BEST RECIPE for baking the best ever made Oatmeal cookies from my teacher Mrs. B! Please subscribe for more of this awesome yummy cooking tutorials! Oatmeal cookies are my favorite snack to eat, so you should eat them as a snack too, but don’t eat them a lot, or else you have bad cavities!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
[Music]I’ll just edit this on my computer oncethis gets postedso yeah you might see so this mattersampler but yeah you feel basically justpop studiousoh yeah guys and you also need butteraid and so yeah vanilla extract[Music][Music][Music]you should always wash your hands tobreathe[Music]okay there’s our back so you’re alsogoing so make sure that you havewhatever those are called measuring yeahmake sure they have measuring cups andput the brown sugar in there not all isit one and a half cups of brown sugar inthe bigger one[Music]you need the cupbut for now you need this cup and makesure that you okay next to the next okaywe’re going to put the butter in so herejust I do say pepper just put the wholeentire thingyeah just put a cup of butter or myblock either way get the blender setokay guys so now you’re gonna blender itso partner I’m gonna fast forward this[Music]just go back back back back[Music]now we’re gonna add the egg[Music][Music]anothernow it’s smelly good[Music]don’t get any shell in there now we aregoing to mix it so I’ll fast we’re thisis not[Music]okay we’re just gonna make up thechocolate chip and badge we’ll be rightback[Music]okay now the truffle chips into a secondokay guys momone and a half cups of flour and thenwe’re just gonna dump it in we’re gonnaset it to the side on all of our other[Music]now I’m not going to you can use ourbase up again and put into the oats dothat and then we’re gonna do it againokay now we’re going to add the bigcheese so add one teaspoon of it[Music]put that to this phone now we’re justgoing to grind this off so this isbasically this is the cookies but youhave to make certain pulling oncopyright music again and for this lookat all those chocolate chips look sogood now we’re going to mix but let’s incopyright not copyrighted and fastforward again[Music]yeah[Music][Music]okay so this is what the dough will looklikethat’s the dough now after do we missyou will you’re going to definitely needto wash your hands after touching up allthis stuffso then pre-heat up to 350 degrees andthen put them on a cookie sheet and thena trunk but make them the cookie shapeand there you go thank you for watchingthis video hope you iFit and good watch