How to make aquarium cookies part 1.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
thank you starting so um to makeaquarium cookies you can uh you can umuse our cookie cutters to make shapesand then like put I smaller cookiecutters inside to make like a heart orsomething inside a heart shape with nocookie dough inside and um then you canroll out um you can roll out more cookiedough if you ran out umm and use that umthat don’t we used to roll it out andmake more cookies and then um so shouldwe show him what we use yeah we use somehot egg-shaped cookies and did a heartshaped cookie cutter inside and we didsome large hearts and did a smallerheart shaped cookie inside I’m so farwe’ve come up with these shapes alreadyhave some funnies with hearts inside andyou can see the inside is empty andwe’re gonna fill that up we’ll show youwhat we’re gonna do with that we stopwhat are we gonna fill it with KadenJolly Ranchers alright oh we’re videoingbuddy you ready get down so they can seeyou so this is how we took our JollyRanchers there’s probably a bettermethod for this but we have fun withthis we stuck them in some paper towelswrap them up and who’s gonna show us howit’s donethen when we opened it up we have ohnice little Jolly Rancher bits andpowder and we’ve been doing all kinds ofcolors today we’ve got blue green blueraspberry blue raspberry and they kindof crushed it up into a fine dust andthat’s we’re gonna what we’re gonna puton the inside of the cookies we’rebaking five minutes right now we haven’tdone this we’ll see if it works or not Iknow but it’s red yeah it’s red and thisone is also red but lighter color like apink maybe yeah and this is what is itit’s green okay so this is green applethat’s blue raspberry this is cherry andthis is watermelonthis looks like orange but um red pinkalright okay so we partially cooked ourcookies and now eight minutes okay who’sgonna sprinkle me don’t touch the trayit’s hot you don’t know alright you justgrab some of this and sprinkle it insidegreat okay Nina that I had them you knowthey’re gonna be in flesh in them youknow we’re sprinkling these inside Iburn my finger right in there it’sputting the sprinkles you putting somein okay alright so here’s what they looklike right now we’re gonna pop them backin for three to five minutes or untilthe candy melts and see what happensThanks okay so my views taught to makesure that it didn’t like hit like ifyou’re doing that on a table orsomething that you don’t want to getdentedto make sure that doesn’t happen you cancrush your on an oven mitt like this itwould appear that we didn’t put quiteenough candy in there are some gaps sowe’re gonna add more and hope that worksbecause it’s so good so we got our firststep done and we have our cookies theyturned out pretty good we learned thatthe Jolly Ranchers melt pretty fast somaybe we didn’t need to pulverize themthe way we did we could leave biggerchunks leave them in bigger chunks andput them in and they’ll still melt justfine