These tangy lemon cookies are always a crowd pleaser ! The texture is somewhere between a cake and a cookie. The lemon glaze is the perfect balance between sweet and tangy. I have served these lemon cookies for all occasions, and for all seasons. They’re great for dessert or as a mid-afternoon sweet treat! They are simple to make…no rolling pins, no cookie cutters, just roll the dough into balls and bake. Recipe: 1 Stick salted butter, 1/2 Cup sugar, 3 Large eggs, 1 Tablespoon pure lemon extract, 21/2 Cups all purpose flour, 4 Teaspoons baking powder,
Glaze: 4 Cups sifted confectioners sugar, The zest from one -two lemons, 6 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice ( About 2 large lemons). You will have plenty of glaze to double dip the cookies.
Bake cookies at 375 degrees for 10-12 min.
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Video Transcription
[Music]our first cookie is the Italian lemoncookie now this was born out of anItalian lemon cookie that was first madewith almond and it had a vanillafrosting I’m gonna do a lemon cookiewith a tangy lemon frosting and I loveabout this cookie it’s sort of like across between a cake and a cookie it hasa like a tender cake like texture on theinside and the tangy lemon on top isjust perfect for this style cookie myin-laws gave me this recipe my fatherLord loves to bake and they hadoriginally done it with almond but thistwist on the lemon I really enjoy itkind of makes for tangy cookie and it’sa great dessert so let’s get started[Music]gonna start with our butter and oursugar we want the sugar to be completelymixed in with the butterokay we’re just gonna scrape the sidesdown a little bit and now we’re readyfor our hex put it on low and we’regonna add the eggs one at a time nowwhen you have the eggs it’s not gonna becompletely premium that’s okayI just want to kind of get it going inthere now once you’ve done that thenwe’re gonna add our lemon extract andwe’re gonna have a whole tablespoon ofthat okay so in that goeslooks out a little bit more once againwe’re gonna scrape before we put ourflower now we’re ready for our dryingredients we’re gonna put our bakingpowder and with our flour and you canjust give that a little bit of a stir tocombine themjust a little bit to get it going slowso it doesn’t bounce in our days you canput about half the mixture in let thatcombine a little bit and we’re gonnascrape again and we’ll finish it off forthe rest of our flourrest of the flour is in okay again we’regonna start that really slowly just tosort of get those ingredients bindingtogether okay you can increase our speeda bit on one last time we’re gonna getthe rest of the flour off the bowl tomake sure that it’s all in there justfineand we’re ready now this is a stickydough will be sticky so you try to getas much as you can off your paddle lovethese spatulas just scrape that off okay[Music]all right I like using a big spatula forthis part just to get a so you want tojust sort of get all this togethercombine it all so it’s easier to takeout of the bowl so see how I’m sort ofscraping it down into one big lump okaynow we’re gonna refrigerate this alittle bit so that we can work with itand then we’re coming back so our doughis all mixed together now it’s time toget our cookies baking so what we’refirst gonna do let’s get these on acookie tray now I like to use thisbecause it helps to make a more uniformcookie and I’ve sprayed it with a littlebit of cooking spray so it comes outeasilyokay and this helps us to sort of getthe portion correctly[Music]I’m just gonna kind of put these onlet’s get that overspray[Music]just less sticks to the bottom alrightso we’re going to continue to get allthese on the tray we’re gonna start with12 cookies and then we’re gonna get themin the oven let’s get these popped inthe oven you’re gonna cook for about 10to 12 minutes at 375 and while they’recooking we’ll start our lemon glaze okaywe’re ready for a glaze we’re gonnastart with our lemon zest the best wayto do lemon zest is with a zester and Ilove these little kitchen utensils youcan see that the zest comes off easilybut I just wanted to point out thatwe’re not looking to get the white partof it the pith part of the lemon we justwant the zest we’ll put a little a bitin there since I’ve already made thisahead little extra is goodokay so confectionery sugarnow it has to be sifted we don’t wantany lumps so we’ve done that ahead oftime and we’re adding freshly squeezedlemon juiceokay we’re gonna start mixing that andlet’s get our lemon zest in there adds areal tang and all you’re gonna do is mixthis until it’s all combined and smooththis is really the best part of thecookieyou can see it’s kind of starting tocome togethernow I’m gonna show you something you seehow this is kind of thick this will makea little bit more of a creamy glaze ifyou like a lighter glaze you just add alittle bit more lemon juice so once yousee what the texture is you can kind ofmake the call on how you enjoy yourcookie with a heavier glaze or a lighterglaze so this is going to give us alittle bit more of a thicker glaze onthe cookie it’s finished I’m gonnascrape the sides of the bowl and we’llcheck on the recipes that are cookingand we’ll be back in a minute okay it’sbeen ten minutes and they are done nowhere’s a test for doneness they want toLou it be a little bit golden on top andon the bottom same thing now we’re gonnalet these cool they have to becompletely cooled before we can put ourglaze on so we’re gonna let those coolfor a little bit and then we’ll move toour glazeour cookies are cooled and ready toglaze okay so we’re gonna use a spoonyou want to hold the cookie over thebowl because as you see the glaze isgoing to sort of drip off or the excessI should say so we want to kind of holdit over the bowl all right like so andhave a sheet right next to you a sheetpan continue to do this until the wolfroasted but first let me point one thingout if you like traditionally Italiancookies have little nonpareils on themyou don’t have to use them but they kindof dress up a cookie a little bit sowe’re gonna continue to glaze untilthey’re all finished[Music][Music]so the cookies are all glazed now we’rejust going to add these on ournonpareils have to do this while they’rewet incidentally before they actuallycongeal okay now something I want topoint out these cookies were made whenthe dough was cold it was probablyrefrigerated for about I would say anhour now if you do it that way they’regonna come out more round if you use thedough right after you’ve made it theykind of spread out a little more and youcan you can put the dough in right awaybut this will be the end result thereare a little bit bigger of a cookiewhich is fine so you have your yourcookie that’s been at room temperatureand then you have the one that’s beenrefrigerated they both come out reallywell but you always have to check fordoneness okay so that’s that’s the keyit has to be browned on the bottom theymight cook at different rates okay sothe colder ones will take a little bitlonger and the ones that you’ve justmade and mixed your batter will be alittle shorter that’s why we give you atime range but the real test is knowingwhat something looks like when it’ssupposed to be out of the oven and readyand here we have the nonpareils and wehave the ones without now one thing Iwant to point out also we talked aboutour glaze this is our thicker glaze withless lemon juice and this glaze actuallyhas more lemon juice so if you preferthem with a light lemon glaze that’s theway you go or if you want them a littlethicker which I like you want to use therecipe with less lemon and you can kindof just look at the glaze and you’llknow it’s nice and thick that’s whatyou’re going to get and if you thin itout with a little bit of lemon juiceit’ll be a little bit thinner on thecookie my favorite cooking recipe I hopeyou enjoy and you have to try this outthey’re great for company or just tohave in the house I could do some damageon these cookies