Cookies Recipes

How to bake cookies🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

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hi baby games so today I’m gonna bakecookies I have butter a bowl one egg andthe first step is to three while we’reready for that to get hot we’re gonnamix in all the ingredients first you putthe softened butter so before you put itand you make sure that you soft in thebutter before you put it into the bowlwith the mix so that it’ll mix well andit’ll come up good okay then if you havea napkin you could just put it insideand then I’m gonna wash my hairall right I wash my hands and now I needto mix it with my handsand he makes it fast or the dojo isgonna get hard and the cookies aren’tgonna bakeyou have to mix and you make sure youmix it really well then when it’s nottoo sticky then it means it’s ready solike then you could just put it on tothe tray and[Music]and I’ll be right back once it’s allmixed up and on the trayokay guys the cookie dough is all donenow you will need to get one spoonful ofcookie dough but make sure that when youput it on the pan that it’s 2 inchesapart like here my mom just put thosethree so she could show me how to do itthen you get another spoon with nothingon it to push the cookie dough on to thepanokay so so far I only have five so onceyou if you have three of these alreadyput like that you will just keep doingthe row and because I still have a lotof batter and every little space sinceit has to be two inches apart[Music]okay so when I think I’m almost out ofspace for this pan so I’m gonna go getanother onebut I don’t have to go anyway that muchbecause no other pan is right there so Ijust need one more and then I’m gonnaget the other pan since I did kind of itum they’re not gonna be that much butthey’re gonna be really big and it’sgonna be really good so I’ll come backonce the other tray is already full orit has all of them onokay guys I’m back and I already put onput some more cookie dough on so I don’tthink that we need two or threethis one is really big well I don’t knowhow it’s gonna come out pretty big butit looks really bigso I think that’s gonna be the biggestone and then this is the last okaythere’s no more cookie dough in here sonow that the oven is already high I’mI’m just gonna open the oven and I’mgonnaso I got these small wings got me man[Music][Music]okay now that look a treasure inside I’mgonna talk about some other things so Ireally like to break but we don’t makethat often because we almost never havelike that many ingredients to do them orby the like the packages like the cookiedough and all the other things but onetime I didn’t over out of velvet and wedid it by frosting and it was reallygood but one time I got a really bigpiece and they put a lot of frosting onit because it was really big and Ididn’t finish and also did macadamia nutcookies yeah yeah so also if you guyshaven’t seen my friends channel it’scalled hi I am Chevy and all she doesn’ther channel is she bakes and if you guysknow how to talk to I understand it’sgood because her videos are only inSpanish and yeah so yeah and I’ll beback when the cookies are already doneand already cool okay guys I am and thecookies are already bakedthey are cool so I’m gonna put them inthis we don’t have anything else so wejust use this Easter thingwell I don’t think I need this becauseit’s not – oh these twoand this one the chocolate chip oh thisone it’s kind of like so high so it’s my[Music]there’s a lot of I think good and Ithink I’m just gonna try maybe one ortwothey are a goodokay guys I hope you good this videoanybody do it don’t forget to subscribesmash that like button then click thatnotification Bell so you’ll see wheneverI get a new video but I see you nexttime on address guys but against anyone

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