Cookies Recipes

How to make a Play-Doh cookie!!

Hi Friends!! This is the first episode of Baby O’s Got Play-Doh and this first video shows how I make a M&M chocolate dipped cookies that look like the cookies I got from the bakery!! Have fun creating with me!! We will have so much fun together!!

Baby O

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hello and welcome to baby Oh Scottplay-doh with me baby oh so with thisI’ll just be making play-doh creationsevery day for you and how to do them sohere are some things I’ve done in thepast this is a high I did cannoli whichwill actually be making next week sotune in for that an Ice Cream Sandwich acake with flour so nice cake it looksit’s a nice cake you know and I’lldefinitely preview how to do thatwithout layers colliding s’mores nicechocolate these s’mores some ice creamthat’s fun to make I’ll make them thisseemed to my favorite ice creams I lovemint chocolate chip that’s my absolutefavorite and then some chocolate chipcookies mister hello pizza who doesn’tlove a good pizza like that then somedonuts I have loser they can see youhome and then fudge stripes and an Oreonose look good I can show how to makethose and then a chocolate cream pieit’s yummy what looks good and thenpizza I can show you how to make pizzaand then some breakfastegg bacon and then pasta I’ll show youhow to make pasta ends up like this soon Sunday we’re going Italian so we’llbe making pastaon Sunday so that should be fun buttoday we are making M&M cookies but outof play-doh so we went to a bakery wellI did it but my parent went parents wentto a bakery over the weekend and we gotcookies for oh just just a week and thentheir M&M cookies from a bakery inmonmouth county and this is what I needthat looks like the cookie and thepicture is making it look a little moreyellow than how it looks in person Iknow I’m a butter cookie but when you doit it will come out more like like abutter cookie so this is what your thingwill look like at the end so let’s getstarted you will need colors such asyellow No yes this is a light yellowhere this is the light yellow and thiscomes in a bakery set it’s a nice lightpastel yellow but I ran out of all theyellow so I’m just using a white and abright yellow to make the light yellowso we’re going to need white yellowchocolate which would be brown and thenwe’re going to be using orange red blueand green for the M&Ms and then for thechocolate it’s the chocolate fillingwill be also using the yellow for theM&Ms so let’s get start by making if youdo not have this light yellow we’regoing to mix the white and the brightyellowso take a little bit of yellow take alota little bit more white than yellow tomake the okay so we’re going just tostart to mix it in our hands a littlebit and then you might have a spatula ifyou don’t you can just keep mixing itbut what I like to do is try and drag itout it kind of helps mix it a little bitdrag this make it kind of messy where itrips apart you don’t want that tie-dyelook either you want to be solid somaybe you cut it up a little bit intosmaller pieces I’m just going to add alittle more white to mine so it has thatcookielucdo the same thing you want you to use alittle rolling pin to so doing plato’sobviously very fun and it’s a good wayto keep active sometimes when you havenothing to do around house so what Iwant to do to make the actual cookiesnow we don’t want to make them too bigjust small really good to do a littlemini versions of things I’m gonna rollit out snake just six it and then cut itin half about then you’re going to shapeit into somewhat of an oval I would saya cookie should be about that so whenyou have your cookie about this lookthis shape that should be good okay soyou know how cookies they have thatrippled effect so what we’re going to dois we’re going to take this somewhat toLigon this well it’s a pizza like pickaround her but you could just use thisthis works fine by like the tip it hassir just want to create little linesjust like this have that we’re bothaimedjust like soon now we’ll make our othercookie sing make it into the oval shapeokay that’s cookie and now we’re goingto make the lines againTirpitz now let’s just make sure they’rebasically the same size and you can takewhatever shape you like the most andthen just cut around it so it has evenlook okay now I’m going to take justroll it outmake it but this could be a little routedown little bit extra billingwho doesn’t love chocolateokay now we’re going after you have thechocolate layer in we are going to pressthe two cookies together they shouldlook like that now we’re going to takechocolate this is the last of mychocolate so you guys seeing I do that’smy job now we’re going to roll it intojust roll it and then we’re going to cutit into sections and since chocolates alittle to mold it and it’s not alwaysperfect looking just place it oncovering the top making it look like itwas dipped in chocolate the cookie wasdipped in chocolate I love Chuck cookiesthey’re they’re definitely my favoritenow when you have a chocolate dippedcookie you want to start to make thesecond layer chocolate which is M&Msso I guess take some wood all in all forall the M&Ms you’re going to make you’regonna take less than that but this muchbecause we make about two three M&Mseach well a beach cover tiny like thaton the sides and if any if you have anyblank colors blank spots with nochocolate you might want to put it thereso you can just have a ton of M&Ms oranythingso now orange these two of this colorit’s bright color and there are so manydifferent shades of each color justchoose the one you like but I like thosereally bright colors for things likethis they want to stand outmaybe stack some M&Ms on top of eachother to that stack them on top of eachothercolor stack some make it look reallycool so now I’m just going to do twohey blue definitely adds a good pop ofcolor she might want to add a fewso we finished the M&Ms you could alsoput some chocolate menem’s I did that onthis one but I ran out of chocolatemaking the chocolate cutter so put somefun chocolate put maybe put some pinkwhatever you want so this is ourfinished project today so these are ourtwo mm cookies so let’s just take a lookat themcompared to this cookie so I’m sureyours look so good and I’m sure it’smaking you crave a sweet so I can’t holdyou for too much longer go have a funsleep but thank you for coming to myfirst episode of baby who’s got play-dohso have a great day and I will see youtomorrow when I’m making cannoliyay so see you soon bye

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