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Cookie on the outside, brownie on the inside. These Chewy Chocolate Brownie Cookies hold their shape like a cookie, but are chewy and taste fudge on the inside like a brownie.
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Video Transcription
well hello I’m just sitting here havingan afternoon snack milk and cookieslet’s say about the milk that somethingspecial the cookies these are chewychocolate brownie cookies let’s get backto him in a minuteI don’t usually drink milk no it’s amilk drinker that’s too my coffee butthis this is a special concoction Ishowed the other day – like patrons onthe patreon Channel and it is milk andrum and condensed milk is absolutelydelicious so if you want to get a holdof all these secret recipes that we haveon there and all everything else youknow that you can become a patron forthat’s living those three dollars amonth and you get access to everythingso think about it there’s a link downbelow to get on there let’s get back tothe cookies these are I have said chewychocolate brownie cookies now they’re acookie they’re hard like a cookie but onthe inside they’re soft and chewy mm-hmmand they taste like a brownies I gotthat brownie fuzziness to them it’sabsolutely delicious and you look atanything I’m eating a cookie but ittastes like a brownie yeah are you – itL so it’s got this more chewy like abrownie and yet good and tough you cantake these with a hiking or whateverit’s all not only that it’s also so easyto make there’s only a few ingredientsand just basically mix everything theother spoon it out to a sheep throw itin the oven so let’s go in the kitchenand see how to make these right nowoh you don’t except someone else isgreat about these watch this dunkersOh oh yeah like you see in the kitchen[Music]all right so this is a simple recipe andsimple ingredients there’s not manyingredients we need for this let’s seewhat we’ve got here we’ve got 1 cup offlourwe’ve got 3/4 of a cup of sugar andusing my favorite cane sugar kind ofunrefined I got a quarter cup of cocoapowder I like to use a really use a goodquality cocoa this isn’t hot chocolatepowder this is Coco real pure cocoapowder then we’ll got over here he’s gota half a cup of butters sitting out atroom temperature 1 egg 1/2 a teaspoon ofbaking powder 1/4 teaspoon of salt and1/2 a teaspoon of no sorry a fullteaspoon of vanilla assets so let’s justmix it all together get it onto thebaking sheet first thing I were doing toput all the dry ingredients together soI’m gonna put the except for this sugarI’m gonna put the flour in here and thenI’m gonna add the baking powder I’mgonna add the salt and I’m gonna add thecocoa powder so hit all those togetherand I just give a quick combine and justkind of get that mixed together a bit[Music]alright that’s looking pretty good soI’ll make sure I’ve got thingsdistributed throughout put that off toone side now what I want to do is I wantto cream that butter so bring out thebig bowl here get the butter into thatbig bowl then using my witness spoonsomething you get smooshed down withwe’re gonna cream that butter justsmooshing it down smoosh smoosh smooshit does creamed out what I want to do isit so I could get it softer okay I’vedone that it’s creamed around a littlebitnow I’m gonna cream the sugar into thebutter now this is really important thisis why we do this is because the sugartears little holes in the butter andactually adds air pockets that will bethere in those cookies whenever we’remaking cookies that’s what we want to doso just to get here creaming acrosscreamy across until all the sugar istake it into the butter[Music]okay so I spit a little less thanemitter oh just creaming it and now thatyou can see what we’ve got here is kindof like a sugar butter paste that’slooking really goodoh let’s get all that in there no no Ido I’ll crack that egg in there andalong with the egg I’m gonna add in thevanilla okay and then I’ve got myelectric mixer now you could just usethe wooden spoon and mix more but itjust takes a long time so got one ofthese you know so much easier just getin therewell I mixed now what a minute or twojust until it’s like it’s smooth okaythat’s not even in a minute and readythat’s it it’s pretty smooth now that’dbe perfectly smooth you still want alittle bit of kind of kind of like lookslike porridgeand that is perfect now what I want todo well we’re gonna mix the dry into thewetsee how easy this is these are great tomake Oh put these aside I’m gonna usethose for those are for lickingafterwards right so here kitchen helpersor just yourself okay so I want to donow is just kind of scoop and turn Iwant to just bring this and combine ittogether it’s good keep mixing until allthe dry has been mixed into the wet andthen we’re ready to start making cookies[Music]all right that’s it dry in the wettertogether I’m gonna do now is putspoonfuls of this I’ll do a baking sheetyeah okay so what I’ve got over herewe’ve got a baking sheet that I preparedwith baking paper gives us reallykitchen paper a baking paper put that onthere and let it make about 24 cookiesso let’s take about 12 what half of thedough is gonna go on here I just want tomake little balls right now get those anice probably a little bit big there wego all right just get those onto theplate everyone today cookie sheet[Music]all right so that’s the first batch ofdone now what I want to do is gonna takea fork and I just want to flatten themdown a bitI need much about like that about halfan inch you know 12 millimeters 10millimeters in a roundabout there’s goodwill happen is it’ll start sticky with afork and just dip the fork into some hotwater and away you gookay so those cookies are flattened downsay about around about a half-inch 1012millimeters that’s good enough there togo in the oven or which is just about toding right now that oven is preheated at350 degrees Fahrenheit or 180 degreesCelsius these are and going there forabout 8 to 10 minutes I just want to seethat they’re cooked and then that’s itthat’s all I’ll see you in a coupleminutes when he’s come out of the oven[Music]all right so these have been in the ovenfor eight minutes looking really goodyou can see the dry cracking there wheresuch baked all right just just literallyon the surface you could tell it’s bigit’s got that that surface is dried outyou know that the cookie is basicallydoneso what want to do now is I’m just gonnatake these oh don’t touch the middlethat’s hot and put them onto a coolingrack and then I’m gonna do the nextbatch because this is like 12 here whereyou get it about another 12 we’re gonnado it with other 24 cookies oh they aresmelling really good you get this a goodchocolaty smell in the air here rightnow I want to eat one but they’re alittle bit hot and what we call in JapanNikko cheeto a cat tongue which meansI’m not very good at hot things hotdrinks stuff like that I have to wait tocools down a little bit okay so enjoythese delicious chewy chocolate browniecookies get some going soon now if you alink appearing in the screen and alsoclickable in this video’s descriptionyou can download and print out thisrecipe from the dessert recipes bookleton Kuma’s kitchen’s patreon page justclick the feature tag called recipesyou’ll have access to all of our recipebooklets now go print out the recipe andenjoy these chewy chocolate browniecookies and make cooking fun again withKuma’s kitchen[Music]