Cookies Recipes

Cooking with Jack to Give Back! Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

As a nutritionist I love to cook using healthy ingredients, and I often enlist the help of my two young sons, Jack (5) and Max (3). During the global COVID-19 pandemic, we are practicing social distancing, and want to do some good with our time spent at home. We decided to make some of our favourite recipes, and film ourselves while doing it!

Our first episode will teach you how to make THE BEST (I’ve been making this recipe for years!) Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies using simple healthy ingredients. If you enjoy the video and recipe, please visit Our Fundraising Page (see link below) and consider giving to The Parkdale Food Centre in support of the COVID-19 global pandemic.

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hey everyone Lauren here and Jack Jackthere we are here today because we wantto bake some healthy oatmeal chocolatechip cookies and of course it is Kovan19 times so we are doing a lot ofstaying at home right before so we’rekind of trying to look for ways to keepourselves busy but also maybe give backa little so we thought this is kind oflike a virtual bake sale so we can’tactually give you the cookies that wemake but we thought that if you alsowant to make this recipe then you canhelp us out by donating a little bit ofmoney to help out with the COBIT 19efforts in Ottawa so I’ll have a link onmy website where you can donate if you’dlike so with all that to say we aremaking healthy oatmeal chocolate chipcookies Jack do you like dessert yeahyes we love dessert in our house but wetry to use healthier ingredients when webake so let’s start with the wetingredients so in here we’ve got bananacoconut oil and honey so those threeingredients through it looks kind ofgross why don’t you stir that for me soyou stir with your left hand alright sohold on to the handle yeah so I likeusing cocoa nice and slow yeah I likeusing coconut oil as a dairy-free optionit’s a good choice I know it just keepsstirring I actually melted this mixturein the microwave there’s a mashed bananain there and honey so banana and honey Ilove using those sweeteners because theyare unrefined they’re more naturalsweeteners and they’re especially thebanana has some fiber in it which isgood when you’re having sugar because itdoesn’t give you that rush of sugar andgive you the sugar crazies you know whatthose are like right the sugar craziesokay so the coconut oil has to be meltedthat’s really important so you can mountit in the microwave or on the stovetopif you’d like you can have too much soyou combine the wet ingredients togetherlet’s make sure this than to mix thecoconuta little bit chunky but that’s alrightand then also you want to add an egg soI cracked this egg in here before andthis can you pour that and then I’ll usemy spatula to make sure we get all of itbecause we don’t waste anything thesedaysI don’t know about you out there but Ifind myself splitting Kleenexes in halfand not wasting anything anymore sothat’s one good thing that’s come out ofKoba tonight to you right Jack okay coolso you can mix that up again for me Ithink that’s good yeah you can meet mego a little faster I just don’t want tospell but you’re doing a really good jobyeah that’s good awesome okay that looksgood so we’ll set a wet one aside let’sput this bowl over here buddy and thenwe’re gonna mix together the dryingredients so I already put one cup ofoats in now this is another thing thatmakes these cookies healthy is they’refull of whole grains so we like to use Ilike to use regular or yeah dump it inor in this case today I’m using instantsteel-cut oats which I’ve learned youcan actually use and substitute forregular oats if you have I happen tohave a big bag of instant steel-cut oatsthat I kind of want to use up so you canuse it cut 4 Cup in your baking which isgreat so we’ve got 2 cups of instantsteel-cut oats this is whole wheat flourI always use whole wheat flour neverwhite because white is refined andthey’ve taken all the fiber and goodnessout of it and you want to make sure youget enough fiber in your diet because itmakes your belly happy so it’s good fordigestion also good for your heart so ifyou get enough fiber in your diet thatis good for a healthy heart so why don’tyou mix that up again Jack for me sowe’ve got hundreds well nice and slowyeah whole wheat flour that’s perfectand then we need one tip of bakingpowder yeah I’m pretty sure let me justdouble-check I’ve made this cookierecipeyears but I haven’t made it in a whileso I sort of forget to tests of bakingpowder it’s a good thing I checked okayyou can stop stirring doc and then wewill put this in so we need two of thoseso count with me 1 mm-hmm and the bakingpowder helps the cookie kind of bakedproperly okay let’s get another oneactually don’t know what baking powderdoes baking soda make something risebaking powder I don’t know let me knowif you know why and what baking powderdoes in a cookie okay so that’s good andthen we need to add half a tiss ofcinnamon this is when you can smell thecinnamon last the movies done the moviesdone we have been watching a lot ofmovies these days we don’t oh yeah mybrother’s watching what movies youwatching on word yeah the new movie theyput it on Disney Channel we love DisneyPlus it lets me do my work and myhousework and my dinner prep right everyday okay so cinnamon then and then weneed some salt to give it some flavorI’m about to cough it oh good yes wehave little colds here nothing else butwe don’t want a coffin our baking sojust a little bit of salt so you can putthat in and then give everything a stiragain hmmyep oh and I should put the other oneand actually I’ll do that later justmake a loud noise maybe hold on to thehandle too just in case perfect okay thenext thing we’re going to do is combinethe wet and the dry ingredients togetherso let’s switch the spoon there this oneover hereI’ll do this because it’s kind of heavybut I need you to stir it okay once it’sin there so we just combine the wet withthe drive yeah it kind of looks yucky Iknow it’s just cuz banana looks a littlebrown that’s reallythe other reason I love this cookierecipe is I don’t know about you bananasare one of my favorite fruit and it’shard to go to the grocery store Iusually go to a grocery store two orthree times a week because I end upneeding things so bananas are veryprecious these days so this cookierecipe only requires one ha I can seechunks okay so maybe Sinatra for meBettythat’s all right those are banana chunksumm just slow you want to make sure it’sall combined together and then bananastalks yeah that’s okay maybe I’ll helpyou out a little and stir together youjust want to mix this all together tillit’s combined and then the best partJack Tony – yeah andyou can have some to snack on yeah Ijust used um okay some I just useregular chocolate chip banana and honeyand coconut I can’t wait to eat no whatwas I saying oh yeah I just use regularsemi-sweet chocolate chips from Moscowmm-hmm see here combine the wet and thedry so at this point I think what I’mgonna do so you’ll see when you makethese cookies see how the batter ispretty runny so this is a really big tipwe’re gonna put this batter in thefridge and let it sit in the fridge forten minutes so that’s gonna firm up thecoconut oil again so that when you scoopthe cookies on to your cookie sheetthey’ll be nice and firm so because thisis kind of warm I’m gonna put mychocolate chips in after they come outof the fridge so the chocolate chipsdon’t melt and then you just take aquarter cup or an eighth of a cup scoopor if you have a cookie scoop evenbetter you scoop out your cookies andyou bake them for about 10 to 15 minuteswhen you take them out they might look alittle undercooked let them sit thereuntil they cool and then put them on acookie tray and you can freeze these wealways freeze them and hug them fordessert after dinner right mm-hmmso that’s our cooking video thank youfor watching hopefully we’ll do somemore cooking and if you feel inspiredyou can give a little bit of money tocope at 19 thanks for watching everyonehi have a good weekend Happy Easter

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