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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys waiting to go ahead and showyou a quick recipe to make for the kidsas their home and there are some thingsyou can add to it to to make it evenhealthier and this does have protein init because of the peanut butter butwe’re gonna be making some chocolate andno baked cookies so we’re gonna startoff in our pan we’re gonna put on areally low heat we’re going to start offby putting in a half a stick of butteryou know this would be the biggestchallenge now this is salted butter thatit called for if you do not have saltedbutter add a dash of butter in with itand so I have a half or one stick ofbutter sets a half a cup of one in 3/4time cup of sugar this isn’t a healthfood just so you know on the third of acup of cocoa powder and and so what wemight do this is really like a candymethod so we’re gonna be bringing thiscooking this togetherand I kind of take the edge of the spoonand break up the butter some in thereand you want to have this on a warmenough heat so it’s melting it but sonot so high that it’s gonna scorcher ofkurtal your milk so I’m just gonna keepthis spoon moving in there I’m using awooden spoon of course so one it doesn’thurt a metal pan neither this one butalso so it doesn’t get too hot as I holdentire time now what I want to do withthis mixture is bring it to a boil thisis really a can-do method that you’restarting with liquid cookies we’re notgoing to use a candy thermometer it’swaiting here than that and if you’remaking this with your kids of course itwill hatch that you’re by the flame youknow what kids just stand it a flame bythemselves so make sure that you’re withthem while they do this this is a greatrecipe when I had all my kids at homethat we would double this recipe you canalso freeze it after it’s made so that’sreally nice as well so eventually whenwe’re no longer sheltered at home youcan keep these in the freezer take themout when friends are coming over thissummer another thing this recipe willcall for and peanut butter and oatmealand then vanilla you never want to addyour vanilla while it’s still cookingfor any recipe vanilla over the flameit’s gonna get really bitter so bitteris not better or bitter is better and sowe don’t want to add that in until it’soff of the heat source so we’re justkeep stirring this and we really wantedto come to a full boil and we want to bereally strict with that one minute nowthe recipe this particular recipe thatI’m using and most of them that you willfind will call for put cooking oats tobe added to it you could use either oneyou know give a little bit differenttexture depending on which one you douse the batch I made earlier I used justold-fashioned oatsI really prefer that but a lot of peoplelike the unclick oats insteadso we’re just waiting for this to boilhere and you can start to see that thereare some bubbles coming up in it butagain I wanted it a full rolling boil Idon’t want it just bubbling around theoutside edges before I start that oneminute okay so you see that it’sstarting to boil around the outsideedges but I’m not going to start my1-minute timer yet until I see itboiling all over now it’s starting tocome to a fuller boil and so I’m goingto go ahead and start my watch all rightso as our one minute is finishing uphere we’re gonna go ahead and remove itfrom the heat source so I’m just gonnago down over here to the side of thisstove and I’m going to add in my peanutbutter so we can start getting thatmelted in so again it’s two thirds of acup of peanut butter and then three cupsoats and again one two vanilla again donot add your vanilla until it’s off ofthe heat source and we’re just gonnastir that all together now the hardestthing with these cookies havingeverybody wait to eat them until they’reall set up which doesn’t really takethat long but once you kids know thatthese are in the works for some reasonthey just start you know they they startto come a-runnin so make sure that youget these setting up quickly so thatthey’ll know now of course if you makethem a little smaller they’re gonna setup faster I made a batch earlier todayto show you how they set up and look andI made them a little bit bigger kids thekids in my house nowadays are big enoughsize that they would eat several of themso I went ahead and just made thembigger my scoop alright so then with myI think this is about a tablespooncookie dough scoop I’m gonna go aheadand just lay these out now I will tellyoureally sure where my pampered chefscooped quick because I prefer that onebut I’m this one works just as this oneworks not not quite as well but so thisis the size I’m making for these I useda larger scoop for the ones I madeearlier today I have a little boy in ourneighborhood that I figured outabsolutely loves just peanut butter soI’m looking forward to when theshelter-in-place is no longer here so Ican make him and his little brother somesome of these cookies with some Jeffpeanut butter in them all right so thisis we made 42 of these small cookies outof the recipe now earlier today I madesome larger ones and I used a largescoop the benefit to that is you couldeat one cookie and so less judgmentthere right if you eat one cookieinstead of three so good for yousuccess and so they take probablyeverything about an hour definitely theywould be ready to eat could be evenbefore that you just they’re evengetting they’re getting more solid nowyou can see that I can already pick themup but I would I would give it probablyat least a half hour before you wouldeat them that again you can freeze themif you’re lucky enough that you have anyleft once the kids know that they’reready to eat so feel free to let me knowwhat you think and the success that youhave with it we will be making someother recipes later this week includingporcupine meatballsyou[Music]