Episode 2 of cooking with Lil’ B. Today he will teach you his secret homemade cookie recipe.
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
1/2 cup of shortening
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2 cups of chocolate chips
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
welcome back everyone to another episodeof cooking with Lil B what are we gonnabe making today bud chocolate chipcookies oh boy alright let’s get into itso we here we have our cooks mixer righthere we’re not sponsored by cooks pleasesponsor us yes so I put on thisattachment it’s um the best for makingcookies cuz over here this is more fordull and this is more for like makingwhipped cream okay so let’s jump into itso first we’re gonna add our butterwhich I want to melt a little bit moredoes it work so you have to press liketime cook or somethingwhere’s that alright the butters meltedgood job Brian yeah photos melt thatgood microwave we’re gonna put it inwater makes it better okay um now therecipe calls for two sticks of butterthought my recipe calls for one stick ofbutter and the other stick will equal tohalf so I’m gonna just cut into this allvegetable shortening scoop it in andthen I have a knife here the short thingyou want to you have to pack it into thecup it won’t like um would sugar sugarjust fills the cup by itself but likethe peanut butter and shortening andstuff like that you gotta put it inthere all right I’m gonna scrape all theextra off top precision put that inthere oh wait I’m gonna use this so soI’m gonna stick that in therethat’s the time of the show I’m gonnacut some time this pop that’s why we gotchef Brian on the job yeah all right nowwe have to sugar so I pre measured thesugar this is three quarters of a cup ofsugarum so I’m just gonna you want you canpull it right out of the cup measure ityourself it’s one quarter now whenyou’re measuring you want to call outhow much it actually is that way youcan’t push back that’s about a quartercup right there precision hmm all rightthing I like to keep my measuring cupsfor further use if I need them all rightnext I’m going to add my brown sugar nowI’m a big fan of brown sugarI love that sugar like I’ll just eat itraw sometimes now brown sugar is like Ohpeanut butter and the shortening youwant to pack it in there so get it inthere pack it in there for this you alsoneed 3/4 of a cupthe muscles required to pack that roundsugar yes as you can see it’s guys JackI’m pretty sure gonna be some prettygood cookies a Brian oh yeah dude I atea small breakfast just I haven’t eatentoday oh man I hate this stuff Ross outthere he goesoh man right there right back in the bagcuz you don’t want any moisture gettingin there or they’ll get hard why is thatBrian you know you know the sciencebehind it um sugar when you add water toit it bonds with each other with itselfand then it just becomes a clothJustin brown sugar sugar and molassesyes but there’s water in molasses Idon’t know probably you know it’s somesort of liquid in it it’s all good workwe’re chefs here not scientists wellhe’s a chef that I’m a cameraman oke Okenow that we have all those together[Applause]you know now I’m gonna add vanillathat’s gonna be so loud in the videoright now we’re gonna add our eggs theseare all of them family fat eggs donatedbought by the Alden family chickens umwe don’t need to hear about the feedagain okay if you guys want to know howthey’re fed check out episode onenow we’re gonna crack it on the insideof the sink just like I showed you nowremember you are look at the egg beforeyou crack it on there make sure thatthere’s nothing wrong with thatgo right in so what would be wrong withthe egg Brian if you sell it umsometimes it’s a bad sign if the yolk ispopped mmm if like this white like onthe inside like it’s full of white stuffthat’s usually a bad egg and I mean youcan tell I mean you should know what agood egg looks like and what a bad egglooks like I mean yeah all right dry myhands again – cam okay so now[Applause]oh so that’s all our wet ingredients nowwhen you make cookies you don’t want toput the dry ingredients in with the wetingredients immediately because itdoesn’t make it it just doesn’t end upright so um now that we have mixed allwet ingredients we do the add the dryingredients so this is two and a quartercups of flour now it does say for higherelevations you go a little bit more andevery once in a while it depends on theday like if it’s humid out I always adda little bit more not seems pretty goodtodaynow um we’re gonna do a teaspoon ofbaking soda and a teaspoon of salt rightall right baking soda first all rightteaspoon of baking sodaokay now teaspoon of salt and salt wantto do over the sink because just to makesure it doesn’t spill anywherelike that okay all right now that wehave all the dry ingredients I want tostart loaded up on the flourlet me just blow up in ter around thetop because if you go really fast allthe flowers[Applause]you know scrape the sides pad all rightthere with a spatulaI’m pretty good yeah so far and it’s noteven done yet oh boy so I’m gonna mix itonce more that all that could be no offset that right over the sink so itdoesn’t fall in[Applause]okay I’m gonna add the chocolate chipsnow this be calls for two cups ofchocolate chips some people don’t likethat many chocolate chips but I do wellI’ll eat these things I just I like morethan two cups you make uh photos thankyou that’s a lot more than a couple OhI’m going to tell you don’t have to packin just put it there no more just alittle more oh mamaokay now we go now with this it’s gonnabe it’s gonna like rock the mixer alittle bit but that’s okayand shave down the sides a little bit[Laughter][Applause]here will will come back okay all rightall right we got the cookie doughalready let’s get it out into a tray allright so I removed the cookie dough fromthe machine and now I’m just gonna tastemy soup and know I’d like to do threerows of four that’s what I think fitsokay I got to get one of those for doingcookies that looks so much nicer thisguy’s a professional cookie maker nowthis requires a lot of muscle in yourhand to squeeze the spring-loaded thingand I remember when I was younger my umarm would get tired nowadays I’m so buffthat yes he really fazes me all rightnow that I had them all out I’m going tosend for them make them wearing uniformand now not a lot just a little bit youjust want to press them down just alittle bit nice okay hmmso now I’m gonna do probably a mothertray and then put them in the oven andwe’ll see you after that all rightwelcome back everyone we just got thecookies out of the oven and boy do theylook goodmm-hmm all right so now I’m going totake them off the tray and put them on acooling rack it’ll help them cool betterand faster Oh a double yeah this is whywe got the best chef in the worldchef little Veewantsto ah there we go alright now thatthose are off is it taste test time nothere’s some really hot ain’t that gooddonor really hot you have uh um alrightwell we’ll be back in a couple minutesfor the taste test cool I’m cool alittle bitalright the cookies are cooled let’sgive these bad boys a taste I think ohmy god good they’re amazingnumber one cookie recipe in the worldchef Lil B will have to show we will putthe recipe in the description for you athome folksalright Mitch I want his bad boys cookieI did not take a bite out of it beforehe ain’t jokin these are the bestcookies on the planet mm-hmmalright that’s gonna conclude our showfor todayumm down in the comment section tell uswhat you all want us to make nextyeah alright alright everyone this hasbeen another episode of cooking withlittle B we will see you next time