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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I creep all familythis is mrs. chant here on my kitchen weare getting a little stir-crazy with thequarantine so we decided that Friday isgonna be a baking day so today we’regonna try and bake some chocolate chipcookies but first we’re gonna change therecipe which will involve a little bitof math so stand by okay so we decidedto half the recipe that means we’regonna divide this recipe by two so ifthe full recipe gives us 30 cookies andwe divide in half then that will give us15 cookies so that’s what we are makingtoday that means we need to go throughthis recipe and divide each of theingredients by 2 so 2 divided by 2 is 1cup so 1 cup of butter melted 1 cup ofbrown sugar packed and 1 cup ofgranulated sugar and if we divide 4 by 2that means we’ll have 2 large eggs andthen 1 tablespoon divided by 2 will giveus 1/2 a tablespoon and then 5 cups offlour divided by 2 will be 5 over 2 andI’m gonna simplify that by doing alittle Tibotop in and bottom out so the top goes inhere the bottom goes on the outside twowill go into 5 2 times 2 times 2 is 4subtracting 5 will be 1 and I write myremainder as a fraction so that gives me2 and 1/2 cups then 2 teaspoons dividedby 2 will give me 1/2 a teaspoonand then four cups divided by 2 willgive me sadly only two cups of chocolatechips okay let’s do starting so this isa brown sugar just sugar and then meltedbutterso next I’m blending in the two eggs andthe vanilla extract you know you onlyneed to add a tablespoon a halftablespoon I’m sorry half a tablespoonof vanilla extract we are writing inanother honey you mean two half cups offlour equal to one cupplease that’s my half cup other half cupso now she’s eight you are do notbreathe please preheat the oven to 375Fahrenheit not Celsius that wouldn’t endup well yeah Oh get out whatever thesewhatever this thing is so originally wedo not have parchment paper butapparently we’re not supposed to worrycuz we’ve done cookies on your loads andloads of times let’s not have themacaron incident again mom let’s notscoop get an ice cream scooper and scoop1 2 3 1 2 3 in 1 2 3it depends on how big that is so atleast an inch away maybe an inch and ahalf yeah that ought to be better sothis is what we’re doing now we’regetting another we’re risking our livesfor the sake of the cookieswe need to put these in for 12 minutesonce to create for 12 minuteslike I said and so hopefully thesebabies are nice and flats and that is itthank you good night this is the finalproduct it’s this are some pretty good