually the funpart actually making the cookies soyou’re going to add 2/3 of a cup ofcocoa 4 cups of sugar this is 4 cups Imeasured it out 1 cup of milk and you’realso going to want to add 2 sticks ofbutter which I have microwaves becausethey were a little cold and I also cutthem up so that they can help so thatthey can help them to melt in or on thestove a lot faster you can then just mixthat up a little bit and you’ll want todo this on the stove I’m doing this hereto show you but you want to do this onthe stove and once you’ve done that youwill turn the heat on to about 5 and itwill be it will need to cook for about10 minutes and it needs to boil allaround for one minute before you take itoff the heat I’ve actually already beenboiling another pot of it so that I canshow you the next steps you will thenwant to add one cup of peanut butter andI like to use two spoons while doingthis so that I can get as much of thepeanut butter off of the spoon aspossibleyou will then add two teaspoons ofvanilla and you will mix that togetherand whenever you’re mixing the peanutbutter it is a little hard for it tostart going away but once it does startmelting you’ll see little streaks inthere and I think it’s probably best tojust keep on stirring until all of thestreaks have gone away and once all ofthose streaks have gone away you willwant to start adding the oatmeal so theway I like to do it is I like to add acup of oatmeal one at a time and intotal you’ll add up sticks but I like todo this because this way it’s a loteasier to just cover all of the oatswith the chocolate mixture and it’s alot faster to do it this way becausewhenever you do it all at once itbecomes a lot harder to mix it alltogether so you just keep on mixing ituntil you can’t see any one of thewhites of the oats and once all of thisis done it makes roughly 40 cookies andI know that to some of you that may seemlike a lot so you can always have it butI’ve come to find that whenever I haveit it does come to be a little dry so Imight recommend to adding just a littlemilk to it if you do have it because itwill turn out a little dry otherwiseeven if it does turn out dry though itwill still taste delicious and see thecloser we get to finishing itit does get harder tostir and that’s why I like to do it onecup at a time because if you didn’t thenit would be this hard the whole time soonce this has all been put together andyou can’t see any more of the whites ofthe oats you will then start to use thecookie scoop to scoop it out onto theparchment paper now it doesn’t matterwhat size you make it you can make itany size you want because I mean they’reyour cookies and you will then justcontinue doing that until all of themixture is come to conclude you’ve nowlearned of the materials we’ll need whatyou’ll need to do for president or forpreparation and how to make chocolate nobaked cookies my family always lovesthat whenever I make them and now yourfamily can appreciate you for makingthem too so whether you like cookies buthave a broken oven or you’re justcraving some cookies that are sweet andthat are quick and easy no baked cookiesare always the way to go