Chocolate Cookie Desserts! Decorate your own cookies
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hi everyone so today we’re gonna makechocolate chip cookie so we’ve got thepremix here and it’s really beautiful Ilove this cookie you can actually have asoft cookie or a pretty crunchy cookieas well I’m gonna show you how todecorate beautiful cookies like thiswe’re gonna have like raspberriesmangoes fruit cookie also with saltedcaramel and what I have here ready it’smy butter so I’ve got like butter that Ileft it outside for a while so it’s kindof soft and you kind of want to have itlike that you don’t even need to cube itall you need to do is just leave itoutside so that’s really fine and thenwe have half an egg this recipe allowsfor 30 cookies I’m gonna start I’m gonnatake back great this is really beautifulI mean we use also really nice cocoapowder and this and we’re coming upagain you know with no sugar options aswell and that’s really nice we tried itwith stevia and it looks pretty nice sojust put the entire mix in therebeautiful it’s you can see I’m not usinga mixer and you can see there are somechips in sight they’re ready if you wantmore chocolate chip baking chocolatechips you can actually also get them onan online website we’ve got lots ofchocolate options for you alright sothere’s a half the egg in there now Ilike it a lotwith salted caramel Mourdock chocolatebaking chips we use about 50% darkchocolate that for me is one of the bestnot to dot so you don’t get it toobitter you still want to yes anddefinitely salt so we do have thesegloves as well we have these blackgloves on bake at home website you canget it in different sizes love using myhands while I bake know what we havehere so I’m just gonna kind of justknead it really well togetherso you can have any size you want youcan even freeze the dough what are whatwe like to do is to x-ray just make allthe cookie dough first lay it out flatplease that treats it all together sothat when I want to bake a cookie Ibasically just take it out of thefreezer and just bake it for ten minutesand I get a cookie so that’s prettystraightforward we’re gonna make somesmall and big ones small ones for adinner party and the big ones fordecoration so you want to put on two totrace one for small and one for bigbecause they would have a differentbaking time all right so you basicallykind of want to shape them really niceand then give them a nice press so justto make sure that your mixture it’s nottoo dry oh I’m gonna show you after whenit’s baked the little sites when it’scracked and when it’s uncracked it’sreally because you know you just won thedough to be really nice and moist rightout of the oven put it very quickly inthe fridge so we’ve got the small oneslike this and the huge ones fordecorating so it’s gonna be really funI’ve got together like fruits I’ve gotlike chopped chocolate bulletins I’vegot a little bit of patna for years foralways like fresh fruit to live aboutpectin sugar so these are really nicejuleps of candies as well that we put ontop just for that additional flavor andhe said tempered chocolate so you cansee that we basically temper thechocolate and make make it into littlediscs and then we can crush it up anddecorate with it so first we have thechocolate chip cookies and that’sactually using the chocolate paint soyou again you know you can make ourpaint recipes back at home you canactually take a white chocolate coloringsome flavor so busy so everything youneed for that so I’ve got four cookieshere and I’m basically gonna decoratetwo of them one mango and anotherraspberry got a little bit of caramelmousse here again it’s the same thing aswhat we did we whip up the Queen and alittle bit of salted caramel into thiscaramel mousse super decadent I’ve got apiping tip here take the piping tip makesure it’s a snug tight fit and then justpunch that in so that nothing flows outand then you can put your mousse insidepush it all the way through and we’regonna start decorating my caramelraspberry chocolate cookie then you wantto give it a nice I’m gonna pipe it allaround super nice and then make sure youhave the edges like like you know kindof empty so you can actually hold acookie and then just bite it like thatreally beautiful super fun for the kidsas well now just cut cut no noraspberries we’re gonna cut it into halfI’m just gonna place it right on topit’s beautiful all right so I’m almostdone now I’ve got this really nicecaramel raspberry tart just gonna haveenough salted caramel on top just alittle bit in between the raspberriesI’m gonna add a little bit of theraspberry flakes there the rose petalsgot my first cookie done it’s justbeautiful there we go okay so I’m gonnamake my second cookie I’m gonna do amango cut to free with chocolate crunchytoast just a little bit of the mangomousse as well so again you don’t need apiping tip fritters if you don’t have itjust give the piping bag a nice cut tothe size that you want and just kind ofpipe it up what’s again super funactivity for the kids we’re gonna put alittle bit of vanilla inside you canjust decorate your cookie with thiscrunchy place so they’re basically likecrepes and they absorb moisture quitewell they don’t really turn to soft nowI’m just gonnatrade it with my mango pesto’s all rightso I’m done look at that that’s insanethe chocolate with vanilla and mango andalso the crispy post I’m gonna take abite mmmoh my god you’re just amazing I meanwe’ve never ever done this before Idon’t know why but I’m glad we did itwith you today now tomorrow we’re goingto make a chocolate cookie stack lots ofgood flavor textures and super fun forthe family see you tomorrow