hello!!! these cookies were really good, and baking is a really fun thing to do if your bored!
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome welcome back to mychannel if you don’t know me my name isJenna and today I’m going to be doing abake with me I’m going to be makingthese peanut butter cookies so basicallysince as always in sick quarantine rightnow I’m a good thing to do when you’rebored is bake because it’s really funand it takes up a lot of time and yeahbut so today I’m going to be baking somecookiesso I’m gonna go get all ingredients andstarting so now I have all myingredients so it’s a probably ask thisbowl I need some vegetable oil eggs sobasically my mom just preview the ovento 375 and that’s what it has to do thenit says first I’m gonna dunk this outso I just poured in my face key stuffand it smells so good I love peanutbutter so much so that’s why I’m makingthis I usually don’t like cooking stuffI’ve never tried anything my cheeseall right so it calls for threetablespoons of vegetable oil so avegetable[Music][Music]then it says 1% of water so I’m gonnaget the water so I did god help us gonnawater it and then I’m just gonna pour itand by the way I want to say but beforeyou guys started baking do you want tomake sure that you wash your handsI already washed my hands before thisvideo but yeah and this would probablybe a really good cookie if you lovepeanut butter which I do so that’s goodbut the funny thing is that I haven’tone brother if you don’t know and hehates peanut butter but I love it somuch so I think you just stir and thismight take a while you start off you putthe same time lapse so yeah but thisdoes smell good and its really fun ifyou like take the time into bakingbecause I don’t knowand I just bake a lot because like a lotof my family likes to bake so I alwaysbake with them it’s just really fun soit’s a good thing to do when you’reboredand so you want to make sure you goteverything so if it just looks like kindof like this that’s good but you want tomake sure you get the bottom and seemaking the house any Reich powder stufflike your mix so yeah I’m doing rightnow so I’ll show guys on finish it so Ijust finished mixing and how does justthe like plain peanut butter yeah but nothat’s all you have to do I’m gonna goget a bite coming for my cookies okay soI’m not have a cookie sheet and I’venever gotten boys to have enough spaceso basically this is why you need towash your hand because you’re going tobe touching your dough but your coffeeit says you want to make them about aninch big and about one to two inchesapart so I’m finding probably two so Ijust know that they won’t like combinebecause I’ve had that happen too manytimesor I didn’t spread them out enough sothey combined but you don’t have youdon’t really have to get I’m measuringlike a ruler or anything and measure howbig they are and how far apart they arebecause I miss estimating you know mymother but I’m just going to speed thisup cuz I have nothing really to say yeah[Music]first impressionyou OPN we should be closing friends ifyou OPN engages on my tender request mychariot get the doors ope and take thehigh road it’d have been firstimpression okay guys so I just finishedrings and mounts and the three mumblesso I have three like there’s three rowsof five minutes on each row to find nextto each other just um I baked to eightto ten minutes so much I’ll probablywear I’ll make nine minute just to makesure the notch to like soft and not toohard so I’m gonna put them in an ovenand I’ve now[Music]okayso I just put the rest of the 15 doughin this tub where and I made someplay-doh today let me play dough and itkind of like slimy play-doh and I moveit from like scratch obviously but Ijust like leave it this morningand over there to share it’s literallyI’m pretty sure everyone has theingredients you needI’m how it’s gonna be playing with thisand you’ll actually put it in for 8minutes because I my mom said to do andshe’s an expert I guess so I had sixminutes left but other than two minutesuntil since we put it in but yeah let’sget a little on your hands but it isfine so I’ll see you guys when it be[Music][Music]so the cookies are finally done they’refinished and London’s volume waiting forI’m going to be eating it then I’ll justeat this one this is how they turned outokaythey’re small we’re just been so fullneutron and they’re people a favorthis one okayso sorryhey so I definitely recommend makingcookies app play when you’re boredbecause it’s really funny I’m gonna dosoyeah that’s gonna be the end of my videoplease give a thumbs up subscribe andhit me notification my ticket Memphisfrom every video post and you if youwant to go if you like this video pleasego check out all my other videos andstay tuned for every Saturday andWednesday because that’s my housethen I’m posting this video really latebut it’s fine but yeah um that concludestoday’s video um you guys I sign up bye