Cookies Recipes

Come Smoke & Bake Cookies With Us |Brittany Allison

In todays video I Introduced you to someone special and close to me, we smoked and baked cookies it was super fun! . Make sure to like comment subscribe and join the familyI upload Monday,Wednesdays, and Fridays! And I also upload to the weedtube now on Tuesdays and Thursdays! I own no rights to music nor am I selling any regulated goods!!! search Brittany Allison (link coming soon)


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Waffles Recipes
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Cookies Recipes
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welcome back to my channel hi everybodyI hope you’re all having an amazing dayif you’re new here my name is BrittanyAllison I upload here on YouTube MondayWednesdays and Fridays and also I’m onthe Wii – but Tuesdays and Thursdaysfive days a week five days of contentsubscribe to both you’ll never miss outwhathey guys what’s up welcome back foranother video my name is Brittany and Iwas gonna train you here it’s gonna belike a log ish video um you’re gonna goahead into a bake with me we’re gonnabake some cookies and then we are goingto eat and then we’re gonna bakeourselves in the process of all thecookies are baking I hope this makessenseso give this video a big thumbs up[Music][Music][Music]my dad smoked so I think my dad smokedme it’s the least someone making itappearance I don’t know if I mentionedthis I bought this silicone snail and Inamed him Larry and it was like fivebucks I think he looks super dope but Ineed to get moving because I need to putweed in the box four times in twominutes it’s never two minutes like thisthis happens every time I see monkey doshe she was just here she probablyliterally just like are you ready tosmoke I have a timer going on thecookies is for 12 minutes so it’sprobably down to like and I want to giveyou the honors of taking the first bonghit tonight because the last thing youwanted it I didn’t realize when I tookit from gonna felt back so you sit inthe chair you know I’m sitting heresomebody pinged to this you’re the firstvisitor I’ve had today smoke way so Ipassed you the bong you’re smoking on anew string called ice cream cake do youwanna know a little bit about it knowenough to know about itgreat I’m a guy can you hold this for asecond towards me like you say anythingto the people watching about cannabis doanything you want to say we’re notsaying anything to anybody this is notlive is it no no we don’t whine I did aninterview of these someone’s a jokebecause I explained it like I used to dothe one that got me to start smoking andyou know they really should bring youdown on your channel and you should getthem to dab someone that’s what theylove to try I don’t know if you wouldwould you ever jab no noyou don’t look at the camera if you lookat the screen you’re not looking at thescreen so you can’t see yourself lookingat yourself are you doing I can’t be 4minutes and 16 seconds so I have to gocheck my cookiesgod it was like have that much air sowithin your body you don’t think youcould ever do if you tried like reallyreally hardno cigarettes in my body to do thatagain I just really had to learn I don’twhen I hear somebody do that that longI’m like well you remember it wasn’tlong ago like five maybe five years agowhen we had the warm side the pools Iknew she didn’t to the water for I thinkit was like in your mind it was over twominutes you it was impressive I rememberit was a really long time I guess whatthey weren’t did you feel it the nextday like when you really good kid wasthere ever a time in your life that yousmoke more weed than Li cigarettes wereyou always more cigarettes than we’dlike what age it would age when you’re20 definitely then like till one likewhat like what ages did you smoke themost of your life okay did I stopsmoking yeah when you were like – I waslike – did you smoke smoking weed freeyou you smokedbut did you smoke like consistently ordo you smoke like just like a little bithere a little bit therelike I wonder like what was young Ismoke all the time look how much did yousmoke a weekyou’re not aunt Lin you can’t answer wasweed expensive back then no well it wasit was it wasn’t expensive well but thepricing was different back then as wellso how much you made in a day $20 $100back then right so you bought a 20 bagof weed but back in those days if youbought 20 bucks you got like this muchweed across the bag a lot of weed but noit wasn’t as good as it was thank youfor coming did you want to say anythingdo you want say goodbye to my friendsall rightso literally these 39 seconds can I takea hit yes yes there’s always time to hitI will always be late to make adifferenceit is time to check the cookies I’mgonna warn y’allI didn’t preheat the oven I just for aminute look I did create it for like agood five minutesOh perfect okay glad she did this rightyou know what I hateI don’t like all this what’s crazy is Idon’t give myself enough credit if Iactually can bake if I try just don’tever I mean this has been baking this ispretty something in the oven shaking itup but I can make muffins from scratchand they can make the stretch I’m likewell I’ve been able to make muffinswhose parents like 2016 and that is sohot holy fuck okay sexy little do peopleknow Mike she got accepted into theculinary is through America going thereI don’t know how to bake well like myone friend she she can bake like she’slike that I would literally like she canbig amazing oh my god I could bake likeher I would like really never leave myhouse I do always make it something sheis so good I’m not really that I justknow how to make things if I really digmy time this videos to love thechocolate chipsmy chocolate chips anniversary kissesdon’t mind me so what tip I have is totake them out of the oven so they don’tkeep burning but I think they’re littlelike squishy like when you’re trying toget them off the trailer you don’t wantthem to break I just give them a minuteto harden just a tiny tiny tiny bitbecause some of them came off just fineput a couple other ones we’re startingto have a couple issues I’m just me inmy full second the aftermath of thethumbnail so the cookies are super asfor the Hershey kiss ones I thinkthey’re good I think they just need tobe either in different amount of timesobviously you’re melting two thingstogether or maybe smaller but otherwisesuper God wouldn’t in this video up herehas any super stoned I’m super hard notto edit this but stay tuned I have somuch content coming up Thursday andFriday and I’m excited about itthere’s so much stuff in general I comeand subscribe during the family I’ll seey’all man yeah my hair is flower and Ijust took with thumbnail for this if Ieven end up using it not sure oh I don’tlike when alpha starts with name in thelist as well like the steak

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