Cookies Recipes

How to bake ” Butter Cookies”

How to bake “Butter cookies”  (or butter biscuits), known as Brysselkex, Sablés, and Danish biscuits.

Origin : Denmark

Butter cookies also come in a variety of shapes


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Video Transcription

oh I’m so fed battery one any 1/2 cupfor the purpose large or tablespoon uponstyle 3/4 cup powdered sugar add 1tablespoon honey[Music]so when alpha 3 sine of a now 180degrees Celsius and of gravity[Music]summers leave the room temperaturebutter and other sugar orfor example contains random porcupinemini Thank You guard downnot those maja[Music]so how they’re biting is giving Chris myopinion speed now we do that – thatthey’re like what likecan you have not learner then evil whowas another volunteer[Music][Music][Music]so tapas on I scrape on happenindeed theremake money nothing to have integrity butthe mom I forgotthen psychobos of israel or a bit aroundhalf cup flour[Music]haha[Music]so Bernice Milan a conservator Dharmainfectionthe fish parties back a penny typicallylike to make eres el shamah so funhaving a pipe in some piping[Music][Music]so indigo attending to say[Music][Music][Music][Music]so coming from overseas the Google is avery logical positivism parameter byMiriam connection about 100 Minamata ofrubber binder a fashion so read it andnothing shiny big the 20 minutes forwith navigating research[Music]da da Cunha up in poverty[Music][Music]it’s try to my youtube channel andfollow me on my invisible ten first tonotification bar both fought on para laugly tactic[Music]

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