I was looking upon my food cupboard and it was barren… apart from some old bananas and random things, so I thought “what’s a good way to use them instead of throwing them?” then I thought, Oatmeal Cookies!!!
Choc Chip Oatmeal Cookies.
You need…
1 Cup Oats
2 Small Bananas
Dash of Vanilla extract
A handful of Choc Chips
1. Mash Bananas
2. Add the oats and mix
3. Add vanilla and chips
4. Make ball shapes and pop them on a baking tray
5. Cook for 15-18 Mins at 180.
DONE!! and they keep in the fridge for up to 3 days 🙂
Music Credit- Digital Sloth
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
so self-isolation has brought me here tobaking and i’ve got to share a recipewith you guysand it’s like chocolate chip oatmealbanana cookie thingsso let’s go so firstly you want to likepreheat your ovento around 180 degreesget all your ingredients together toreduce food waste use bananas that areon their way out mash them up to theconsistency of baby stickadd about a cup of oats in theregive it a stir and then obviously addeverything else which would be a littlebit of your vanilla extractand then you want to sprinkle a littlebit of chocolate chips because thatmakes it taste the bestand then chuck them in the oven forabout 15 to 18 minutesthen i decided to use up the chocolatechipsand the way i melted them was a goodmethodbut it was really hard to get them outof the tiny jarso i recommend if you’re going to dothis do it in a bit of a better way thani didthen i literally just chucked the excesschocolate that i had melted onsome of the cookies because i didn’thave enough for all of them but heywe’re self isolating there’s not muchingredients going around at the minutebut there we are i hope you enjoy and ifyou do make themplease do let me know all about it