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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey my bros okay continue yeahhi what is up hi it’s so tough like Iraqso definitely moving you in the videoswell I’m differentI’d like a normal person yeah anyway heyguys how’s it going today I’m prettygood don’t worrytry again hey guys how’re you going hopeyou having a really good afternoon[Music]we have rinsed this weekend starts todayreally specialmr. Boddy thanks Sarah my girlfriendvery special guest you work so hard toget me in the video yes today we cook incooking I’m so excited I want snacks areyou making what are you makingum judging by the fact there’s peanutbutter and flour maybe something withpeanut butter and flour working peanutbutter cookies spot comedy show and haveyou guys watch the rest of the videoyeah but I’m actually cooking oh coollisten you know that so I put an apronon that doesn’t get one cuz he’s just aguest anyway so first step we are goingto Zachary de Festeroh okay we’re gonna preheat our oven to180 yeah yep so can you please line abaking tray with baking paper why can’tyou do I want to turn the oven on oh youmaking the guest of the behind would Ihave that you i greased it do you knowhow to do thatno oh it doesn’t say grace this is Lanawith making a about spinning[Music]no I guess we don’t have to look gracewe’re not making it can we make a peanutbutter cake cookiesI mean three ingredients in richlandliterally the same it doesn’t be givenmassive big cookie no don’t do that willmake cookies okay give me the tray[Music]mm-hmm okay next step on our importantstep lists it says step to beat thebutter or margarine and peanut butter ina mixing bowl with electric beaters youhave electric heaters Sarah’s gotelectric Vedas everyone how good is thatwe’re beating the butter and peanutbutter together so how much butter 1 cupof peanut butter and 125 grams of so canyou put half of that in the bottle dudeI can do whatever you want me to do andso we’re gonna put half of that sweetone and then also one cup of crunchypeanut butteryouI’m gonna use that very we’re gonna useit very I can’t can’t flip itI’m gonna use that very oh that was socoolI’m gonna use our very nice black ahmate I got itnavigating what – isn’t that all right Ican do that[Music]and that is their consistency there sonow we’re going to do dry ingredientsbut next step all the dry ingredients sowe’ve got to do plain flour a littlesifted you want a sifter Wowyeah a cylinder a cylinder guys maybe acolanderthat’s the money it’s right I got thisguys I went to post this morning to getall the ingredients for this and it wasliterally like hobby any pasta hobby newtoilet paper mislaid was complained butthey didn’t have the right nappies forher child because freaking coronaviruseveryone’s like spoken up you can’t eattoilet paper people like I like everyonewe’re just clearing out the show but I’mlike you can still go to the shops aswell like it’s just a bit dramatic offtaste 1/2 teaspoon of baking pan niceand then use a wooden spoon you knowwhat we ain’t doing that less recklesspeople reckless not using wooden spoonsit’s basically weird happening and thelast thing is 3/4 a cup of peanuts I cando that it’s already crunchy peanutbutterso now we have to add the wetingredients to the dry ingredients fallover nobody really knows what addingneed some maple syrup – I don’t have therecipe though[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]okay so it’s been 15 minutes and we’regonna check the mail what you goodmm-hmmoh there’s Sean are we going the timewell that’s definitely been 15 minutesbut you not just yeah you ready yepbaby done Oh assign to get bran they’regood I think I mean they good perfectnya so here we go final result we justhad lunch so he uses eart am i gonna doa taste test so goodgreat she’s nice and warm too she isvery hmm mmm damn Sarah there’s somegood chips biscuits things she give thisto a dog a dog would love this dosomething about this get yourself a dogthe Heysen allergic to peanut butter sosome peanut butters are allergic fordogsit’s not some dogs are allergic topeanut butter get yourself a tough dogokaysausage your dog probably don’t GermanShepherd you should let them try ityeah no don’t do that because if itcomes back to us and we kill your dogI’m sorry we’re not what honor is if thedog dies it’s not animal cruelty youjust trying to beat it the dog’s faultfor being weak is held anyway guysthanks for so much for watching I hopeyou enjoyed this video and havingZachary on the channel be more involvedmm-hmm and I will see you in my nextvideowhat’d you feed dogs see ya[Music][Music]