Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
we[Music][Music][Laughter][Music][Music]so as you can see the dry ingredientsand I’m just going to put this you canmix it with that but that will justcause the fraud you get all over theplace so I am going to be using thisblue spatula to mix the dough now as youcan see the flour is incorporated andthe dough is starting to form so if youwant after you mix your birth flower sowell combined you can add the chocolatechips but if you want to add it in theend just on the bed okay so now it isalmost mix I’m just going to I am goingto be beating this so I can be extrafeeding so our dough is ready but as youcan see there some flour that which isnot mixed so I am just going to bemixing it and if your dough is verythick for maintaining your dough is verythickand it’s often and 10 then you cannotfly it goes both waysso yeah mixed my dog I am out ofparchment paper that’s why I am notusing the parchment paper but I havereached it with a brushso go avoid gravity well but this islike when you do the oiling it happensthat your cookies get a little greasybut that’s not a big problem so now I amgoing to be starting on the cookies sothey had two types of techniques to makethe cookies one is the 2 spoon techniquewhen you make it with 2 spoons like thisand the other is the scoop ice creamsmooth so ice cube technique is not thateasy so that’s why I’m not using the icecream spoon week so I am going to use soI’m just going to be process the videoand showing you what the cookies look atthe end so guys I am back here and allthe cookies are ready so I am just goingto put chocolate chips on the screen infront of you guys so if you put if youlike like more job getting cookies thenyou should have put the chocolate chipsbefore putting the dough into circleshape but if you just want to show pieceof cookies on the top for decorationthen you can do what I am doing so thatis this recipe is very easy and it willjust take you 5 minutes to make thechocolate chip cookies I will be veryeasy so I’m telling you that right nowmy cookies are very like circles so whenyou bake the cookies they expand andthen they will be like the proper soketchup cookies and also I forgot totell you these are chewy chocolate chipcookies meaning that they won’t havethat crunch but if you want to have 20chocolate chip cookies you can bakealso if you have leftover dough you canfreeze the door from up to a month andthen you can make ready-made cookies anytime and you don’t have to do the wholeprocess of making the dough so thatwould be very easy as you can see I amdone putting chocolate chips on thesecookies and I am going to be shiftingthem to the oven also pre-heat your oven20 minutes on 200 degrees and you haveto bake your cookies at 200 so you canalso bake them on because I have hitthat like