No bake cookies with few ingredients. Encourage your kids to try… lil messy though…
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
guys I’m back and I’ve got you somethingvery special and that’s no baked cookiesand it’s very simple you just need a fewingredients you need some butter twotablespoons of butter need some cocoapowder two teaspoons two tablespoons twocups of sugar 3/4 cup peanut butter somevery some vanilla essencehalf a teaspoon and this is the brand Ibuy it from all right but you could useany brand and some milkit’s 1/4 cup of milk so you have to setthe stove to high and then put yourbutter in itand then wait for it to be a bit likethis maybe we can wait a bit longer andthen we can add our sugar now when itcomes to this consistency we can add oursugaradd cocoa powderand then you have to let it boil and mixyou’ll only take a couple of minutes andthen when it comes to this consistencyyou need to get your want vanillaessence and just drop it in and if youuse salted butter you don’t need anysalt but if you don’t use salted butteryou need some salt and then you justkeep mixing mix it mix it and then youneed to let it boil for some time andthen stop it and when it cook turns tothis consistency you need to stop itit’s rolling boil when it’s rollingboiling you need a stop and if you’reusing a pen like me the middle handlemight be hot so we can use a cloth tobring it down and these tools might helpyou throughout so when it’s still likehot you need to add your peanut butteryou can use this to help you or you canjust use a spoon anything is fineand just keep stirring this until itmelts and then you can add your oats toand start mixing again can you do thisquickly or your chocolate will get stiffso this is how it turned out you need toget your cookies cool I mean your icecream scoop fill it up and pop itmaybe don’t put that much puta very little amount if it isn’t that’sdifferentyou can add a whole scoop yep just shakea little and continue doing that so thisis how they look now we need to put themin the fridge for a bit and it’s readyit should be like this they’re the mostamazing thing you have ever tastedmmm they are delicious