Cookies Recipes

How to Make Boba Milk Tea Pizookie (Cookie) // Quarantine Cravings

Boba + Milk Tea + Cookie = DIABETES

I hope you are all doing well during this challenging time! I thought I would add a little bit…. actually A LOT of sweetness in your life with this Boba Pizookie!!! I remember the first time I had a pizookie and I went crazy with the sugar intake and I thought why not experiment by combining a milk tea flavor, boba pearls, and Asian inspired ice cream. One bite will give you the energy to do anything you want so definitely share if you plan on trying this out.

I don’t really have a set recipe this time but it is pretty simple. Go ahead and follow your favorite chocolate chip cookie dough recipe. Instead of boba you can add cooked boba pearls, substitute it with mochi, or leave it out all together. I love recipes that can be tweaked to my liking so definitely play around with it. Add different tea powders and toppings to make it your own!
I’m going to link my absolute favorite chocolate chip cookie dough recipe that I based this video on. It doesn’t look like anything special but the cookies come out soft and chewy with just a little bit of a crisp edge, which I think is the perfect texture.

“City of Angels” by Lakey Inspired
Music by Sam Stan – Das Boo –


Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

you know what is up guys my name isNathan thank you so much for stopping bymy channel again today we’re making apizookie and if you don’t know if thatis it’s basically a pizza and a cookiehow to baby or it’s basically just agiant cookie but we’re not making anyregular flavored cookie today it’s goingto be a milk tea flavored one with brownsugar boba inside the cookie we’re gonnatop that off with a white rabbit andJapanese Neapolitan ice cream along withboba and more brown sugar syrup so ifyou’re ready to get into that sugar comago ahead stay tuned and we’re gonna getstarted[Music][Music]yeah[Music][Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]so it is you know University here yeahit’s so different at the same time soyeah I love it[Music]all right so here’s the final productout of the oven we got a nice crust allaround the cookie the cookie is soft andit’s still chewy and to top it off withice cream you can use your choice of icecream I’m pretty much sticking with ourAsian theme today so we’re usingwanderlust if you’ve not heard of thatthey specialize in different regionflavored ice creams mainly Asian flavorsis what they’re usually known for soright here we have what is known as tobe white a white Robin flavored icecream and then we are using a JapaneseNeapolitan as well and then this is amatcha flavored and has Cody chia andthen black sesame for the three colorsand flavors and so both of these aregonna go on top of our cookie we’regonna top it off with boba and we’regonna go ahead and dig in so there wehave our Japanese Neapolitan got thematcha black sesame and cotija tea[Music]and then we have our white Robin flavorhere[Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music]we’re gonna go in with a bite and heregoes[Music]so it’s really fun where I am right nowso it doesn’t look the most appetizingsince a etching is melting everywherebut the cookie is really good and alittle bit of a milky flavor you canprobably add more of you’d like verysolid it’s a nice contrast of flavortextures temperatures as well got acrisp cross on the outsideyou got a chewy soft inside it’s stillmoist this is definitely something Iwould share do not eat this all byyourself unless you want to get diabetesor fall into a sugar coma for real thisis really good it’s like a really gooddessert okay so the final verdict on mymulti-position today it is very sweetand very indulgent so if you do want tomake this at home don’t forget to sharewith your friends or family the onlything I would change would be to notmake the bow bow for the inside of thecookie the texture does get a littleweird after your bakes a little morechewy and soft and it does dry out sonext time I probably would not add thatbut the addition of the boba on top is abetter option if you want that chewytexture it’s easier to control thetexture after I would recommend coolingdown the cookie before you add the icecream or it’s an end up in a puddle butregardless it does still taste amazingvery sweet very rich but if you guysenjoyed the video thank you so much forwatching again I appreciate all thesupport especially on my last video andif you enjoyed it don’t forget to likeand comment down below I’ll see you guysin the next video little boy

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