Thank you for watching! I am so sorry i haven’t posted in a while. Shout out to Miles and Amaya for being my number 1 fans!
113 g unsalted butter
100 g brown sugar
40 g sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
210 g flour
80 g chocolate chips
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
thank you how was your cocoa GTO me I’msure how clearly pink God hello everyonewelcome back to Coco’s Channel and todayI want to be making chocolate chipcookies here are the ingredients you’regoing to need 113 grams of unsaltedbutter 100 grams of brown sugar 40 gramsof white sugar 1 egg 1/2 of a teaspoonof vanilla extract 1/2 of a teaspoon ofsalt and 1/2 of a teaspoon of bakingsoda and 210 grams of flour all-purposeflourand 80 grams of and yummy chocolatechipsnow I’m going onto the tools you wantedme a mixing bowl a hand mixer a nonstickcooking sheet and a tray let’s get onwith the cookie so we’re first going toadd our unsalted butter and then we’regonna mix it to make it like kind of fun[Applause]so your butter should be creamy likethis now we’re going to add our whitesugar in it and around okayso it’s all done and now we’re going toadd our egg I won it and then we’regonna add our half of a teaspoon ofvanilla extract okay then we mix okaynow the batter is all done now we’regonna mix our all-purpose flour ourbaking soda and our salt togetherso let’s first add our baking soda orsaltokay we’re gonna mix it with a fork sonow we’re going to add our flour oursalt and our baking soda in hereso you want to set your hand mixer speedto slow or something bad will happen I’mwarning you okay now we’re gonna add ourchakra tips we’re gonna use our spatulato mix em after it’s mix your we’regonna put it in the freezer for one hourI’m our new pen okay and it smellsreally good and now we’re going to scoopit into little balls and put it on ourtray feels like dough we’re just gonnaroll it in our hands I’m gonna put it onher sheet okay so you formed it intolittle balls and now it’s time to put inthe oven you want to you want topre-heat your oven to 350 degrees we’regonna set it in here for about 10minutes we just took it out of the ovenand it’s it’s it’s kind of soft so werecomm so we recommend you letting itcool down for about two minutes it’stime to try it it’s time for my favoritepart let’s taste testing let’s grab thisone right over here mmm that’s reallygood that’s actually really good testdip some milkthat is really good make sure tosubscribe and leave a like on this videoI hope you enjoy I enjoy cookies hmm