Since we’re stuck at home I figured why not make some cookies! These cookies are easy to make and best of all, you probably have all the ingredients in your pantry already. 😉 This recipe comes from Buzzfeed: (near the end of the meal plan). We’re an American-Polish couple who built our first tiny house in Mazury, Poland. Our ultimate goal is to be completely off-grid, self-sustainable, and as close to zero-waste as possible.
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
Oh mom hey guys what’s up in today’svideo I’m going to be making some nobake cookies I’ve been looking forrecipes this week that are just easy tomake don’t require any baking and justsimple recipes that use ingredients thatyou might already have at home since alot of us are just stuck at home withnot much to do so I figured why not makesome no bake cookies this is only onerecipe I found I have another recipe Iwant to test later but this one caughtmy eye because it’s super easy you onlyneed five ingredients and really youcould cut it down to three we’re gonnabe extra fancy and use the full five soI found this recipe on BuzzFeed so Iwill post the recipe in a pinnedcomments you guys can check it out it’sactually on a meal plan day two of tastyseven-day make-ahead meal plan so thesecookies were one of the recipes and thisrecipe will give us four cookies so it’sa perfect like late-night dessertbecause we already had our dinner so nowI will make four cookies and we couldeither eat all of the cookies tonight orsave some cookies in the freezer fortomorrow so you want a quarter cup and atablespoon of oats they can be oatpieces or whole oats this is just therolled oats that’s what we’re using youcan grind them up a little bit if youwant you also need a quarter cup ofpeanut butter or any nut butter this isthe best peanut butter ever it’s justground up peanuts so we are being extrafancy tonight and using some lint 70%dark chocolate I’m just using twosquares of chocolate tonight you canalso use dark chocolate chips or justleave the chocolate out completely ifyou’re not feeling it you also need asweetener of some kind we are usingmaple syrup the original recipe callsfor honeybut we don’t eat honey so we’re usingmaple syrup instead you probably couldjust leave this out as well but we wantthe cookies to be slightly sweet andlast but not least you want some salt Iam using Maldon salt it’s super flakyso this will be nice on the cookie justto balance with the sweetness so wealready measured out everything so we’retrying to get a thumbnailbefore the video started you have thechocolate squares in here so you’re justgonna mix these all together but firstI’m gonna chop up the dark chocolate therecipe also recommends melting thechocolate and drizzling it on thecookies but that’s a little too much forus so we’re just gonna chop up thechocolate and mix it in with everythingelse so basically all you need to do isjust mix everything togetherwell this smells good alreadya healthy pinch yeah if we had amicrowave I’d totally be making theselike one mug cakes if you just put likestuff in a mug and microwave and itgives you a kick so now I’m just goingto portion this dough into four cookiesand we will flatten them out and freezethem for 20 minutes they can set ananimal taste them[Music]because you’re kind of like the otheroatmeal cookies we make but those youbakeI put Maldon salt on all of my bakedgoods I just like the sweet and saltypairing so if you have a cookie likethis I will just sprinkle a little bitof Maldon salt on top just when you biteinto the cook you get the sweet and thesalty at the same time and I think itreally enhances the cookie so I’m justgonna sprinkle a little bit of this onto these cookies and then we’ll pop themin the freezer for 20 minutes it’s been20 minutes so we have our cookies hereit just looks like frozen cookie dough Imanaged to get one off of the platewithout destroying it feels like afrozen cookie alright let’s see[Music]it tastes good very rich in peanutbutter there’s a lot of peanut butter inthis it’s okay but I think I wouldprefer it to be a baked cookie whichthat totally defeats the purpose ofhaving a no-bake one I think what I likemost about this cookie is that it feelslike I’m eating this cookie doughbecause the texture of the peanut butterin the chocolate so yeah I like itI think the chocolate was a good choiceit tastes like cookie dough yeah that’slike it in cold peanut butter chocolateyeah I think I would make these againbut this isn’t a cookie that’ll travelwell this should just stay in thefreezer until you want to have a littlecookie dough experience I’m still goingto try other no baked cookie recipes butthis one’s decent that’s okay I got fourshades all the crumbs no cookie for youyou can lick my hands