Eli making sugar cookies
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Video Transcription
we’re making cake eat shit wash yourhands[Music][Music]can’t really be myself you know mom’s inhere so what is yourself videos but Iwill for how the heck am I supposed toalways make sure your butter soft I wasa baker few years ago yes yes yes I wasaccepted into medical be read back ohshootgood book so I put the butter in themicrowave and let’s just say Jenny goesplanned yeah well it melted I wanted Iwanted to soften it a little faster andI totally forgot about it cuz I wasbeing too big of abuse[Music]there we gowe had a lot of sugar because we lovesugar and brown sugar yepmore sugar but this is not regular sugarthis is brown sugar around some saltit’s a little watery just for the factbeing that I noted the butter all theway down till it was liquid oh wellwe’re on Aimee Beger let Pam tell me ohyeah she’s not we was funny that’s whatshe caught my body weight up mymy skin.skin boyskid your dad says to eat that wrong butI really wanted to because you said thatdon’t lick it off in this case I’d sugarso they look like in the middle kind ofunder died mmm I forgot the banana