The greatest chef in the world shares her special cookies.
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Video Transcription
hey guys it’s mining today for mydemonstration speech I’m gonna beteaching you how to make oatmealchocolate chip cookies so the firstthing you’re gonna need is one and onesink of butter and 6 tablespoons ofbutter so almost two sticks you’re alsogonna need 1/4 or 3/4 cup of packedbrown sugar 1/2 a cup of granulated justregular sugar you’re also gonna need 2eggs 1 teaspoon of vanilla 1 and 1/2cups of all-purpose flour which I don’thave out yet and you’re also need 1teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoonof cinnamon you’re also going to need1/2 teaspoon of salt and 3 cups of oatsor like rolled oats and one cup ofchocolate chips is you have to preheatyour oven to 350 degrees so and so thefirst thing you’re gonna have to do istake your butter and cut one of thesticks to the 6 tbsp line right there soI’m just gonna cut that and then we’regonna have to unwrap it so we can softenit in the microwave and then you canjust keep the other piece of butter forother purposes and then we can put thisin the microwave for about 10 secondintervalsoffand and we can put it in the bowl sowe’re going to put butter in the bowlthat’s really nice and then the placenasty so we’re gonna put it over here bythe sinkso once the butter is in the bowl we’regonna have to put the sugars in and thenmix it all up so we’re gonna have a 3/4cup of brown sugar and you have a packetand our sellers okay so here’s ourpacked brown sugar just gonna plop thatin the bowl like soand then we’re also going to need 1/2cup of granulated sugar so I’m gonna geta good amount in there and then we’rejust gonna put that into the bowl aswell now we can mix it all together witha spoon make sure it’s all combinedtogether and this takes a while becauseit’s just butter and sugar so you gottalike chop it up you can also do thiswith an electric mixer but I don’t haveone so make sure there’s no likeginormous chunks of butterall right so now our butter and sugar ismixed now we can add the eggs andvanilla and then mix those do too so Itake our 2 eggs and crack it over thebowlyou can throw these away and then we aregoing to take our vanilla and we’regoing to put one teaspoon in[Music]that’s a little one he’s here but we’regonna roll with it okay so now we’regonna mix these together you can yummyI’m just gonna take a while to get itall mixed together because the egg makesit really runny and make sure you getrid of all the big chunks of butteragain so now it’s all combined and wecan go to the next step and we can putour flour baking soda cinnamon and saltinto the bowl so we’re gonna need 1 1/2cup of all-purpose flour so I only havehalf a cup so let’s add to this bunchall right so there’s 1/2here’s one cup here is the last half cupand when you’re putting your flour andmake sure it’s level on the top so youdon’t put too much in now we’re going toadd in our baking soda and that is oneteaspoon of baking soda so now we’regonna add in our one teaspoon of bakingsoda make sure you do over the bowlthat was a lot of um Lucy I a little bithim I thought yeah that’s about right sothen we’re gonna put the rest in herebecause his eyeballing we’re gonna needone teaspoon of cinnamon so I’m justgonna use the same teaspoon and we’rejust gonna don’t spill it in the bowlagain oh maybe a little bit extra scentof me okay alright and we’re also gonnaadd in some salt so that’s half ateaspoon of saltlike that and then we can mix it alltogether again make sure you mix all theflour into the bowl right into themixture and you have to mix it in reallywell now that’s all mixed in we can addour oats and chocolate chips so I againonly have a 1/2 cup so three cups ofoatsso I’m have six of theseand then there’s not that much left butI’m just gonna dump that in because Istill even more and I’m gonna mix thattogether and then I’m gonna put in thetotal chipsshe’s gonna mix that all in okay and nowwe’re gonna add the chocolate chips tothe mixture so we need 1 cup ofchocolate chips again I only have my 1/2cup so I’m gonna put into these so nowwe can mix that all together again andthen once that’s all mixed and that’sthe end of making the dough so the nextstep is you’re gonna need a pan and acookie sheet and put the cookie sheet onthe panand now we’re gonna make our littledough balls for the cookies so I havethis little like cookie make the thingand we’re gonna take it and we’re gonnascoop a small amount of dough that’skind of a lot all right so we’re justgonna take this little dough maker thingI’m gonna scoop a small amount into itand then click the little thing and itcomes out I’m just going to do this allon the cookie sheet and you want tospace our product because they do likekind of melt when they bake so you justwant to make sure they don’t melttogetheryou don’t want to make them too big butso we’re just gonna fill up the wholecookie sheet so now that cookie sheet isfull and we’re gonna put these in theoven I put these in the oven for aboutten to eleven minutes so now we’re gonnaset a timer on the microwave for 10 or11 minutes we’ll do 11 and then I willsee you when these are done so get youroven mitt and get them out of thereand now we can set them on the stove topto cool for like 10 minutes okay sowhile we wait for these to cool we canget out another pan and cooking sheetand we can start to put more cookies onthis for them to bake so we just do itthe same as last time just take thosescoops and spread them apart okay sowhen you have all the dough on your panthen you can put them back in the ovenor in the oven and then instead of timerfor 11 minutes again and then I’ll beback after use you’re done so now thecookies are done and we can take theseout of the oven tooand then you can let these cool for liketen minutesyou can taste them all right so tastetester Bryson has a cookie really goodthis is our taste tester Bryson you likeit yes I love it you’re such a good cook