Cookies Recipes

How to bake a soft and chewy Snickerdoodle cookies

Snickerdoodle cookies as often referred to as “sugar cookies”. When baking, this should be slightly underbaked to guarantee a softer and chewy textured cookie
I cup unsalted butter ( softened )
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla
2 3/4 cup all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt

Cinnamon-Sugar Coating Mixture
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 tbsp cinnamon

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today I am baking this soft chewybuttery cinnamon sugar snickerdoodlecookies here are the ingredients for thesnickerdoodle cookies sift all the dryingredients then set aside in a mixeradd the butter and sugar and cream forfive minutes until light and fluffybe sure to scrape the sides and bottomof the bowl to mix them properly addvanilla and eggs together then pour intothe bowl and mix for two minuteslastly add all the dry ingredients andmix for one more minuteremove the bowl from the mixer coverwith plastic then place in the freezerfor about 30 minutes before baking after30 minutesscoop and form into a ball and roll to acinnamon sugar mixture until fullycoated transfer into a baking tray linedwith parchment paper then use yourfingers to slightly flatten bake fornine minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheitafter baking let it cool for a minutebefore transferring air to a wire rackto cool completely often referred to asa sugar cookie snickerdoodle should beslightly under bake to guarantee asofter and chewy textured cookie

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