Hey Family!!! In today’s Cook With Me Vlog we’re making some No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies and yet another Chicken Dinner! LOL! We’re just trying to use what we have, and we have chicken… 😂💕 I also take some of Walmart’s Great Value Mac & Cheese to the next level!
Don’t forget to find Hope! She’s loving the sunshine today! 😉💕
No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies Recipe:
2 cups granulated sugar
1/4 cup cocoa
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
3 cups quick oats
Cook sugar, cocoa, milk, and butter over medium heat until it comes to a boil. Boil for only 1 minute and then remove from heat. Stir in vanilla, salt, peanut butter and oats. Drop by tablespoons onto parchment paper and let cool for 20-30 minutes.
Don’t feel bad if these things give you trouble y’all! Sometimes they turn out for me and other times, like I said in the video, they turn into Spoon Cookies! Still good, but not as fun… LOL!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]good morning everybody it is almostlunchtime preacher man right here he hada hard day working on fences yesterdaydid anybodyso he’s relaxing this morning he’s stillgot his jammies old men watchingcartoons what you did so you had a goodtime he definitely went to sleep veryquickly last night so this morning Ijust put some canvas kits in the oven wejust had egg and cheese biscuits forbreakfast it’s almost lunchtime now butbefore lunch I’m gonna make some no bakechocolate oatmeal cookies me and thesecookies don’t have the best offriendship sometimes they set up andsometimes they don’t I’m sure y’all knowabout these cookies and I blame it onthe weather because I make them theexact same way every time right down tohow long I’ll let it boil I make themthe exact same way every timesometimes they set up and turn outwonderfully sometimes they are justmushy and we just eat them with a spooncuz they’re still good so we’re gonnatry and make them today you try to add aphone please don’t do that no I wasn’thiding them I just put them in there cuzI didn’t have room in the other freezerthat what you want for lunch yeahalright see see what do you want forlunch does it they taste better in thetoaster oven they do get a little crispyerr to me when we cook them in thetoaster oven and so the regular oven I’mtrying to get footage of him saying guyguy died died or something and everytime he’s saying it I don’t have thecamera he doesn’t really know what he’ssaying yet he’s just making noises butit still sounds cute goodyeah say something say Ganga dad guywhat’s this – dad she got to do what yougot si si oh she’s got a biscuit ah youcan’t have this yet not yetJonah but you missed only yesterday yeahlast night he was waiting for ya it’sclimbing to Mountain Pose she wonderedwhere Jonah was all day he’s checkingthat biscuit out buddyyeah else know about that biscuit allright I do these on bake at 350 for 15minutes the older boys already atesomething and they’re out with thehorses now they’re definitely enjoyingthe spring break they stay outside allday real quick before we make thecookies I want to give you all my littlerecipe tip I guess this is how I writedown recipes it just makes it reallyeasy for me to glance over and seeeverything that I need to do most of thetime in most recipes the ingredients arelisted in the order that you’re gonnaneed them most of the time if they’renot then I put them in the order that Ineed them so what I do is I take mylittle fish mouth here thing that’s whatwe call it when we teach the kids youknow greater-than less-than stuff anywayI have this here for the sugar cocoamilk and butter so those ingredientswe’re gonna cook over medium heat ballfor what pay no attention to myhandwriting y’all I’ve told y’all beforeI ride in cran it’s print and cursivemixed together I understand itTitus says nobody else can but Icouldn’t read it anywaywe’re gonna cook this over medium heatBowl for one minute and then remove fromheat and stir in and then I have thislittle line comes over and we have thefish mouth open to the rest of theingredients that we’re gonna stir inthat’s how I do most recipes let me seeif I can show you all over here so Ihave a little bit of it going on rightthere see that’s that’s really reallymessy handwriting okay right here I haveit going on it just really helps me justto be able to glance over at the recipesand see what I need to do you knowfaster I guess I don’t know it could beno help to anybody else but it does helpme out a lot so I thought I would shareit you’re welcome okayno it’s cookie dumlook by the way is actually a mealplanning book I got it several monthsback I told y’all about it it’s fromlaughs and apples calm actually sent itto me to review and I really really likeit because it has the places all of thisis for meal planning you know with alittle shopping list and all over therethis video is not sponsored they justsent it to me to review a few monthsback so I just thought I would show itto y’all again in case anybody waswondering then back here it has aStaples shopping list lots of differentthings snack ideas it’s so cute anywayhere’s something that actually gives yousome snack ideas here okay a lot ofpeople have wondered if my kids everargue yes at the moment John and Audreyare having an intense moment offellowship because she is looking in hisdirectionalright y’all we have a stick of butterhere I’m just gonna cut it into a littlebit of smaller cubes alright so we havethe butter in there now we’re gonna puttwo cups of sugar now main links backthere talkin yeah sometimes thesecookies do absolutely perfect and thenother times they just want to show outthey wanna nod up on me they want totalk back like I said they want to giveme problems alright a fourth of a cup ofcocoa there we goand half a cup of milk alright now we’returning this onto medium heat so when itcomes to a bowl I’m gonna set a 1 minutetimer and it will boil for 1 minuteswhile this is getting ready to come to aboil I’m gonna go ahead and get my otheringredients out alright so the buttersmelted now we’re just gonna wait for itto come to a bowl and we’re gonna let itroll for 1all right starting to see some bubblesnormally I never measure peanut butterthese cookies are so picky I measuredthe peanut butter 3 cups of quick oatsand a teaspoon of vanilla also gonnameasure that normally eyeball that we’regonna measure it we’re also gonna put ina pinch of saltall right we’re bowling we’re gonna seta 1 minute timer all right time I wentoff you know I moved it for me we’reputting in the pinch of salt teaspoon ofvanilla 1/2 a cup of peanut butter allright we start the peanut butter up justa little bit now we’re gonna put in theoats[Music]alright y’all they turned outwonderfully this time as you can seethey are holding together they stillneed to cool a little bit more they’restill kind of warm but they set up greatthis time every time they do good I wishI would have made a double batch but loand behold today I’ll make a doublebatch will have six TSP cookies so thismade about thirty we make them aboutthis size right here there’s my handthere’s a cookie you can make themsmaller and make double the amount butwe just like them to be about this sizeright here so anyway I’m going to letthem finish cooling and then I’ll putthem in a little container for the fewhours that they survive us[Music][Music]so I put some chicken on the smoker asyou already saw I put it on there abouttwo hours ago and so it’s pretty muchdone I only had it at 250 but I thinkit’s about ready to come off I’m aboutto go check itI also put some baked potatoes in theoven so it’s not it’s gonna be a prettysimple supper again we have the bakedpotatoes the chicken I did somedrumsticks and some boneless chickenbecause I had I forgot how manydrumsticks it is but it wasn’t enoughfor everybody because of course Titusand the older boys like at least twodrumsticks when we have drumsticksso I didn’t have enough drumsticks usdid some drumsticks and some bonelesschicken I’m just gonna do can biscuitsnot coz I’ve been cleaning most of theday and I did not even realize that hadalready gotten as late as it was when Iput the chicken on and I said to myselfthen yeah I was talking to myself I saidI’ll make the biscuits here in justabout another hour and Tom got away fromme so it is now a little bit after 6:30tops and the boys have not gotten hereyet they are doing fence work todaythey’d already say that so anyway we’rejust gonna do some canned biscuits thepotatoes are done I think that you cansome about to go check it and I’m justgonna steam some broccoli and make somemacaroni and cheese all right so checkthe chicken it’s not quite ready yet Ithink the drumsticks already but I’mjust gonna let them stay on there withthe other chicken alright y’all here issupper tonight we have the bakedpotatoes the smoked chicken only onewith half a piece of chicken macaroniand cheese this is the great valu creamymacaroni and cheese you know I addedsome cheddar cheese I sliced up somecheddar cheese and add it in there ittook it to the next level getting somethat right there really make that goodthis is also for punching all day yeahthat’s super punching all day long thisis also the thick and creamy alreadydrink it’s like a little bit of a stepabove the regular so regular okayand the steamed broccoli I also made acan of biscuits but I don’t want anybiscuits and I’m not sure why my tea ison the biscuit pan but that’s just theway it goes sometimes good[Music]Nachi out of my world[Music]