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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]what’s up guys today I wouldn’t beteaching you guys how to make birthdaycake cookies you don’t need thisspecific box you just need a birthdaycake cake mix so you’re gonna need onebox of that 1/2 cup of oil and then youneed two eggs and of course you needyour bowl obviously and then take outyour whisk to whisk everything up in toa dough so first things first you’regonna tripod just kidding you’re gonnahave to add one bag of that I dropped itby accident I think I lost my group overthere all right I dropped something[Music]after that you’re gonna want to add justlike I said before 1/2 cup of vegetableoil after you add the 1/2 cup of oildump it in there alright guys then nextthing can’t forget about our eggs soyou’re gonna add one egg crack it inthere and then after that you’re gonnahave to add another egg another eggyes okay thank you pass rusher all rightguys and then after that you’re justgonna have to whisk it upall you guys are whisk and whisk itwhisk it and that’s gonna look somethinglike this so when you got thisjust put it on to the side just put itto the side for now and then you’regonna have to get two cookie sheets andtwo cookie pans and then you’re gonnahave to get your trusty butter andbutter up those pins like butter offthose pans like you mean it alright guysso it would be it will bebetter if you didn’t like a circularmotion like I’m gonna do with the secondpan but it’s really your choice guys solike I’m sitting with the second panmake a circular motion look how fastyeah I get itwith the circular motion so I Irecommend that tactic after that you’regoing to get your powdered sugar I Iprefer two cups of powdered sugar orlike a half a cup and a half then you’regonna have to get a scoop of the doughand then put it in some powdered sugarso roll it up into a ball and then putsome powdered sugar but I prefer doingit with the ice cream scoop ice creamscoop putting some powdered sugar makeinto a circular shape even though itwill shape on its own and then just doit cozy and tight right there so I’mgonna give that to you guys when I getthe rest done and yeah so now the restare done and it should look somethinglike this so you’re gonna have to put itin the oven for 350 degrees preheated to350 degrees and then putting down for250 degrees for 10 minutes and it shouldlook something like this so this is theend of the videonot a little video but there’s somethingcoming up that I try for the first timeroll cinematic[Music]