Part III of an amazing & delicious recipe! Enjoy!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
all right everybody welcome backI have rolled out some cookie dough andstarted cutting them just like I didbefore I kept going and kept going andkept going so I’ve taken 20 of them onmy cookie sheet here you can do less onyour cookie sheet you don’t have to do20 I did five rows of four but they dorise a little bit and puff up so if youwant to just start with maybe just adozen or something like that you candefinitely do that depending on whatsize your cookie sheet is this is apretty good sized cookie sheet so I’mnot too afraid there so I’ve gone aheadand cut out 20 bottoms and 20 tops okaymy dough mix so far so I’m going to takea half a teaspoon measuring a measuringteaspoon because I find it if I startdoing it with a regular teaspoonsometimes I get too little or too muchso I usually do try to measure this andI’m gonna go ahead and take the homemadejam that I made yesterday and I’m so wegonna take that half a teaspoon and I’mjust gonna drop it right in the centerof each of the pieces of the bottom ofthe TV okay so like I said if if youdon’t want to use the measuring teaspoonthat’s fine just try to stay consistentin your spooning of the jam because whatyou don’t want is you don’t want a bunchof it coming out over the sides nowsometimes it does it does leak out alittle bit on some of them and some ofthem it doesn’t so and sometimes withespecially with the homemade jam you’regonna get pieces of the fruit in thereas well so some of them might be alittle bit bigger than the other onesbut overall they’re pretty consistentwhere I found it’s pretty consistent nowyou want to make sure that you try todrop that right in the center of thecookie if you go off a little bit to theside sometimes you can correct it whenyou lay that top layer on but if you goup to the center too much it’sdefinitelyleaked out over the sides and you don’twant that so just a few left here andthen what we’re gonna do is we’re goingto go ahead and add the tops to this nowI have a little dish of water off to theside and that’s going to help me kind ofseal the tops and the bottoms togethernow you could use a little you could usea fork and you can crispy edges if youwanted to like a little pastry look orsomething like that but what I do isyou’ll be able to see it in just asecond there’s my last one and I takejust a little bit of water and extracold water or tap water doesn’t matterand I just kind of DAB my finger in andI just kind of go around the edges ofeach cookie not I mean you don’t have tospend a ton of time what this does isthis on the edges just moistens up thatcorner especially if they’ve beensitting for any length of time sometimesthey’ll start to crust a little bit thisjust kind of moistened it back up sothat when you put the tops on this willseal it really well and you won’t havebig gaps in your cookies okay so that’skind of important you don’t want likebig gaps where that Jam can leak out nowyou can try all kinds of differentfillings with us if you want to you canput dates in the middle sometimes myNana would put like a date mixture withsome crushed-up dates and sugar and thatwas really really goodshe made some great date bars to that Imade do later this year those work Ireally liked those a lot had a nicelittle crumble mixture on the top it wasreally good I’m sure a lot of you veryI’ve had those so okay so now what we’regonna do is we’re gonna go ahead and putthe tops on to the cookies so I’m gonnago ahead and just lay them over the topeach one I’m gonna really press down onthem too much right now okayI’m just gonna leave them on therenow what we did when I um when I wascutting these cookies is after I cutthem when I laid them on the counter Iflipped them over so that the countersize is up and the roadside is down whyI do that is eight because the ifthere’s any leftover flour it kind ofgoes in the middle and of the cookie andit kind of helps to stabilize the jam sothe jam isn’t like pushing outeverywhere and also what makes a nicesmooth surface for the top of yourcookie okay so that way the cookie thecookie bottoms are actually the cookietops if that makes any sense – it justsmooths them out it makes them look niceon the top as far as presentation goesalright so the last couple are left thisone’s broken a little bit see how thisis broken all I’m gonna do is kind ofpiece that back together and actually ifyou just crumple it up like this you canmake a whole new top if you want to so Ikind of left that one I really like Ididn’t redo it because I wanted you tosee if you just push it down with yourhand and just kind of form it you cantake your cookie cutter back out and andmake a nice crisp top if you want butthat’s all gonna get pushed together andyou’re not gonna be able to see it so ifyou have one that breaks totally fineokay now now that those are all laid ontop what I’m gonna do is I’m just gonnago around the very edges with my fingerslike the very edge okay kind of down offto the side so to speak and I’m justgonna go around and push these twotogether now I’m not really using a tonof force but you’ll be able to feel thetwo pieces of cookie come togetheralright so I’m kind of pressing that toplayer down into the bottom layer justaround the edgesyou’re gonna totally avoid the center ofthecookie books okay because what you wantto do I do I’m sorry but by doing thisit’s going to a you’re not gonna pushthe jelly out accidentally okay and beatit’s gonna create a little bit of an airpocket for that Jam to expand and togrow it in the center of the cookiealright we are all set to go nowpreheated my oven 350 degrees these aregonna go in there for beetween I wouldsay around 12 minutes you want to checkokay just so the edges are starting tobrown and the top might have a littlebit of a brown flecks along the topbut checking bit twelve check about tenfeet convection oven and these can goanywhere from 10 minutes on the earlyside to 15 minutes okay so bake them at350 we’re gonna go ahead and bake theseoff I’m gonna bake the rest of them offtoo and then when we come back you’llsee the end results and we’re gonnabreak one open so you can see the insidehang on just a sec we’ll be right backalright everybody we’re back I have thelast of the cookies out and I’m justgonna dish them onto my cooling rackhere now they have a nice like crispyoutside because of the Crisco justcombined everything together and it justit makes a nice it’s a cross hop betweena sugar cookie and a shortbread cookieand that’s why having the gym in themiddleis just perfect so each of these cookieseach cookie sheet bake about betweenaround 13 minutes or so in my oven Ihave a convection switch on my oven thatI turn on and it just creates thatairflow for a nice convection cook butif you have a regular oven like I saidcheck it at the 12-minute mark becausesome ovens do cook hotter than others umthese are really worth oh yeahso what you’re gonna do is just let themcool for a few minutes if you want asample one then I would recommend itcool just for a little bit because thejam is super hot in them but I have someon the bottom that have already cool I’min and I want to break one open let’ssee let’s take a cooler one here we gothese are just so delicious and look atthe jam in the middle it’s just enoughto add a little bit of flavor to thosecookies and not so much that it gushesout over the side so I hope you likethis recipe it’s phenomenal it just ifyou want to sprinkle a little sugar onthe top or even um do colored like somecolored food coloring in some sugar justto kind of do like pastel pinks andblues and maybe some greens for Eastertotally go for it kind of dress it up alittle bit but these are great the kidsare gonna love them you’re gonna lovethem everybody’s gonna love them soanything you do don’t forget make itwith love thanks for tuning in don’tforget to like it share it and subscribeit and tune in next time we’ve got somemore goodies coming for youhave a great day everybody