Cookies Recipes

Homemade Gluten-Free Samoas Cookies | Plate It Perfect

IT’S GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEASON!! On this episode of Plate It Perfect®, Callie shows you how to make a delicious homemade gluten-free samoa cookie that tastes just as good as the original! What is your favorite type of girl scout cookie? Let me know in the comments below!

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• 1 cup (198g) sugar
• 1/2 cup (8 tablespoons, 113g) butter, softened
• 1 large egg
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 3/4 cups (269g) King Arthur Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour
• 1/2 cup (50g) almond flour or finely ground almonds, blanched or
• 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum

Coconut Caramel Layer:
• 2 ounces unsweetened coconut flakes/chips
• 8 ounces soft caramels
• 1 tablespoon whole milk

Chocolate Dipping Layer:
• 8 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
• 2 tablespoons vegetable shortening

• Line two baking sheets with parchment. Preheat the oven to
• Beat the butter and sugar together in a stand mixer on medium
until fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla stir until combined, scraping
the sides of the bowl and stirring again briefly.
• Whisk together all of the dry ingredients. Add the dry ingredients,
stirring just until the dough comes together.
• Cover mixer bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate dough for one
• Roll dough, one to two tablespoons at a time, into a ball. Place
dough balls about two inches apart on a lined baking sheet, and
lightly flatten each with your palm. Use a large icing tip to punch
out a circle in the center of each cookie.
• Bake the cookies for 11-12 minutes. They won’t brown on top, but
will feel set and appear golden on the bottoms.
• Remove them from the oven, and cool completely on a wire rack.
• Make the Coconut Caramel Layer. First, toast the coconut. Place
the coconut flakes in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet, and
place in the center of a 350 degree oven and bake until the flakes
are lightly golden brown, stirring at least once (about 8 minutes).
Remove the flakes from the oven and allow to cool slightly before
crushing the toasted chips in your hands. Second, remove the
caramels from their wrappers and melt them in in a small,
microwave safe bowl for 30-second intervals, stirring in between,
until melted and smooth. Add milk to the melted caramels as
necessary to thin the liquid to a pourable consistency.
• Assemble the Cookies. Dip one side of each cooled cookie lightly
in the melted caramel mixture, and place, caramel-dipped side up,
on a piece of parchment paper (or Silpat liner). Add the toasted
and crushed coconut chips to the rest of the melted caramel
mixture and mix to combine. With a butter knife or small offset
spatula, spread the coconut-caramel mixture on top of the
caramel layer on each cookie in a single layer. Place the
assembled cookies in the refrigerator until they are set (about 10
minutes). While the cookies chill, make the chocolate coating.
• Melt the Chocolate & Complete the Cookies. Melt the chocolate
and shortening in a small microwave-safe bowl, at 30-second
intervals, stirring in between, just until melted and smooth.
Remove the cooled cookies from the refrigerator, and carefully dip
the bottom of each cookie in the melted chocolate. Use a butter
knife to gently scrape excess chocolate off of the bottom of the
cookies. Place the cookie back on the parchment paper. Drizzle a
bit more chocolate over the top of each cookie in a zig-zag
pattern. Allow to sit at room temperature until the chocolate is set.
Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator until ready to
serve. Freeze any leftovers.

Styling Tips:
Use the specific brand of flour in the recipe when baking gluten-free
Using high quality ingredients will give you the best taste
Be precise with measurement when baking gluten-free
An icing tip is perfect to cut out the hole in the cookie


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it’s Girl Scouts season we all know thatGirl Scout cookies are amazing but theydon’t have a gluten free option forevery flavor so I decided to make agluten-free Samoa that is just as goodif not better than the original so I’mgonna start this recipe by making thedough this is a gluten-free dough andit’s actually a King Arthurrecipe now why that’s important isbecause when you’re doing gluten-freebaking you want to make sure and use thesame brand of gluten-free all-purposeblend that’s in the recipe differentgluten free brands have different typesof flour in them in different ratios ofthe flour some brands even havecornstarch in them so you really want tobe mindful of when you’re following agluten free recipe to use the exactbrand of flour I’m gonna start this offwith some butter I have a whole stick ofunsalted butter and I used high qualitybutter in this recipe I actually loveCarrie gold because this cookie is sosimple the base has very few ingredientsyou really want all the ingredients tobe a really top quality so they tasteamazing so we have our butter and thenwe’re gonna add a cup of granulatedsugar and we’re just gonna beat thisuntil it’s fluffy and that may takethree to five minutes but it reallymakes a difference in the texture ofyour cookie especially when you’rebaking gluten free you want to get thispart right okay this is looking greatbeautiful okay so now our butter sugarmixture is light and fluffy and withgluten free baking you really want to beas precise as possible so sometimes innormal baking all baking is science youcan kind of get away with not beingprecise but you really want and glutenfree baking to nail everything prettyprecisely just so the recipe works wellokay so I’ve scraped down the sides ofour ball everything is light and fluffyour butter looks awesome and I’m gonnaadd some vanilla extract and an eggwe’re just gonna stir this togetheruntil it’s combined okay looking goodawesome so now we’re gonna whisktogether all of our dry ingredients sosince this recipe is gluten free I havea cup and a half of King Arthur brandgluten-free flour and then also have ahalf a cup of almond flour this isblanched almond flour lightly whisk thattogetherreally want to get this pretty even linkin mind so that our cookies have a welldistributed flour situation happening sonext we’re going to add a little bit ofsalt baking powder and then we also havesome xantham gum and you can get xanthamgum online honestly because a lot ofpeople are eating gluten-free these daysit’s probably maybe more readilyavailable at like health food store andwhat xantham gum does is acts as abinder so since we don’t have theprotein from the gluten in the flourit helps bind our cookies together okaythis looks awesomeand with cookies you want to make sureand not over stir so you’re reallylooking for these to just come togetheruntil you don’t see any ribbons of flourin the dough and do this on a low speedso you don’t poof flour everywhere GirlScouts are prepared they know not to dothings like that again you’re just gonnastir this until it just starts comingtogether and clumping into a dough thislooks great alright so I’m going tosmash this down lightly with my handsand I’m gonna cover this with plasticwrap and put it in the fridge for aboutan hour just to make sure the dough isfully set and it’ll be easier for us toroll out in shape okay guys so we haveour chilled gluten-free dough rememberyou want to keep this in the fridge forat least an hour just to make sure itsets this dough also can get pretty warmso when we’re rolling it out if you feellike you’re not it’s not as easy to cutthe middles out just pop it back in thefreezer for a few minutes pop it back inthe fridge for a few minutes either onewill work to set it back again so you’regonna take about a tablespoon or two outof your dough and I’m just gonna makelike a large ball of dough with my handsoh then roll it and roll in and then I’mgonna use my palm and just a lightlyflatten it and I’m gonna use this icingtip I love that it’s metal and it’sgonna char Perowne the edges this to mewas the easiest way to do this and I’mjust gonna put it right here in themiddle of the cookie and then kind ofwiggle it aroundvoila and then we’re just gonna keep onrolling so we’re gonna do the same thingI’m gonna make about six cookies herethis dough probably makes about eighteencookies but just to show you guys moreeasily I’m only gonna do sixI love Samoas they are my all-timefavorite Girl Scout cookie I am soexcited about this recipe and I am notlying to you guys when I tell you thisis one of the best cookI’ve ever baked they are so good theyare so worth the time trust me on thisyou’re gonna want to make these actuallywas a Browning back in the dayshout out Girl Scouts that lasted aboutsix months I wasn’t super committed toit and I think I sold like three boxesof cookies so yeah I was not a greatsales person I think I literally gavethe list to my dad who had an office andwas like hey can you sell these cookiesfor me thanks dad so I wasn’t veryindustrious at that age awesomeokay these are ready to go we’re gonnaput them in a 350 degree oven for about10 minutes and don’t worry if they don’tget really golden brown on top they’regonna have a golden brown on the bottomand they’re gonna be perfectly set so wehave our cookies baked they are cooledand out of the oven I have them on acooling rack and I just want you guys tonotice they don’t look golden brown ontop like I talked about but they do havethis pretty golden brown this on thebottom so that means they are done andwe’re about to do some super fun stuffwe’re gonna dip these in caramel so thisis unwrapped handy caramels that I’mmelted in the microwave for about 30seconds added a little bit of milkheated it up for about 15 more secondsand voila we have our caramel dippingand this is actually a ratio fromgluten-free on a shoestring which is oneof my favorite gluten-free blogs outthere they’re amazing make sure andcheck her out so I’m gonna do this oneat a time I’m just gonna dip it into mybowl I have a fork here in case I needto restore the caramel or help theseguys out awesome and don’t worry aboutif the caramel isn’t perfectly aroundthe edges because we are going to add inour coconut caramel layer to these soit’s totally okay – I’m not have themperfect cuz we’re gonna add some more ontop YUM okay so we have all these dippednow we’re you’re gonna add about 2ounces of toasted coconut to our caramelthis is just like unsweetened flakedcoconut that you can put in the oven at350 just until it turns light and goldenbrown and we’re gonna add it to ourcaramel this is gonna create thatdelicious caramel coconut layer that’sgonna be so good and you really want towork quickly with this because once itgets all mixed in it’s pretty sticky andI’m gonna take just a couple tablespoonsthe caramel and just add it on top ofour cookies we’re gonna make sure clearout the center so we keep that lookwe’re gonna coconut up all of thesecookies okay so these are fully coatedwith our caramel mixture I’m gonna putthese in the fridge for about 10 minutesto set and then we are going to do ourchocolate drizzle and dip and it is timefor the final step so as we know Samoashave that beautiful dark chocolate layeron the bottom so that’s what we’re gonnado first so I have some chocolate thatI’ve melted a little bit of vegetableshortening and I have some wet papertowels here for my hands cuz it gets alittle bit messy dipping them this waybut it to me I tried several methods andit worked the best so I just want to getchocolate all around the bottom layerI’m gonna put him back on our rackobviously wasn’t in Girl Scouts verylong sadly but I did watch the movietreat Beverly Hills and that is thetroop I wanted to be in I wanted thatwonderful redheaded lady to be my troopleader phyllis nefler troop BeverlyHills there’s this scene in the moviewhere they’re like go campaign just toprove to the other Girl Scout troopsthat they’re like legit they had ahorrible experience which I personallyresonate with because I’ve had severalbad camping experiences I think I reallywould’ve fit into that troop okayawesome so now we have these dips we’regonna drizzle and I’m just gonna use aspoon and just create that littledrizzle pattern on top you’re gonnastart pouring your spoon away from thecookie and then once you have thedrizzle going you want to drizzle thecookie all right so I’m gonna let theseset at room temperature and then I’mgonna go plate them and serve them upokay so our cookies are all set andready to go they look amazing and as youcan see they are a little bit biggerthan your standard Samoa but I don’tthink anybody’s ever complained about abigger cookie and also you know yourtypical Girl Scout cookie comes in a boxwe got you you can serve these in alittle white box with some fresh mintpaper inside or on a cake platter sharethem with your friends I cannot wait todig in[Music]hmm these cookies are so good literallymy mouth is watering still as a meetingof the best cookies I have ever madegirl Scout’s honor cannot wait for youto try them tag at pop kitchen onInstagram and comment below I want toknow what you want to see me stall next[Music]

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