Cookies Recipes

How to Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies w/ the Eden Prairie Teen Tech Squad

In this video, we will walk you through how to bake chocolate cookies while also explaining the science behind the way these ingredients work to create both the flavor and structure of a delicious chocolate cookie! Hope you enjoy!



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More about the Science of Baking Cookies:

Music: For Love
Musician: Jef

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hi my name is Divya and I’m a part ofthe even Perry library’s teen tech squadin this video I will walk you throughhow to bake chocolate chip cookies whenbaking it’s a completely different storythan basic cooking since ingredientamounts truly matter while making thesesweet cookies I will also explain thescience behind the way these ingredientswork to create both the flavor andstructure of a delicious chocolate chipcookie so for the ingredients you’regonna want one stick of melted butter1/2 a cup of brown sugar a 1/4 cup ofwhite sugar 1 large egg 1 teaspoon ofvanilla extract 1/2 a teaspoon of bakingsoda 1/2 a teaspoon of salt one and ahalf cups of all-purpose flour and thena half a cup of chocolate chips so firstyou’re gonna want to pre-heat your ovento 350 degrees Fahrenheitin a large mixing bowl have the butteregg a vanilla extract then whisk untilsmooth eggs are actually a major sourceof moisture and protein in the cookiedough because the liquid and eggs give acookie structure by bonding with thestarch and protein in the flour theirprotein is actually what helps to makecookies much more chewy then you’regonna want to whisk in the two sugarsare brown on the white sugar untilthoroughly combined then you’re gonnawant to pull in the baking soda and saltover the top of the mixture and stir itwithout saltthe secondary flavors in a cookie fallflat as the sweetness takes over saltalso strands of protein in the doughmaking cookies much more chewy[Music]next you’re gonna want to add the flourand stir it in until fully combined andas smooth the dough is formed dependingon its ratio to other ingredients in thedough flour makes cookies chewy or crispto convey a lower proportion of flour tothe amount of liquid or egg results in acakey or chewy texture a high proportionof flour to the small amount of liquidin the butter produces a tender crumblytexture so feel free to change theamount of flour you put in to create acookie of your desire texture so themixing of the cookie dough develops agluten in the doughgiving cookies and chewy consistencybeware of over mixing which can turnchewy cookies into tough ones so some ofmy go got stuck to the mixer so here I’mjust kind of straightening it off tocombine with the rest of the dough inorder for me to fold in my chocolatechips so if you’re a chocoholic like mefeel free to add more chocolate chips inif you desire a sweeter more chocolatycookie so our mixer has a fold option onit so this is why I’m using it to foldin the cookies but if yours does notfeel free to use a rubber scraper or aladle to do so so before you place yourcookie dough onto the sheet you want tomake sure that you spray the pan withvegetable oil or canola oil to make surethat they’re easy to take off afterthey’re done you’re then going to wantto drop the dough by rounded tablespoonsonto the cookie sheet about two inchesapart the dough should make around 20cookies worth but in this case ours made16[Music]also if you want a more circular cookiefeel free to make your cookie dough intoround your balls next you’re gonna wantto place the cookies into the oven makesure that you’re using oven mitts duringthis process because it’s very easy toburn yourself due to the higher levelsof heat then set the timer to 9 to 10minutes low temperature and longerbaking time yields crispier thinnercookies a high temperature and shorterbaking time makes softer thicker cookiesso feel free to add less or more timebased on the type of cookie you wantwhen you take out the cookies they’redefinitely gonna look underdone butthey’ll firm up as they say you’re thengonna want to let the cookies cool on asheet for at least 5 minutes and thencool completely on a rack I know thisstuff can be very hard because thosecookie just looks so delicious but trustme you’ll be worth it it is veryimportant that you cool the cookiescompletely before storing them or elsetrap steam can turn them from crisp tosoggy cookies and who’d want to eatsoggy cookies[Music]well there you go now you have somedelicious chocolate chip cookies feelfree to enjoy these with some vanillaice cream or milk or simply bythemselves personally I like to put icecream in between two cookies to make anice cream sandwich well that’s it fortoday’s video if you would like moreinformation behind the science ofcookies I will be linking that in thedescription below along with a link to aprintable version of the recipe if youlike to know more about the teen techsupport program as a wholeI will also be linking additionalresources thanks for watching and I hopeyou enjoyedyou

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