Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi what are you doing oh good I lovecookies what do what do you mean oh dowe need eggs do we have any eggs allrightgood thank goodness um hon can we putsome walnuts in the cookies please yesdo we have any walnuts yes good good Ilove raisins I’d like to have someraisins in the cookies um and ginger Ithink is there any ginger I’m going tocheck I’m going to check and see ifthere’s ginger let me see uh nope thereis isn’t any ginger that’s all rightokay all right greatand then are you going to start makingthe cookies yes a bowl that’s a nicebowl yes Wow okay and when you’refinished mixing the cookies where areyou going to put themoh we have two in the oven okay allright thanks so much for making thesecookies hon I’m looking forward to it