You can have 120 meringue cookies with only 3 egg whites with this recipe! 💃🏻
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You’ll need
3 egg whites
A pinch of salt
1 ½ cups powdered sugar
2-3 drops food coloring
Here’s how
1- Start by beating together 3 egg whites and a pinch of salt.
2- Beat until it gets frothy.
3- Start adding in the powdered sugar gradually while still beating.
4- Once all of the sugar has been added, beat for an additional 10 minutes until the mixture is glossy and stiff. You will know that the mixture has the right consistency when you hold the mixing spoon upright, and the mixture doesn’t flow.
6- Fit a large piping bag with a large star tip and transfer the mixture to the prepared piping bag.
7- Line an oven tray with parchment paper.
8- Pipe the mixture onto prepared parchment paper. They won’t spread much, so you can put them fairly close together.
9- Bake in an oven preheated to 100 degrees for 1 hour. Baking time can change depending on their size so keep a close eye on them in the oven.
10- You can also have colorful meringue cookies by adding food coloring to the mixture. For this, you need to add few drops of food coloring to the mixture and beat until well blended. And pipe the mixture onto baking tray lined with parchment paper.
11- Turn the oven off once the baking time has passed and leave meringues in the oven to cool completely before removing.
12- Meringue cookies are ready to be served or used for cake decorations! Enjoy!
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Video Transcription
hi everyone welcome to NASA TV here’s asimple recipe for marine cookies theselittle Marines only call for threeingredients is made simply by beatingegg whites with sugar and does notrequire cream of tartar or anotheracidic ingredient so let me show you howto make them start by beating togetherthree egg whites and a pinch of saltmeat until it gets frothy keep in mindthat you can whip the egg whites ifthere’s even a tiniest bit of yolk inthem so be carefulnow start adding the powdered sugargradually while still beatingonce all of the sugar has been addedbeat for an additional ten minutes untilthe mixture is glassy and stiff anddon’t forget that the mixture shouldhave stiff peaks and sugar should becompletely dissolved you will know thatthe mixture has the right consistencywhen you hold the mixing spoon uprightand the mixture doesn’t flow with alarge piping back with a large star tipand transfer the mixture to the preparedpiping bag line an oven tray withparchment paper pipe the mixture ontoprepared parchment paperthey won’t spread much so you can putthem fairly close together I like tomake smaller ones as you see but you canmake larger ones if you’d likemaking an oven preheated to 100 degreesfor an hour making time can changedepending on their size so keep a closeeye on them in the oven please you canalso have colorful meringue cookies byadding food coloring to the mixture forthis you need to add five drops of foodcoloring to the mixture and beat untilwell blended and that’s all I had 120marine cookies with these ingredients[Music]turn the oven off once the baking timehas passed and leave my rings in theoven to cool completely before removingmarine cookies are ready to be served orused for cake decorations enjoy and ifyou enjoyed the video please don’tforget to subscribe and click thebalalaika thanks for watching