Chelsea teaches us to make amazing chocolate chip cookies!
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Video Transcription
[Music]welcome to the kitchen we are going tobe cooking no bake cookies today firststep you need to wash your handstwenty-second now that we have washedour hands we are going to get out all ofour ingredients firstwe’re gonna need a mixing bowl nextyou’re going to need a microwave see ohyou will need some vanilla extract someflour brown sugar it could be light ordark whatever you have on handchocolate chips some butter that issoftened that just means roomtemperature a mixer and your measuringutensils so make sure before you guys dothis that you get your parentspermission and they can help you get allthe ingredients that you need step oneyou are going to need your butter and itneeds to be softened so that means justroom temperature and you need 1/3 cup ofbutter and what’s awesome about butteris that they have the measurements rightdown here so it’s about that line rightthere so you’re just gonna cut that lineand you’re just gonna pop it right inyour bowl the next ingredient you’regonna need is your brown sugar and youneed a 1/3 cup of brown sugarnext ingredient you’re gonna add is yourvanilla extract you need one and a halfteaspoons or you can add to that willwork as well and you’re just going topour it into next you need to mix your butter andsugar in vanilla together[Music][Music]now that it’s mixed we are going to addone cup of flour now we are going tostir it in with a spoon now if yourbatter is too dry you can add one to twotablespoons of milknext step once you have mixed your doughit’s supposed to look a little bit likethis you will pour in some chocolatechips you can add up to a whole cup ofchocolate chips and then you’re gonnamix those in with the dough once you putyour chocolate chips in you are going toline your baking pan and then with cleanhands you’re going to take the dough androll it into balls and put it right onto the pan once you have all your ballsof dough roll and place on the panyou’re gonna put it in the fridge for 30minutes or you can put it in the freezerfor 15 minutes now that you’ve got yourballs of dough over over you’re going toput them in the fridge or the freezerall right so we have got our cookie setand ready to go we have melted someextra chocolate chips that we had and weare going to dump them and roll theminto the melted chocolate and then youcan put them in the fridge for anotherlike five to ten minutes till thechocolate is set and then you can eatthem but that is optional some otherways to get creative with this recipe isyou can add peanut butter I would startwith a half a cup of peanut butteryou can add nutmeg or cinnamon or groundcloves you can add other things ratherthan chocolate chips you can put whitechocolate in there if you want you canput butterscotch chips in there if youwant so you can be creative with thisrecipe which makes it a lot of fun thatlooks delicious once it’s all mixed up[Music][Music]