how to make cookies
25g (1 cup) caster sugar
300g (2 cups) plain flour (sifted)
200g (1 cup) of butter melted
1tsp vanilla extract
1tsp of baking powder
A pinch of salt
1 egg
100g-200g chocolate bar or chocolate chips
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
yo what’s up guys it’s RPL here andtoday I will be teaching you how to makecookies so this is what you need to dofirstly you will need these ingredients225 grams 1 cup castor sugar 300 grams 2cups plain flour sifted 200 grams 1 cupof butter melted 1 teaspoon vanillaextract 1 teaspoon of baking powder apinch of salt 1 egg 100 grams – 200grams chocolate bar or chocolate chipsok you got that okay now this is why wehave ducky tea so firstly add the sugarand the melted butter in a bowl and mixtogether then sift the flour bakingpowder vanilla and salt together makesure don’t add too much salt or youcould get a cough and then add it to themixture when you’re at this stage youshould add the chocolate chips at thisstage if you’re making chocolate chipcookies by the way mix together withyour hand and once you get a dulltexture add an egg using your hand againwet some butter onto a baking tray takesome dough and roll it into a ball andflatten your elbow so don’t keep thecookies close to each other when theyspread they all get stuck together placein the oven and bake at 160 C – 3 for 10to 20 minutesthe bigger the cookies the longer theytake to cook the body when the gue edgesare bit golden paper[Music]