Harper teaches Cher T how to bake cookies. Harper teaches Cher T REALTOR how to bake cookies. Episode one of Cher T Learns.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey everybody its share to your friendwaffles and I am with my friend Harperand she’s going to teach us a new recipetodayhey Harper how are you hi my name isHarper and I’ve been baking for a coupleyears I think I’m not sure but yeah um Ithink we’re gonna be baking cookieswhat’s your favorite thing to me youtell meI like making a lot of different cakesand pies awesome cool okay so Harper I’myou’re the expert here I don’t know whatI’m doing so I’m gonna let you take itaway okay okay um so the first thingthat says to do is to line a bakingsheet with parchment paper or a silksoap ad so we’re gonna skip that partover laterokay so in a medium bowl combine theflour okay we are doing two cups ofall-purpose flour and what we like to dois we just like put it in the Oh in abowl it kind of spilled my house spilledbut okay I always like a tiny bitokay and then you also want to combinethe baking soda and the salt we have thebaking soda I have the baking soda andsalt in both in this little onelet me see one tablespoon salt oneteaspoon salt and one in one teaspoonbaking soda you suggest mixing themahead of time yeah so can you tell meHarper if somebody was watching rightnow and they didn’t have regular saltlet’s say they had sea salt can you yousee soldiers that – it’s bigger isactually gonna be too grainy for thisit’s okay cuz I think they’re in this itsays um someone uses pink Himalayan saltyou can also use pink Himalayan salt butyou can also use regular salt so waitare you ready for the next step I’m alittle bit behind I’m not as experiencedas you with the baking Harper so thanksfor waiting on me here so we put this inokay okay so I have the salt and thebaking soda you add the flouroh and the flour yeahmix together and set aside so I’m justI think um oh wait I think we weresupposed to do okay I’m not sure but itsays I’m medium speed for about fourjust like that yeah now you want tocream the butter and sugar one stick ofbutter it is soft and then you also wantto add you also want to add this sugarwhich is 3/4 cup granulated sugar andone cup of brown sugar and what what youwant to do when you’re measuring brownsugar is it’s always packed like therecipeyou always have to pack it when you’readding the cup you just want to cream ittogether so just kind of kind of likeyou this kind of took like the butter[Music]like have a pretty cream so that’s thebrown sugar and I’m getting the brownsugar open criminal and sugar behindhere he told me but not much brown sugaragain a one cupokay any tips because you here I seeyou’re really strong they’re hardware soyou just take the mixing spoon and pushthe butter down to break push it andthen you want to like stir it is there agood song to sing or play while you aremixing the butter well okay what youreally want to look at the granulatedsugar and the brown sugar I’m in aren’tlike kind of separated kind of prettymuch so you’re pushing down on thebutter and mixing right those two thingsthat you’re doing yeah I had a questionfor you so we see on Facebook that youlike to roller skate in the house orrollerblade in the house okayso since I was three wow that’simpressive partner so I didn’t likeskate backwards jump and skate backwardsskip and jump and also one of myfavorite types of roller skatingit’s called chair skating where I takethe chair and I just skate with it ohwow this chair on wheelsyeahyeah so that’s that sounds like a prettyfun skill to do that’s awesomeI’ve heard that you also play somemusical instruments is that true yes Iplay the piano and the guitar Wow andhow long have you been doing each ofthose instruments for Harper’s guitaristyeah two and a half years piano one yearhey maybe one and a half you have songsthat like are your favorite to play onpiano or guitar well there was one songon my piano and it was basically like umit was in one of my work books and itwas called forest drums and I would playthat song and I even had it memorizedyeah I wonder if Taylor Swift is bakingcookies today she might okay I’m stillmixing over here I hope I’m making youproud heartburnI’m working hard over here no hardware Isaw you made banana bread the other dayhave you been doing other baking sinceabout um since then not not much I guessbut sugar all over me but before that wemade um we made a leprechaun cake forPatrick’s Day oh and then soon as thatkey like well we did use some green foodcoloring and then we did some wait forthe clouds and we did rainbow forsprinkles we did like a rainbow man outof sprinkles that sounds like that’s alittle bit over my skill set right nowthis isn’t challenging enoughmaybe one day you can teach me thatmaybe I’ll work out I’m just trying toget it all off my spoon now okaywait are you almost wait can I see yourbull oh okay that looks pretty goodthank you so the next is add the vanillaand eggs so last time in my a bananabread recipe I kind of over spilled thevanilla so I’m just gonna I’m not gonnause the cap anymore because I don’ttrust it anymore okay I need to grab myvanilla I’ll be right back this is foranybody who’s starting out and hasn’tdone this before Harper this is purevanilla extract right like one and ahalf tablespoons vanilla and one and ahalf teaspoons I keep saying tablespoonsbut the cap is one teaspoon too much funrather that happened then it spills allover the butter in my banana breadepisode yeah once you added that youwant to start on your eggs it’s cuteright – eggs yes two eggswhat can I ask you do brown eggs as welloh can we do it at room temperature sowe set out the butter like a couplehours ago I think so oh yeahdo you have a trick for breaking theeggs so I don’t get it all over myselfso what you want to do is you want totake the egg and then you kind of likeknock it against the one grab grab thislittle hole right here and push out likebut um it’s kind of hard so yeah ittakes practice okay well when you guidedme on it when okay yeah now we mix ityeah you’re looking you’re looking forit to lighten the color see the mostimportant one of the most importantthings I know for baking which I’ve beentelling everyone is we wash our handsbefore we started this yeah for 20seconds with soap and wateryou so I sing I sing that happy birthdayto you for 20 seconds when you wash yourhands do you sing a song or you justhave to 20 did you hear that I don’tknow how far through you have to do itbut did you hear you can sing baby sharkmy sister loves that when I call her onthe phone and I wash my hands and I singbaby sharkshe loves that Wow does your arm everget tired Harper my arms get the wholetime it looks like I already have like atiny bit of so my looks kind of runny Idon’t know a little bit too runny butokay wait nice ears um yeah I thinkyours is good tooto see mine as well I need to besupervised it’s pretty good okay so nowum we scrape down the side I guess okayI guess we’ve already done that step andthen we add the flour mixture okay anytricks any tricks of Secrets orsuggestions on how to I think I justslowly add it slow yeah and then youwant to start slowly stirring it okayit’s really cool Harper how it changeshow it looks as you mix the ingredientsit’s really a science experiment my armgot tired I’m going to switch to my leftarm my right arm got tired of mixingmaybe maybe this could also be a workoutvideo because I’m gonna gain some musclestrength in my armsI’m just looking for anyone watchingbecause someone might be fault mightfollow along with us because we just mixit and mix I think we mix it until likeum yeah until the flour is pretty muchdissolved but not dissolved because it’snot in water but like combined did I askyou how long you’ve been baking for doyou remember when you started bakingyeah probably like my whole lifeawesome okay okay I have a dog he’s downthere pretty small dog what color is heand you got to be careful than whenyou’re making that race or cookies okayI think I think you’re gonna be happywith my progress how does that workoh wow that’s pretty good okay now youwant to add one whole bag of semi-sweetchocolate of course this is the wholeback because me and my dad my mom iseating a little bit I would but my so myhusband helped me be organized thekitchen and he put them together oh yeahthe whole bag and then you want to mixlike a couple seconds or like a coupleminutes until they’re like just mixuntil it’s combined[Music]Wow whoo this is harder it’s harder forme to mix is are you having is it moredifficult since I had a little breakwashing my hands it’s easier for me somaybe that’s a good idea everyone whenthey’re mixing they can take a quickbreak dog or kitty cat and then go washyour hands right and sing maybe babyshark for 20 okay um I’m gonna try alittle spoonful okay we put that spoonback in there no I pretended to bitemine for the records you know ice creamright she dropped the spoon these are mychocolate chip cookies okay um I need Ihope we try so we scoop because we scoopit and then you put in the fish so nowthe next one is scoop pick out the doughinto balls all atomic plate in thefridge for 30 minutes to an hour orlonger okay this is where Ibird how do I have to sit these acertain distance apart and I’m sure liketo pinch or to an inch and a half sothat so I’d say like three are like lineso we get through I’m gonna see we’llsee how many cookie sheet are you usinglike a regular sized cookie sheetsinging rectangular yeah I’m using arectangular one and I’m curious on yourexpert opinion in your sous-chefs expertopinion do you guys use do you useparchment paper or do you use thesilicone sheet that we were discussingearlier we’re using a silicon key I likethat maybe that’s good for theenvironment because then we can wash itand use it again right I might run outof space about – why are they so heavyokay I love I love this type of scoopbecause then it comes kind of like cutsthe dough so you know we’re using thesame thing inside for anyone at homewatching this is it’s like a HarvardHarper put a good name on it it’s like amini ice cream scoop but it’s got that atrigger so you squeeze it and the doughcomes right out and a purposeoh and I guess Harper the other goodthing about it is it keeps us making allthe cookies the same song that’s rightyeah I think I might’ve made a one alittle bit too big but that climb Ireally really really like raw cookiesbut baking them I like them kind of likewarm and gooey not all the way cookedinside yeah do you have suggestionsabout that so anyone trying this recipemake sure that they’re not to thatthey’re cooked right but they’re notover do you have any suggestions foranybody watching well to make surethey’re cooked and not overcookedyeah cook them for 10 minutes and thenstart watching them very very closely ohok so like with the oven light on andhang out and keep an eye on don’t gowalk away and watch like Netflix orsomething yeah it’ll probably be about14 minutes 11:14 and it depends onpeople’s ovens right some people’s OhHarper I once we get the cookies on thecookie sheet you were telling mesomething that’s really important aboutthe next step the next step is um topreheat our way oh yeah to chill for 30minutes to an hour or longerso yes because you have to let the doughrest because resting and making it chilland chilling it makes it makes it likecrap makes it wrap was it well so Ithink we’re gonna stop the recipe andthanks for teaching me today we’re gonnastop it here in Harpercould we meet up again on on a videolike this and I can report back to youhow I did and we can see how it workedout okay and before I let you go them isHarper thanks for being here today canyou go over with me because I’m gonnamove to do this by myself so can you goover with me once it’s chilled for 30minutes I take it out of therefrigerator I preheat my oven to 375degrees 375 so any suggestions should Ibe preheating my oven while the cookiesare still in the refrigerator yes howlong do you think I should preheat theup like when do I start preheating theoven how long does it take do you thinkum so our oven takes about like fiveminuteswatchu okay so around five minutesbefore I take the cookies on our preheatthe oven to 375 yeah and then I put thecookies in I put the light on and watchand make sure they’re cooking 11 to 14minutes and keep it closed off yeah wellwhat you want to do is you want to haveit have it cook without looking for 10minutes and then you want to closely eyefor about 11 to 14 minutesno not yeah you want to do like one tofour more minutes okay okay cool andwhat am I looking for looking for themto be a little bit more look cookedround rightfirm to the touch and round it no brownon the sides okay firm to the touchround and no brown on the sides wellHarper and brown on myself and round andround the sides yeah awesome Harperthanks so much for being here with metodaywould you come back again sometime andteach me another recipe okay okayawesome I’m gonna say bye to your souschef and I Breanna I hope thank you guyshave a great day and thanks so much andeverybody this was miss Harper andHarper is a is one of my favorite bakersshe makes some awesome things so keep aneye out for her and I’ll see you laterHarper take care why