Cookies Recipes

How to bake cookies with Adina from David’s Cookies | Between Friends

Yum! Who else is obsessed with baking with their family? Adina shows us all the baked goods she’s whipped up with her family over the last few days and is currently making her famous, delicious chocolate chip cookies.

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Video Transcription

hey everyone its Adina with David’scookies and I’m in my kitchen today andwe’ve been like baking away every daysomething newmy dog is drinking her water she’s inthe background yeah that’s how we rollhereso lots of cookies as you can imagineand so easy so I’m so into this but thismorning I baked a banana bread withchocolate chips that is absolutelyamazing with my daughter Brooke shehelped me with that who’s actuallybehind the camera so shout out to mydaughter behind you but we made a cakeyesterday because it was cookies 10-yearbirthday so come come on little actionfor the camera work with meshe’s working so anyway so lots ofcookies lots of cake lots of baking andthen lots of exercises because oh I’mtotally into making these today becausethe banana bread is like from myself mydaughter my husband is even into it butmy son is all about the Chocolate Chunkcookies and actually I’m not gonna saywe’re not all about it we all are butthis is really his treat so he just wentout to place a little cross with hisfatherso I’m gonna bake some cookies and whenthey get back after lunch some cookiespreheated the oven here simple easy oncethat’s preheated it’s like 12 15 minutesso we’ll be eating those by the timethey get back but one thing that Iwanted to say aside from all the bakingand all that comfy type of stuff that’sgoing on something that I just happen tolove fresh flowers so if you can getyour hands on first flowers even if theycome from your yard I’m such a fan Ijust think that when you see this everyday you’re bound to have a smile on yourface a nice candle too which wedefinitely did get a QVC so kudos to QVCfor my candle but little things thatjust make you happy every day that’swhat it’s all about all right it’s timebringing it back take a lookthanks for joining me see you soon

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