In today’s video we begin our day with a trip to the grocery store where we find some of the shelves have started to be emptied, especially the toilet paper aisle. When we got home we began preparing our favorite dinner which was a recipe from the meal delivery service Plated. Plated has since gone out of business so we have included the recipe down below this description. After dinner we did an Oreo taste test with their Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie Oreos. They were not as good as they sounded, but we did get some cookie sandwiches that were very delicious! We hope everyone is being safe and healthy in this unsure time. We will see you tomorrow with another new video!
Thai butternut and cauliflower bowl ingredients-
1/2 cup jasmine rice
2 tbsp roasted salted peanuts
8 oz. butternut squash
4 oz. cauliflower florets
2 tbsp peanut butter
1 lime
4 oz. snow peas
1/8 oz. cilantro
2 cloves garlic
2 tsp soy sauce
2 tsp Sriracha
Cook rice-
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a small pot, combine rice, 3/4 cups of water and 1/4 tsp salt, bring water to a boil over high heat. Stir once and reduce heat to medium low, cover pot and simmer until water is fully absorbed, 10-12 minutes. Remove pot from heat and let stand, still covered for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, place peanuts in a small foil pouch. Rinse all produce.
Roast veggies and peanuts-
Cut squash and cauliflower into bite sized pieces. Toss veggies in 1 tbsp olive oil, 1/4 tsp salt and pepper. Arrange in a single layer on baking sheet and roast until soft, 10 minutes. (Move on to next step but don’t forget to come back) Add peanut pouch on baking sheet, continue roasting until veggies are tender and golden and peanuts are toasted, 12-15 minutes.
Prepare remaining ingredients-
While veggies roast, place peanut butter in medium bowl. Halve lime. Halve snow peas. Finely chop cilantro leaves and stems. Mince garlic. Place half of garlic paste in small bowl.
Make dressing and toss snow peas-
To bowl with garlic paste, add juice of 1/2 lime, 1 tbsp olive oil, and 1/4 tsp salt. Whisk to combine and set garlic-lime dressing aside for the last step. In a separate medium bowl, toss together snow peas, half of cilantro, juice of remaining lime, 1 tbsp olive oil, and 1/4 tsp salt to combine. Set aside until ready to serve.
Make peanut sauce-
To bowl with peanut butter, add soy sauce, Sriracha and remaining garlic paste. Adding 1 tbsp at a time, slowly whisk in 2-3 tbsp warm water until sauce is pourable. Taste and season with salt if desired. Once roasted carefully open peanut foil pouch and roughly chop.
Plate Thai bowls-
Fluff rice with a fork, stir in garlic-lime dressing and divide between serving bowls. Top with roasted veggies and snow peas. Drizzle over peanut sauce. Garnish bowl with toasted peanuts and remaining cilantro. Enjoy!
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Hello, I am TheTimTracker. Welcome to our fun and exciting Theme Park driven life! Come with me as we adventure around Orlando, Florida and explore all of the amazing places that have made Orlando a top tourist destination, and a few that no one knows about! Make sure you say hello and hit the subscribe button, because we are always doing something new. Whether it’s home science experiments for kids, roller coaster POV ride alongs or Theme Park Events; you will be sure to have a blast hanging out with us! We always have fun filming new things for you guys and showing you things to do in Orlando, Florida!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
good afternoon and welcome to a home weneed to go to the grocery store yes sowe we planned this out very poorly wehave some like everyday stuff but wedon’t we need like food like groceryfood yeah dinner dinner food we havelunch stuff yeah but yeah we have plentyof soap and disinfected and all thatothers do yeah we have all that we’vealways kind of had the stock of thatand toilet paper we have plenty oftoilet paper yeah but we need food yeahso let’s go and see what kind of food wecan get at the grocery store I’m kind ofnervous because I’ve been seeing onlinethat the grocery stores are just likeempty right and so I’m kind of hopingthat we can still find food like let’sgive her fingers crossed we have enoughstuff for the baby like thankfully hejust eats milk and we have enoughdiapers and wipes and all that stufflike he is totally taken care of but weneed food yeah whoo this is the firstthing that we’ve seen as far as thestore goes it’s kind of like but normalas it goes oh oh now we’re starting tosee it we got some public canned foodout and then all of the rice seems to begone totally still a lot of bread at ourPublix yeah the toilet paper aislecompletely empty oh yeah we just gotback from the grocery store oh yeah andwe bought well we bought stuff that wenormally buy but then we bought likeextra frozen food just so if we can’tget to the store or I don’t know we justbought some extra frozen food because wedidn’t that’s kind of stuff we didn’thave and then we bought canned food sowe can do like chili in the slow cookerstuff like that so that we can like justhave dinners to like have in the fridgeto be like just ready to eat I don’tthink we bought that much stuff thoughno I guess you’re right it’s pretty mucha normal grocery bill it was a lot oflike produce because that’s what we buythe most of is like produce and likewater of all the stuff that we got hereis the most important thing yeah Iwatched passes I think I did some likeimpulse shopping while we were at thestore because we didn’t need this but Ialso did need this sandwich cookies withvanilla flavored icing and chocolatechips yeah so one of the things that wehave planned to do over the weekend hereis I need to get some blinds becausewe’re gonna switch our blinds from brownto white and to do that I have to goLowe’s one thing I wanted to look at itLowe’s Oh because earlier we showed youguys the toilet paper aisle at Publix Ithink they sell toilet paper at Lowe’sso I kind of want to see what the toiletpaper status is at Lowe’sso they don’t think a lot of people arethinking like I should go to Lowe’s toget some toilet paper let’s go check itoutwell they said online that they hadtoilet paper but all I’m seeing is papertowels that palette right there it lookslike what was toilet paper no longerthey do have a lot of cleaning suppliesstill here though that was definitelyinteresting online it said that there’stoilet paper here got here there was notoilet paper left there was still papertowels there was just like a ton ofcleaning supplies non-traditionalcleaning supplies though like it waslike mold and disinfectant cleaner whichI’m sure would work just as fine asbleach would maybe it was even bleach itjust wasn’t labeled bleach it was a veryinteresting array of cleaning suppliesthat little baby his mom his name isJackson and he’s a baby superstar we didback time then we sat in our chair itwas so much fun we’ve done so manyactivities today yeah and then we alsoplayed the piano we did play the pianoright here DPP he loves it hey I love mypiano gooo who’s the baby now I need toput the video up for yesterday for youguys it was kind of late I’m sorry wewere just playing with the baby all daywell we also went grocery shopping fromthis morning to it so yeah well and wehad to do some like non vlog II likereal life stuff so you couldn’t film itand we just had to play with this babyyes[Music]say mama see it see I love you mama Ilove you mama do you love your mama Ithink so what about your dad I love mydad tooJackson you’re not even looking at mewhat are you looking at hey buddy theold me cloud toy this came from youraunt and your uncle huh huh I love itthank youOh what are you doing over here so asyou guys know or may not know I don’tknow we used to use this meal serviceprogram called plated and they closethey no longer offer the meals they eventook all of the archived recipes off ofthe website so I can’t even look at oldrecipes so I think we’re actually gonnabuy the cookbook the plated cookbookfrom Amazon will let you guys know ifit’s good if you guys are interested ingetting it well let you guys know butthis was one of my all-time favoriterecipes from plated I’m so thankful thatI saved this piece of paper because Ithrew every single other one of themaway except for this one and I’m glad Idid so we’re gonna make this tonight Ibought all the ingredients to make theThai butternut and cauliflower bowls andthat’s what we’re gonna make no yes sohere we are we have everything that weneed peanut sriracha soy saucecauliflower snow peas butternut squashsorrel on TRO limes garlic peanut butterricewe’re gonna make it right now I wish youguys could smell the delicious aromathat is filling our house right now ofthe burnt pizza that I made yesterdayoh no yeah we didn’t actually show thegood it was good it wasn’t actually thepizza that was burnt a little piece ofcheese fell off and landed on the bottomof the oven that’s what was causing allthe smoke inside the oven so I think Iwas fairly gourmet about it okay so nowI’m going to roast my bed geez gonna getmy veggies ready I also put twotablespoons of peanuts in this littlepouch right here I don’t you can see ityes they’re gonna roast with the veggiesand I got my rice going I’m gonna get myso we bought some butternut squashthat’s already cut up which is nicebecause they don’t really know how toprepare a regular butternut squash sowe’ve that’s we got that working for usand then I also need to cut up mycauliflower florets into like smallerbite-size pieces get them on this panroast them up and I like how you endedroast them up with like a you’ll roastthem up so cauliflower is its own thingright is not related to broccoli or isit is it like a different version ofbroccoli or is our broccoli andcauliflower two different things sowe’ve got our butternut squash and ourcauliflower all in a bowl here and putin a tablespoon of olive oil and now Ihave to put in a quarter of a teaspoonof salt and pepper it looks pretty goodright yeah I think so and then we’regonna give it a good mix go with myhands No okay okay and then we’re gonnaput some more olive oil on the pan thisis not gonna go in the oven um and thenwe will roast these guys for a littlebit and then we’re gonna make some otherfun stuff every time the you say thatwe’re gonna roast them I think of likethe Comedy Central Roast yeah you couldI like whoa this cauliflower doesn’thave any flavor snap burn roasted yeah Idon’t know I’m more of a of a baker thanI am a chef it’s true he’s really reallygood at baking actually that is one ofhis strong suits yeahis a suit that I wore to Deborah day ohyeah that’s my other strong suit I’llput that video up where we went todapper day it was actually kind of funit was very hot so hot all right so nowthese are gonna go in the oven for 10minutes and then we’re actually gonnaroast them for a little bit longer afterthat but first we’re gonna make someother cool stuff I don’t I keep sayingthat cuz I don’t know what it is I needto read the recipe I thought maybe wewere gonna make slime when you saidwe’re gonna make cool stuff we couldmake slime should we make slime we didit one time when we went to theexperience yeah and it was so smelly Idid not know that slime stinks so much Ithink there are different forms of slimewell the one that we made smelled a realbad okay so I think what I’m actuallygonna do is have Tim read over therecipe because I’m really bad about likeforgetting steps because I don’t readthe whole recipe so if you’ll readthrough it and make sure that I’m doingthis right because the snow peas aregonna go in like a dressing and marinateso it’s gonna be raw snow peas butthey’re like marinated and then we alsoneed another dressing that’s gonna gointo the rice so will you read therecipe for me because I’m bad at this Ibelieve in you my favorite thing whenJackson wakes up sometimes he juststares at the big monitor camera it’s socreepy cuz his eyes are black in thelake because it’s a black and white shoton the camera look how creepy that is sonow these little vegetables’ have beenroasting for 10 minutes we’re gonna addour pouch of peanuts over to the sidehere make a little room form those aregonna roast in the pouch and I kind offorgot how hard this recipe is cuzthere’s so much going on look at thatbabyoh yeah Jackson’s here too baby boy ohthere’s a smile oh I missed itor I think 12 minutes yeah it’s like 12to 13 minutes okay and then also our oldto 15 minutes 12 to 15 yeah just to 12it’s okay I did 13 okay okay and then Ihave to chop up some cilantro becauseI’m making two different like dressingsone is for the rice and then one is forthe snow peas that they’re gonnamarinate and so I’m doing that right nowmom go you’re making good dinner thankyou thanks my babyoh that’s it’ll baby boy yeah he lovesyou I love him making garlic pays yeahso this is like the easiest way to makegarlic paste that I found it’s just withthe microplane and then I’m gonna usehalf of this for one of the littlesauces and half of it for the otherlittle sauce and I might even put moregarlic just cuz I love garlicmmm so I cut my lime in half becausehalf of the lime juice is going in withthe snow peas and half of the lime juiceis actually going into the rice so a tipthat I wanted to tell you guys is cutthe end off of your lime and then I alsoscored it like in fours I don’t know ifyou can see that so it’s like half cutthrough and fours mm-hmm and then I putit in here and I juice it right into thebowl that I’m gonna mix it up in oh yeahwhile the juice comes out yeah so thatmakes it so much juicier and so muchbetter I think wow you you get more oflike a juice yield nice workyeah thankslike hey Jackson trying to poop in thebackground here that’s poop time sowe’re gonna go ahead and make thedressing that’s gonna go into the ricewhich is a lime garlic olive oildressing I’m gonna add my olive oil inthere it’s a tablespoon about maybe ateeny bit more and then we’re gonna alsoadd some salt and that’s gonna go intothe race I’m gonna mix it up alright soI didn’t show you guys that I was makingthis sorry but it is half of my cilantrothat I chopped up so it’s like twosprigs of cilantro with the stems somesalt some olive oil half of that limejuice and that’s itand then we’re just gonna throw our snowpeas in here America I always like whenyou’re cooking you’re like throw ittogether yeah that’s what I feel likeI’m doing I feel like I’m just throwingsomething together that does not makeany senseoh yeah and then I have to make mypeanut butter sauce oh this isn’t me nowe’re sorry no but I’m gonna get thisall mixed up and like yummy anddelicious and then you all that marinadeyeah and so let’s make our little peanutbutter sauce real quick and Jackson’slowwhy aren’t you cooking a beef yeah Iwould like to eat a B so a lot of youguys had mentioned that we need tobuckle him into a stroller and now thathe’s becoming way more mobile I totallyagree so we got him all he’s not goinganywhere[Music]another thing you guys asked to is whyhe’s in his stroller when we’re in thehouse and it’s just purely when we needto use both of our hands but we want himto be like next to us yeah and he lovesus like little activity arch things so Idon’t know he’s only really in it forlike a few minutes at a time but heseems to be having fun yeah there arethree places that he goes he either isin our arms he’s doing his little playmat his activity chair or a strollerthat’s four places I’m good at countingOh our peanuts are done oh my those arethe butternut squash and the cauliflowerthat looks so darn delicious also thepeanuts are in this little bag over heregonna be a good dinnersmashing peanuts but first I want tomake this peanutbutter sauce becausewe’re almost done we all did it yeahlet’s do the peanut butter what do wetell me what to doalright so now you’re adding in twoteaspoons it says a package of soy saucebecause that’s what plated would sendyou as like a little package like whatyou would get from a Chinese restaurantwe have this so I am just guessing thata package of soy sauce would be ateaspoon and then how much sriracha doyou think that also says one packet soI’m assuming but those packets were alittle bit bigger one thing they were Iwould do like maybe like 2 teaspoonswell yeah I think that’ll be good butthen it also says for the peanut buttertwo packets of peanut butter oh no rightI don’t know what that is so what I’mgonna do is I’m going to mix this up andthen add the peanut butter until ittastes how I want it to taste okay Ilike that so you want to make sureyou’re using peanut butter that’s likenatural with no sugar so this is justpeanuts and salt the good stuff mm-hmmeverything’s happening so fast Icouldn’t show you anything so I addedtwo tablespoons of water I added liketwo tablespoons of peanut butter and Ithink I’m gonna add just a teeny bitmore soy sauce taste this and tell mewhat you think okay I think it’s just alittle key bit too much peanut bird yeppretty good though I do like new spicyyeah it is kind of yeah hmm too spicybuddy pretty nice huh that’s a spicymeatball oh yeah okay I think this mightbe ittaste this okay here we go another spicebiteyeah that’s a good oneokay I just added a splash of soy saucea little teeny bit extra this is so goodI love it now I need to add my garliclime dressing to my rice trying to givethat a nice little stir get it all mixedup I need to crunch up my peanuts andthen we’re ready to assemble our baseokay we’re almost thereI’m sorry Jackson I know this is no funfor you are you maybe are you loving itI’m loving it all right so have my ricenow I’m gonna add in these veggies soI’ve split the veggies up between theplates and now I’m gonna add my smokymixture and then I’m gonna drizzle thatwith the peanut butter and then we mixit all together and eat it and it’sgonna be deliciousoh and top it with peanuts and this isit this is the finished product this isthe Thai butternut squash andcauliflower Bowl I drizzled the peanutbutter sauce on top put the extrapeanuts and the cilantro on there andnow it’s time to feed this little crankyboy yes I’m gonna feed you and then I’mgonna eat but you’re gonna eat first andlet them know what you think aboutdinner the final product that’s onething that I always loved about platedwas how beautiful the dishes came outlook at that that looks like a like aMichelin star chef made it alright sohere’s my synopsis of that food thatmade me sad that plated closed like Imiss plated it is that was so deliciousand fresh and like healthy feeling thatjust felt good cuz like you made it andlike no that was good I was really goodreal tasty it’s time for this babyto go to bed alright well good night mybabes I’m gonna eat dinner while daddyputs you to sleep and then I’m gonna getthe video up I love you so chocolatepeanut butter pie is my absolutefavorite dessert and then I saw theseOreos so I had to get them now I’mexcited to try them I can’t I hope thatthey taste goodtry this it doesn’t taste anything likepeanut butter pie the heck little tasteis 0% like peanut butter pie had aslight taste of peanut butter but manlet me ask Jen okay so first of all it’slike a golden oriole like kind of smellslike graham cracker and then inside idon’t know if that can you see that howit’s like chocolate and peanut butterhmm so how does it not taste like achocolate peanut butter pie taste itokaydid you buy it like directly in themiddle took the entire thing into mymouth huh it literally just tastes likekind of like a graham cracker yeahnothing like a chocolate peanut butterpie I do get a little teensy weensy bitof peanut butter yeah hmm this is a failit still tastes good yeah but it’s not achocolate peanut butter pie this isgonna sound weird but it has the tiniesthint of a corn flavor that’s weirdmaybe it’s kind of like it’s supposed tobe a buttery flavor that’s weird youknow what I mean taste one and tell meif you if you get like a little hint ofcorn yeah almost like popcorn the waythat popcorn smells hint of corn wasplay is my favorite pancake mix that’swhy I put together a couple of doublestufsOreo hack is that what that is I thinkso look at it looks so good yeah it’spretty neat looking like I made him likedomino domino checker yeah are you gonnaeat it yeah I do get more peanut butterall I taste is corn beautiful corn nowthat you said itdo you really taste corn yeah rightmm-hmmit tastes like when you eat a corntortilla no you know how that just haslike a hint of like a corn I mean it’scorn obviously it tastes like corn butlikeI’m so disappointed it tastes like theseOreos the other cookies were so muchbetter yeah they were so good there wasyou could only eat like one of them cuzit’s so much sugar they’re so supersweet like incredibly sweet but they’reso good yeah so I suggest you buy theseOreos tell us if they taste like cornbut then also buy the other cookies justbecause they’re good I say you just goout and buy your favorite cookie oh yeahyeah do that don’t listen to us so Ithink because we’re trying to get on thebetter sleep schedule with the baby Ithink we’re gonna call it a nightyeah gotta go to sleep and what do youdo right before you go to bed to eatlike a thousand cookies so of course asmuch sugar as possible I think we’rereally setting ourselves up for successhere oh yeah but I’m just gonna get likea Nespresso no – oh yeah I want to makeme a double yeah hey guys we recorded anoutro for this video but somethinghappened where the camera wasn’trecording I don’t know we lost the outroso all in all it was a fantastic day andwhat that being said we are off andwe’ll see you guys tomorrow I’m Emilyfrom New Orleans Louisiana and now it’stime to pay the price[Music]