So good have to try!!!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
and so today we’re gonna be making lemoncookies the first step is true greatlemon into a bowl I hope the I didn’tsay their mouth is one teaspoon of limecrime so next step is to add one egginto your bowl and you always put it ina different Bowl first so get in theshell in the bowl you can just scoop itout cuz if you put it in the actual bowlit’ll be harder to get outthen you want to add your eggs into intoyou go then you want to get 125 grams ofbutter before you add it put it in a mugor whatever put it in the microwave for20 seconds so it’s soft then once youput your butter in the microwave for 20seconds then you add it into your bowlthen you wanna add 3/4 of a cup of sugarthen once you’ve got all youringredients in the block in a bowl youcan blend it together and he was leaveit aside the shower then you will addone cup and 3/4 of flourthat’s 1 and 3/4 then you want to add ateaspoon of baking powder[Music]so then you want to so what you’resupposed to actually do is put it downlike that you spread out to makedelicious decorate your cookies music II already made from the previous videoyou go look at it it’s how to make abirthday cake skip through it so theicing bit when you find it just make theicing then come then you can just usethe icing black but if using the samerising since it’s not over pretty goodright therethen for decoration you can add to add alittle sprinkle of cook then when you’redone you should have deliciousyou